Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Waffles Wednesday

Um, hi everybuddy, Waffles Too here.

Um, so Katie...I mean the Boss, says I can take over Wensdays on a trail basis.

She tole me it's sposed to be Wordless Wensday and that I should keep it that way.

She was kinda bossy about it. Prolly cuz her name is Boss.

So until I can figure out what Wordless means, I'll just tell you a little bit about me.

1.  My favorite food is Katie's food.
2.  My favorite toys are Katie's toys.
3.  My favorite blanket is Katie's blanket.
4.  My favorite litter box is Katie's litter box.
5.  My favorite water is Katie's water. (but I also like playing in the toil..I mean bathtub)

I like the toilet too, but Glogirly always calls me NO when I try to jump in.  NO must be like a nickname or something.

Ok that's it.

Oh WAIT! I'm in my very first contest ever! It's a cute cats contest over at Eric & Flynn's Adventures. The Boss let me enter instead of her. There's lots of cute cats too choose from, but you can only vote for one US cat and one UK cat.

I'm a US cat. So if you think I'm a cute US cat, can you please vote for me? But you don't have to cuz the other cats are reely cute too. Just be sure to vote. Thanks mew.
Cute Cats Competition & Voting HERE


  1. It must be something with Orange Cats. Sherpa and the toilet have a relationship too.
    We voted for you Waffles Too

  2. It's a good thing you're living in Katie's world.

  3. Waffles Too - you are such an adorable kitten and Katie is a great teacher! Wordless Wednesdays just got even better with Waffles Wednesday! :)

  4. Woof! Woof! LOVE your name and you a a cutie kittie. Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. OMC Waffles Too. The Human just hit a new note on the Squee-o-meter and it hurt my tender ears, yes it did.

  6. Well, that's not too bad, young Waffles! Keep up the good work and soon you'll be awesome, kinda like me! Love, Simon

  7. Waffles Too-you are SO adorable, and thank you to Katie (aka Boss) for giving you Wordless Wednesday!!! We voted and wish you good luck and can't wait to hear more from you!

  8. Waffles, you are getting more gronwup looking in your sweet face. We love your golden eyes.

    Audrey is in th Cute Cats Competition too, so she will going to try to give you a run for your money. Though she really loves that picture of Margs' kitties. And of course you are very cute.

  9. Waffles, it sounds like you and Binga have the same nickname. The only difference is that usually humans don't use that nickname as much when you are a grown-up kitty... and Binga is 12.

  10. Waffles Too,
    Hmmm....your Boss is certainly very generous. Thank Cod there's no orange cat in our household. One pesky tuxie is enough...ooops...I don't mean you, Katie. purrrr....meow!

  11. Good job Waffles, first you get one day and before you know it you've taken over the blog.

    Georgia and Adam
    (formerly the blog of Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew) MOL!

  12. Hi Waffles, lovely to meet you. I think you should always talk on a Wednesday!

    Good luck in your competition, I am sure you will win!

  13. You are so cute we voted for you Waffles. Have a wonderful wordless Wednesday.
    Best wishes Mollly

  14. Katie, are you sure this is wise?!? Judging by his list of favorites, he is seeking a takeover. None of us play in the toilet. But we do like tubs & showers. Have a good day!

  15. Hey, Waffles did pretty good for your first post. Though we're sure Katie is gonna say you said too much. Hehehe.

  16. Hey, Waffles! Get yer own favorites and leave Katie's stuff alone!

  17. We much prefer Waffles Wednesday to Wordless. Just keep on meowing about you and it will be fine.

    Mommy has trained the other humans to keep the toilet lids down @ all times unless it is in use.

  18. We much prefer Waffles Wednesday to Wordless. Just keep on meowing about you and it will be fine.

    Mommy has trained the other humans to keep the toilet lids down @ all times unless it is in use.

  19. Hi there, stopping by from the blog hop. You sure are a cute kitty and I am a dog, so that should mean a lot. I live with 2 kitties of my own. Have a fun day!

  20. How funny sometimes we get called "NO" too Waffles!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  21. Waffles, we are voting for you! Don't tell Katie but we love your version of Wordless Wednesday!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  22. Waffles it is very fortunate that you alliterate with a day of the week. You have one up on Katie there, you know!! ;)

  23. Awwwww wonderful Waffles!! Aren't you just super cute and super gorgeous?!?! Lovely to meet you!! Yay! Take care

  24. Waffles Too, not bad for your first WW outing! You'll get the swing of it soon. ;-)

    And of COURSE we voted for you, sweetie!


  25. You have made mums day because she totally loves you. I am not sure about this because hey I should be the one.. I got to admit you are pretty adorable. Mum says you remind her of me as a baby.. Of course you got our vote.. Hugs GJ xx

  26. Oh Waffles you are precious! By the way, call the toily/bathtub a swimming pool
    Benny & Lily

  27. he he - shhhh - don't tell Katie, but M thinks you are the cutest kitten ever! It was so nice of Katie to let you post - wonder what's up with that. I'd be cautious if I were you - somehow she'll make you pay for this post. he he

  28. we are trying to vote for you but we don't see where you are supposed to vote? We didn't know that US kitties could enter, we thought it was just for the UK...

  29. Waffles Too,

    From one orange tabby to another, other cats stuff is always the best! Hang in there!


  30. YAY!!! We found it! Eric and Flynn came by and told us :)
    We're stupid you know lol.....
    We voted for you and you are winning!!!!!

  31. Hey Waffles Too! The toilet is very interesting, right? I've been getting a lot of NO NO NO when I do that too.

    Your pal, Tutu

  32. that was the best wordless post of all time.

  33. you are a cutie but make sure you learn from the boss as she is very clever,xx Speedy

  34. Aw, Katie must think you've got a functioning brain to take over anything! (We knew you did!) Of course, we'll vote for you. We hope you have a happy Wednesday, Waffles, and that you're nice and polite to Katie.

  35. Lol, loved learning more about you Waffles. I like the way Waffles Wednesday sounds. Good luck on your contest, I'll pop right over there to cast my vote.

  36. You are the cutest ( don't tell me uffer Kittie furiend'z ) Will go to vote for you :) xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  37. mom acts so stoopid when she sees you. I could alllllmost get jellus!

  38. You are indeed cute, Waffles Too! We wish you luck in the contest!
    And... maybe you should make at least one of your favorite things a not-Katies thing.. you know, just to keep the peace?

  39. Nice job on your post, Waffles. Though you didn't quite get the wordless Wenesday, we liked the wordy version very much!

  40. Waffles, buddy! You've got to get a mind of your own. Maybe when you're a mancat you can stake your own ground.

    I voted for you over at Eric and Flynn's and it looks like a whole lot of other folks did, too. Who could resist that face?

    Thanks for coming by with your sister and Mom to wish Dante a happy birthday.

  41. Waffles Too
    My Mom has a soft spot for orange boys, although I think my brother Ping is a dufus. Your sister and I share many of the same thoughts I believe about brothers and tiger cats. We tuxie girls have to stick together.

  42. i really tried to boycott Waffles Wednesday but TW made me come over. She loves it when kitties look like their elbows are hanging over the edge of the tree. She has a picture like that of me which she used as wallpaper for a year. Yeah, yeah, W2 is cute but you have seniority.

  43. Panky: I like the Waffles Wednesday- DaMa compromised wif me and dats why Iz haf ManCat Musings instead of wordless wednesday. MOL

  44. Oh Waffles! I feel I has so much to teach you! I see a Wunnerfull Mentorship in our future. I can teach you ALL KINDs of fings that Katie is just going to LOVE, like Wednesdays should really be WHACK-a-KATIE Wednesday (no need to say nuffin - just "Whack!" away). this is 'specially effective when you whack her while she's busy using the litter box. she will LOVE this game.
    And that's just Wednesday. Tomorrow, I'll fink of some more fings. Good luck!

  45. Waffles! Dude!
    Kozmo here. Big sisters are really a pain in the patutie! My sister Queen Penelope is always on my case about everything! Still! After 2 years!
    I have to agree with SparkySpitfire!
    Whack her back!

  46. We think you did a really good ob with your first post, Waffles! NO *is* a nickname. Our mom and dad call US that, too, sometimes!


    Sammy and Moosey

  47. Maybe "NO" is a title like "Mr." or "Miss"? We hear it too. We find the things we like best are usually the things someone else has.

  48. You know what, Waffles? "NO" means Good Boy! Keep going!

  49. We voted! As of Jan 17, 12:20am EST, you're in the lead! The cool thing about Blogger voting, it shows you the latest results after you vote.

  50. Hi Katie and Waffles too I have something for you pop by when you have a minute,xx Speedy

  51. Benjamin Bunny can totally relate to your list of likes Waffles. Gracie's food, toys, etc...are his favorite also. And, she thinks she is the boss too.

  52. Well, I learned when I first moved in here that black and white girls rule. Sadly, my black and white sister is no longer with us, so us boys sometimes do what our mom says. Sometimes. But ... yeah. That "no" thing? If it's coupled with your name, like "nonoZimmienono!" it's a cheer they do. I mean think about it, Waffles Too. Does GloGirly do it when you're doing something really fun?!?! Yeah. Just as I thought. It's her way of cheering you on. I just KNOW it!
    Just some words of wisdom for you. One kinda orangy pointy earred guy to another.
    Play bows,

  53. Sorry Katie, but these pictures of W2 call for a SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!!

  54. Hi Waffles Too !
    Furry nice of Katie to let you have the blog atleast on wednesday´s ;-)
    Me too likes to play with water wherever it is in :)


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