Friday, May 20, 2016

Mancat Tail Enhancement

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss? My tail won't fit inside this thing.

KATIE:  What, you haven't been ordering stuff from the back of that mancat magazine again have you?


KATIE:  Waffles, you've got the bed turned sideways, on it's end. 

WAFFLES:  Yeah, and my tail won't fit. 

KATIE:  You already said that, Waffles. Try turning the bed the RIGHT way.

WAFFLES:  You mean like this?

KATIE:  I don't know how you mancats walk around with those things.

About Today's Photos 
Today's photos are a flashback to 2014 when we were trying out the Googie Cat Bed from Davies Decor. Waffles couldn't figure out if it was a bed, a playground or a phone booth. And despite it's generous size, his infamous 15" tail was hanging out all over the place!

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  1. It's not the size, it's how you use it . . . though if I had a tail that gorgeous, I'd be swinging it around and showing it off everywhere. ~Bear Cat

    Males {sigh}. So clueless. The first picture says it all. Waffles is lucky he has Katie to help him out :) ~Momma Kat

  2. You've got it Waffles, so flaunt it!

  3. Just be careful you don't get it caught somewhere Waffles

  4. I remember the post - that was so much fun to read about!!! I remember we laughed at Waffles and LOVE the bed er phonebooth um couch.....

    Kaie must be rolling her eyes at Waffles being so silly!!

    PS Miss Debbie, did you get our email? I know you are really busy...

  5. I hate getting litter out of the litter box corners.

  6. MOL! I can see Boodie doing something like that... and her tail may not be as long as Waffles' - but it's fluffier!

  7. MOL! We think it's more comfortable long-ways.... What a tail!!!!!

  8. Waffles, that tail is amazing!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. How many of you got a spam warning from Glogirly's email? I couldn't figure out why until I read "mancat tail enhancement" the subject of which many spam emails are sent. Seriously ROTFLOL!

  10. Waffles, how big are your hands??? You're such a funny mancat.

  11. Ichiro probably wouldn't fit. He's a big boy!

  12. I sit on top of mine but won't go in it. That's some tailio to have to groom.

  13. That looks like a cool bed, Waffles! You can use it any which way you'd like.

  14. My tuxedo guy Mr Chang has a monster tail too..he knocks things off the coffee table with it every time he walks

  15. We hope that tail doesn't dangle into the commode water! We've heard rumors...

  16. We all know you have the longest tail in the blogospphere- you are just showing off :)

  17. Are you sure that tail's not photoshopped, Waffles?? ;)

  18. Hey, watch where you're swinging that tail, Waff! :)


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