Saturday, March 7, 2015

TV Trip: Sonny & Cher - I Got You Boss


KATIE:  They say we're young and we don't know, we won't find out until we grow.

WAFFLES:  Um, I don't know what that all means but you got me and Bo-ss I got you.

KATIE:  *Huh?*

WAFFLES:  Boss.  I got you Boss. I got you Boss.


KATIE:  They say our love won't pay the rent. Well that's for sure, or we'd be in a tent.

WAFFLES:  But camping's fun and picnics too. You grab the toys and I'll eat bring all the food.

KATIE:  *Sure*

WAFFLES:  Boss.  I got you Boss. I got you Boss.


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  1. Earworm and HAIR in one post.
    My night is complete

  2. The Staff suddenly feels the need to search out her bright orange hipsters with psychedelic flares!

    *runs to hide*

  3. Very cool! For some reason I thought Waffles would be Sonny though.

    1. It all came down to the wig. Waffles did a better job of rocking the wig. ; )

  4. OMC!!! I loved the Sonny and Cher Show and always wanted to be Cher! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey Gang!

  5. Parental Unit is with Deb—she always wanted to at least look like one point she put hair straightener and black dye on the same day...hoo boy!

  6. Mom says this takes her way back! Youze guys is so funny.

  7. Oh, that is GREAT! I wanna see Waff’s bell bottoms.

  8. I did this song on a dare with a study abroad classmate in a pub in Edinburgh in 2004. I asked him if he knew it, or was at least familiar with it, and he said he was, but when we got up there, he mumbled his way through Sonny's lyrics and totally bungled his half! *facepalms* Muppet! You and Katie did a much better job, Waffles. I wonder how she feels about your declaration.

  9. HILARIOUS!!!! I'll be singing that song all day! Groovy guys!! ✌️

  10. Adowable as always. And weez hav da awguments ovew da water fountains. We now hav 2 and still we boff wanna dwink outta da same one at da same time. MOL Y'all hav a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  11. Looking groovy Katie!
    This is the Bestest hUMOr Blog.

  12. Waffles, Mauricio says that if he was you, he'd be getting a complex about having to play the girl's role most of the time. We will admit you are a darn cute, Cher...oops, we mean Waff. Hope you'll join us for Sunday Selfies tomorrow. XOCK, Kitties Blue

  13. You make a great Cher, Waffles although I can't help thinking you should have been Sonny.

  14. Now you got mum singing songs! Arghhh!

  15. you two make such a groovy couple...

  16. I got you Boss, very clever! When is the video coming out?

  17. Wonderful rendition of a classic! You two make my Saturdays happy! Love, Z-Girl

  18. Mommy just ran outta the room yelling EAAAAARRRWOOOOOORRRMMMM!


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