Friday, January 18, 2013

Waffles Too Security Detail

Hi everyone, Katie here.

A famous and glamourous cat like me can never be too be careful. Who knows what might be lurking just outside the windows. Could be a vicious squirrel. Could be a vicious neighbor. Could be a vicious UPS man.

My friend Kjelle Bus, a.k.a. Charlie Rascal, is looking out for me though. He's the handsome mancat from Sweden with the clear blue eyes. I'm sure if he lived closer (or could swim across the pond) he'd leap at the chance to be my personal bodyguard.

Well, he did the next best thing.  We recently won a giveaway on his BLOG and would you believe what he sent me??? A Waffles Too-sized security guard uniform. So now the orange brat is FINALLY making himself useful.

That's right, Waffles. You just stay over there and guard the window while I enjoy my lunch.

*crunch, crunch, crunch*   Yeah, Waffles...that's it.   *crunch, crunch*   Just keep looking out that window. 
*crunch, crunch*   Nothin' to see here at my food dish.   *crunch, crunch*

What's that, Waffles?   *crunch, crunch, crunch*   You see a piece of lint?   *crunch, crunch* 
Well, what are you waiting for?   *crunch, crunch*   Hurry up and kill it.   *crunch, crunch*
Nice and slow.   *crunch, crunch, crunch*

We also got some REALLY cool toys from Charlie Rascal. I didn't want to distract Waffles Too from his security training though, so we'll tell you all about them next week!

Don't forget to VOTE in the Cute Cats Competition at Eric & Flynn's Adventures! I bowed out of this one to let Waffles Too represent Team Glogirly. He better not embarrass me, that's all I can say. There's LOTS of cute cats too choose from, but you can only vote for one US cat and one UK cat.


  1. An excellent way to put him to use. Too bad our Ichiro is so chicken...

  2. Sounds like a great job for the little guy

  3. He might wear the uniform, but that doesn't mean he'll do the work! One little feather or mousie and we bet he'll forget everything he learned.

  4. Oh my gosh! That is the cutest little security guard ever! Katie, you have everything, and now someone to watch it for you!

  5. Does Waffles like his security uniform? He looks very cute, and I bet he is a good protector!

  6. Enjoy it while it lasts, Katie. We don't think it'll take too long before Waffles Too outgrows his security uniform!

  7. I USED to think that security detail would be a great job for Binga... but she wussed out during our latest adventure!

  8. Dear Katie, I love your glasses you are a fashion girl and I'm sure Waffes is doing a great cat patrol there!Cute pictures!
    purrs and love and Happy Weekend!
    Luna and hugs from mom Léia

  9. Ha ha classic , keep Waffles at the window on Homeland Security detail Katie. Nice one! Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. see this is how good it could be your on personal body guard cool!

  11. Hee hee what a brilliant idea, I will have to get one for ernest!

  12. Good idea, keep that Wafflesmaniac busy!

  13. Waffles Too looks good in his new vest. It has nice contrast with his fur! "If you can't beat 'em, put 'em to work", eh?

  14. That's a great way to keep the beast occupied in a purrductive way! Have a great weekend!

  15. That is the CUTEST EVER!!! Adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I think I need to teach Waffles Too a thing or two...

    Officer Wally

  17. Kjelle Bus did good! Now Waffles Too can be useful!!

    The Florida Furkids

  18. Yes, keeping Waffles Too feeling "useful" will be an excellent distraction ... ^5s Katie.


  19. Looking good Waffles Too! Speaking of security, what ever happened to Waffles? Is he doing okay in his new job? Oh, and Katie, the glasses are simply marvelous!!! Purrs from Zoey!

  20. I don't know what to think of Waffles and security! At least he's busy elsewhere.

  21. small dood...knot ta worree...that shirt iz gonna get ewe bak stage ta concerts; hangin with de holly wood crowd and will get ya inta de big vault at most banks......

    ca ching...... !!!

    hope everee one haza grate week oh end !

  22. Great security. Now watch out that Katie doesn't catch you from behind!

  23. I'm going to send him walkie-talkies so he and I can coordinate your "security." yeah. that's what we'll call it....

  24. Glad the security outfit fit`s purrfect on Waffles Too :)
    As you wrote I would come and be your personal bodyguard if I cold swim over that BIG pond !
    Sparkle´s idea with sending Walkie-Talkies sounds like the dot over the i :)

  25. I think W2 will need a bigger security suit in no time! Does he have any attention span to be a bodyguard?

  26. That is a big job for a squirt. At least you can eat in peace
    Benny & Lily

  27. Waffles looks like he's a natural at that security stuff, Katie! Enjoy that food, sweet girl!

  28. Well Katie, it's a good thing you have a couple of different body guards anyway. It takes two to cover all the shifts.

  29. I knew you would find something to keep him busy! You look great in those shades Katie!

  30. i've long suspected security is all about the uniforms.

  31. Katie,
    You should ask your humans for some treats for his good job... and keep some to yourself ;-)

  32. Meowm say she can come be security for her anytime!

  33. Can we borrow Waffles security sometime? :-)

  34. How sweet! Waffles Too looking out for you, Katie! Love it & your glam look! xx

  35. How cool is that?!? Waffles Too looks like he's doing a bang-up job.
    You look AWESOME in your sunglasses.
    Play bows,

  36. That is an awesome shirt for waffles!

  37. HAH! W2 is finally earning his keep. BTW, how's his Dad doing in the FBI? That Charlie Rascal is the Hot Mancat of the Week over at Callie's too.

  38. Waffles Too looks like a great security guard, but do the actions follow the looks.

  39. Waffles makes a excellent Security Guard!
    Me wants to knows more about what yous got!

  40. I think now Waffles is your official pawsonal body guard ! And what I do understand. He must be follow you every single step and be so close to you, and he might have to risk to eat your food before you to make sure....everything safe for you...Good Luck Miss Katie..MOL

  41. Waffles Too looks like he's enjoying his new job. That's a purrfect shirt for him.

    Mom Paula: Glogirly always takes the best photos!!!

  42. Allie: *sigh* sadly, I didn't think to train him while he was young. When I tried that on Faraday, he asked "What's in it for me?"

    Wait. I think I have CK to thank for that....

  43. well, I hate to say it, but W2 does look very stealth like; I just cannot believe he would let Glogirly put that outfit on him...has he no shame??...just wonderin'...paw pats, Savannah

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