Thursday, February 20, 2014

Treasures, Wild Dreams & the Vet

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! What's in the bag?

KATIE:   Oh, nothing. Just treasures beyond your wildest dreams.

WAFFLES:  Cool, Boss! I love wild dreams and treasures!

KATIE:  Well you better open your eyes if you're going to actually see anything.

WAFFLES:  So where's the treasure stuff?

KATIE:  Go on, Waffles. Right in there.

WAFFLES:  Boss? I can't see anything. 

KATIE:  Just walk this way. 

WAFFLES:  Did you turn off the lights?

KATIE:  A little farther.

WAFFLES:  This is a rip off. There's no treasures. 

KATIE:  Oh that's right. I think the treasures are waiting for you at the VET.

WAFFLES:  Ok, Boss. I promise to share.

KATIE:  No need, Waffles. No need.

Mark Poulin Jewelry WINNER!
BIG congratulations to d'Artangan Rumblepurr a.k.a. Rumbles!
He's the lucky winner of our Mark Poulin Jewelry Valentines Giveaway! Rumbles has picked out the same Love Kitty ring that Glogirly has for his special human.
Thank you to our generous sponsor and to  everyone who entered and shared and followed!  We ♥︎ you.

Mad Kitty Cocktail Wants YOU!
Let's get Waffles' picture on the NEW Mike's Harder Lemonade can!
Only 5 votes per person/email. If you've already voted, THANK YOU ♥︎

Just click the link and log in with Facebook or your email.  If you're voting from outside the US, you'll need to click a drop down menu and select your location first. Once you're logged in, move the voting *slider* over to cast five whole votes! You'll only need to do this once ...that is, according to Mike. 
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  1. A regular wellness visit I hope! We have the same carrier but not in black.

  2. That Waffles is up for a trip ANYWHERE.

    Congrats to Rumbles

  3. How I wish Jenna would just walk into her carrier for a trip to the vet!

  4. No worries, everybuddy!
    Waff is just due for his annual vet visit.
    I'm sure it will be a real party.
    ; ) Katie

  5. But... doesn't Waffles LIKE the vet? He probably will think there are treasures there!

  6. Waffles, you've been had... again... Purrs

  7. Oh no! Why are you going to the V-E-T, Waffles?

  8. Congrats Rumbles!!! Waffles, have "fun" at the v-e-t ... Katie, you're sooooooo clever!!!

  9. I can't believe he stayed in the bag after you dropped the V word!!

  10. Waffles, you've been out-smartypantsed!

  11. Katie got you this time, Waffles...but then again, you like the vet, so we don't think you mind.

  12. We're MOL @ that last photo!! We're sorry Katie tricked you but we know you like the VET so we think you'll have fun!

    ConCats to Rumbles!!

    The Florida Furkids

  13. Phew, Katie, you're C O L D! MOL

    But VEEERRRYYYY subtle.

    I like that.

    Now come to MY house & entice some kittens into a box marked "PRIORITY MAIL ABU DAHBI"! MOL!


  14. Concats to the Rumblemum....

    Ummm ok dude?

  15. Waffles, buddy, this is why Katie remains the Boss! You are too easily fooled. Hope you do get some treats at the Vet or when you get home. Concats to Rumpy. That was a great win. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. Aww Waffles, your sweet innocence gets you into trouble!

  17. Waffles you like your Vet don't you? Mom loves the photos of your eyes they are so striking. Miss Katie you are looking so svelte!

  18. Oh, Waffles, you've been duped. But you'll have a good time at the vet anyway.

  19. haha love the tongue photo waffles!!!!
    so adorable!!!
    ((husky hugz))

  20. Never have I seen a cat so laid back about a vet visit. Maybe he thinks he's going back to the nursing home ladies. Or maybe he likes going to the vet. They certainly seem to like HIM.

  21. You know, it isn't a problem if you actually like what is about to happen to you..

  22. I got to have cheese on a stick at my vet's! Maybe that's what Waffles will get!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  23. You two have got to be the coolest cats we've ever seen!

  24. I didnt think Waffles had to be tricked into seeing the vet? Or is it just getting into the carrier? MOL, silly boy either way!

  25. But Waffles LIKES going to the vet, right? And don't they all love him, too? Good plan, Katie, but we think this may not work out exactly like you planned...

  26. You won't find any treasures at the vet's Waffles! Concats to Rumblemum.

  27. I wish some kitties around here would just walk into their carriers..Have fun Waffles!

  28. Katie, mom bean says she wants to borrow you 'cuz none of us gets into our carriers that easy. You must have the art of purrsuasion, MOL

    Have fun at the v e t Waffles (you crazy cat!)
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  29. Heh, heh, heh. You pulled a fast one on poor Waffles.

  30. HAH! You certainly tricked him! Hope hos vet visit went well. Bet he got treats.

  31. Allie: *sighhh-h-h-h-h* It pains me to say this, as I never *ever* thought I'd sympathize with Waffles, but after this past week...

    Faraday: RUN, Waff! RUN!!

  32. You fell for it Waffles! BOL
    Lily & Edward

  33. Waffles that's a long tongue. I think Katie fooled you.
    Sue B

  34. Thanks Katie! I am going to try this tactic on a few gingers in our home. Hope Waffles had great check up...and a good time!

  35. Katie sometimes you are just a little bit to mean !!



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