Monday, March 2, 2015

Dr. Seuss Day with Thing 1 & Thing 2

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, how come YOU always get to be Thing 1?

KATIE:  Because, Waffles... I was here first.

WAFFLES:  But you get your breakfast first, you get your dinner first, you get your snacks first. You get EVERYTHING first.

KATIE:  Yes, and?

WAFFLES:  Just once I want to go first.

KATIE:  Well Waffles, today is your lucky day. Glogirly's bringing us to the doctor this morning for our annual wellness check ups. And I'm going to let YOU play Where's The Thermometer first.

WAFFLES:  Sheesh, this isn't what I expected at all for Dr. Seuss Day.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

We've always loved looking at the world through the eyes of Dr. Seuss. 
He approached life with a childlike wonder and silliness that could make anyone smile. 
Though his words were simple, his message wise.

To the world you may be one person.
But to one person you may be the world.
~Dr. Seuss


  1. Katie do you want one fish or two fish, a red fish or a blue fish?

  2. pssssst! Waffles...Maui here. For some chicken I'll tell you how to SHOOT the thermometer!

    Good Times.

  3. Love it! and those are two of our favourite Dr Seuss quotes!!

  4. My human hates Dr. Seuss! Can you believe it? At least you two made her smile today.

  5. Katie, you can let Waffles have the Green Eggs while you eat the Ham!

  6. Those are some impressive blue hairdos, you two! It's only fair that Katie be thing one since she was there first, but Waffles, you'll always be first when it comes to some of your traveling adventures. We're pretty sure Katie will let you be thing one for those, too.

  7. AWWW.. Cutest Things ever.
    Happy Dr Seuss Day.

  8. You guys are great Things! Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

  9. Poor Waffles. We aren't sure he's going to like going first at the Stabby Place...

    Love your graphics and quotes!

  10. we love those two quotes...... good luck at the stabby place

  11. Great Poem pals. Love you both.

  12. Y'all sure are Seussified today! Good luck finding the thermometer Waffles!

  13. "To the world you may be one person.
    But to one person you may be the world."
    ~Dr. Seuss
    I think about this in terms of our cats. It's an awesome honor and responsibility and joy( except when they're sick).

  14. BOL yay! You go first
    Lily & Edward

  15. You lucky boy, Waffles. You can go first for a change!

    Love your blue wigs!

  16. He had some great quotes that Dr. Seuss. Katie will always be Numero Uno.

  17. We do agree with Dr Seuss!
    Ahhh Waffles about going first, do you want to change your mind?
    Happy Dr Seuss Day!!!

  18. Nice hair, Katie and Waffles! Did you get it done at the same place as our Gracie and Zoe? MOL!

    Happy Dr. Seuss Day, dear friends!

  19. Be careful about demanding what you want, Waffles. It's often delivered in a way you definitely did NOT want to get it in. xp Be lots nicer to Katie next time, and maybe you can be Thing 1 next Dr. Seuss Day.

  20. MOL that didn't work out too well, did it?

    Happy Dr Seuss Day!!

    The Florida Furkids

  21. My wellness check at the VET did not involve the probe!

  22. Love it!! Oh oh Waffles, I guess you went FIRST at the Vet appointment. You wanted to be first!

  23. You two wear wigs, hats and costumes better than any cats we know. Your Seussiness is really shining through today. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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