Thursday, April 17, 2014

MAYDAY! MAYDAY! ...Um, What's a MayDay???

WAFFLES:  Hey, Boss?  What's a MAYDAY?

KATIE:  It's a secret, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  C'mon Boss, you can tell me. What's a MAYDAY?

KATIE:  If I told you, Waffles... I'd have to –

WAFFLES:  Ok don't tell me, I'll guess!

WAFFLES:  Is it when you put flowers on your hat?

KATIE:  No, Waffles. That's Easter. Besides, you're a CAT. That's not really a good look for you.

WAFFLES:  Oh I know! It's when you leave flowers at my doorstep! 

KATIE:  Well, there IS an old tradition of anonymously leaving flowers at your NEIGHBOR's door on the first of May. However you are NOT my neighbor... as much as I wish you'd move in with the dog next door. 

WAFFLES:  I've GOT it!!! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! I need HELP!!!!

KATIE:  You need help alright, Waffles. But that's got nothing to do with MAYDAY.

KATIE:  Something BIG is happening here on May, 1 but my kitty lips are sealed.  All I can say is you won't want to miss it!


  1. No, Patty! We're not moving!!!
    We'll be right here. : )

    Our surprise is more for our friends and readers!
    But keep the guesses coming!

  2. I'm excited... although I have no idea what I'm excited about yet!

  3. Oooh....a mystery!

    Elvira & Sneakers
    The Opinionated Pussycat

  4. OMG is this another of your superb splendiferous UNique and One of a Kind giveaways that are the envy of the blogosphere?

    Are you have a revamp?
    You are having a video festival?
    You are having a Katie tshirt made?
    You are having a Waffles lunchbox made?
    Waffles is having his Therapy cat test * anxious ears *
    A birthday party?
    An international blogosphere party?

    Nope we can't guess.....

    * sigh *

    Silver Kitten

  5. Oh my goodness, we're on pins and needles! We can't wait to find out!

    In the meantime, have a great Thursday!

  6. Oh, it's so exciting ! We cannot wait to see it ! What a suspense ! Purrs

  7. Is Waffles going to dress up in flowers & dance around the May Pole?!? That would be a SIGHT!!!!!

  8. We can't wait to find out what it is!

  9. You have me wishing I knew too. I'll be back!

  10. We are excited to see what you have in store!!

  11. Oh come on, what's going on
    Lily & Edward

  12. Is the cat sitter coming to stay? Love Dolly

  13. Oh I am intrigued!!!!! Can't wait till May Day!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  14. Oh the suspense...
    Has Katie finally figured out how to get rid of Waffles?
    Did Waffles get his pet therapy license?
    Hmmm... maybe Waffles can give Katie a little therapy....
    We'll stay tuned!

  15. Whoa! Waff, you sure have a big mouth and it’s open a lot! Heh heh! OK, I’m guessing a huge giveaway or you’re going to WordPress. Maybe you’ve designed something really BIG!

  16. Holy carp! Could you have at least shared this little tidbit closer to May 1st? Now we will be waiting on pins and needles to find out what the surprise is!

  17. Oh oh OH we know...Waffles you're getting a new brofur! Right?

  18. WE think you'll be branching out with a new product line. Waiting with baited breath ......

  19. Come on Katie...let the cat out of the bag!! (Do NOT put Waffles in a bag!)

  20. You're adopting another little orange kitty boy..mol..sorry Katie..I'm just teasing you sweetie..I think!

  21. Ooooo a Beltane treat!! We can't wait!

  22. Oh, dear, wonder what the big surprise is. Do you think Katie would accept a bribe, Waffles?

  23. But May 1st is forever away! I might explode with excitement waiting until then.

  24. Mowzers, after Silver's guesses, we cave. Totally. Have nooo idea. (Well actually our HUMAN does, but she's not telling. HARUMPF. Seriouslies, like I can't keep a secret? ~Faraday. Allie: uhm, yeah, not so much, Brat. )

  25. Waffles you are so silly. Are you becoming a full fledged service cat?
    Sue B

  26. Are you getting another cat???? or maybe a doggie????

  27. Maybe MayDay will mean mayday. Depends on what happens!

  28. You's all lookin' vewy cute. Meez a service kitty and wus told dat you's Waffle is gunna be a therapy kitty. Meez finks dat's wunnewful. Hope you's hav a Pawsum day/nite.

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses :D


  29. We can hardly wait! Oh that Waffles really did go all out with the BIG graphic! MOL! Too Funny

  30. Wow, now you really have piqued our interest. We actually think you are quite cute in the flowered hat. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  31. Oh! Mes can;t wait! Can't wes has a little hint!


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