Monday, December 17, 2012

And Then The Doorbell Rang

Hi everyone, Katie here.

He eats my food. He drinks my water. He sleeps in my bed, scratches my posts, plays with my toys. But now Waffles TOO has gone TOO far.

It was supposed to be an easy Sunday. Lounging, movies and catnip. Until the doorbell rang. It was the Cat Sitter. Wha??? The CAT SITTER. There was no warning. There were no suitcases, no big bowls of food. Certainly no teary goodbyes.

The Cat Sitter had apparently arrived on the invitation of Waffles Too. Wha??? Waffles Too INVITED the Cat Sitter AND her boyfriend over to MY townhouse for NO GOOD REASON. Ok, there's never a good reason for the Cat Sitter. But he invited them over to VISIT.  To PLAY.  For the FUN of it. Can you believe it???

Ignorance is bliss alright. 

Meanwhile I was trapped. Held captive against my will in the SAME room as everyone, INCLUDING the Cat Sitter, forced to watch them play with Waffles Too. They were cooing and squeeing all themselves. It was sickening.


  1. Oh dear!
    That Waffles Too is something

  2. Have to watch out for those orange kitties. Our mom said something about a cat sitter in a few weeks. We don't think we like that sound of that.

  3. Goodness!?!? Did yous at least get some whaps or bities on your Daddy?

  4. I am so horrified I am beyond words... Are you sure you don't want to stay in Malaysia?

  5. Allie: *sadly shakes head*
    ...and it begins...

    FaRADaY: W2 put 'er there! *raises paw* Way ta totally freak out the GURLZ!

  6. That kid sure knows how to put on an innocent act. I like how you are giving him the stink-eye.

  7. Oh, you poor little darling Girl. That sounds sooooooooo horrifying. Do you know what you need, my sweet? Yes, that's right! A midnight visit from Yours Truly. I will groom your sweet, sad and sickened face, and then give you a nice ear washing. You know how soothing that can be. We'll have a nice cuddle and a nap, and things will look better in the morning.

  8. never mind everything else, but to force you watch it!!!!! Katie, it's time to plan some serious revenge!

  9. Oh Katie, I feel your pain. Ever since Georgia and Adam arrived they have been getting attention from everyone who visits. The coos and "so cute" are getting sickening. All I get is a pat and "hi Cindi".

    Cindi Lou Who

  10. Poor Katie! Waffles, your things, and now the Cat Sitter. What injustice will you have to suffer next??

  11. Hey Katie, we have room - you could move and live with us in Canada or you could send Waffles up here. Either way, we have lots of food and treats.

  12. You must have been FURIOUS, Katie! I know I would have been! How dare they flaunt their Waffles-affection in your face!!!

  13. Oh the torture, the horror of it all Katie. This is not right. Is that not YOUR cat sitter? Is nothing sacred? Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  14. Oh, the indignity! The next thing you know, he'll be kissing up to the UPS man! That Waffles Too has no shame at all, does he?

  15. Horrors! It sounds like WT is trying to get on their good side to use it against you later! Be strong Katie!

  16. That boy needs to be put in his place, Katie. Want us to come over and help put the muscle on him??

    Wally & Ernie

  17. Waffles Too is just to cute for words. Sorry Katie but we likes him.

  18. We thinks we see a look of intense, albeit devious pleasure on Gloman's face. We thinks there is a plot to make Miss Katie...SQUIRM!!!!

  19. Oh no Katie. You are being mistreated girl. How can your peeps do this to you when you were their first born. (shaking head).

  20. Katie you have A LOT of work on your paws in reference to educating that silly little orange dolt (you know I am kidding about the word "dolt") Waffles Too. Wait til he "gets it!!"

    I just ADORE how Gloman is holding you with sooooo much love, you were hardly being held "captive"


  21. That is so wrong!!!! Little Waffles Too will learn!!

    We've got to admit....he sure is cute!

    The Florida Furkids

  22. OMC - how absolutely pawful. I am sorry u had to puts up wif dat - U be sure to discuss things properly with your staff when they arrive.

  23. But then did the Cat Sitter leave and not come back? That's the most important part!

  24. Although it was probably nice to be held and admired up close, and at least you didn't have to play with the orange thing, well, I hate to be held captive, too. Did you get to bitey?

  25. We don't suppose there's any chance that the Evil Cat Sitter and her male Minion TOOK Waffles Too home with them?


    We thought not.

  26. Waggles Too is taking over the place! Such a predicament--you must do something to keep him under control--call out the National Guard!

  27. Oh no - is Waffle Too planning a coalition of evil with the cat sitter?

  28. Is there no end to the treachery???
    Our hearts bleed for you Katie (when we're not admiring Waffles).

  29. Don't woory too much dear Katie, you will always be Queen of the Castle!

  30. Katie, that sounds terrifying! That cat sitter definitely didn't want to cuddle or anything, right? What a terrible thing to see a cat sitter at the door!

  31. waffles two:

    ignoring ants iz de best so lewshun ta pick a nik basket trubullz....and when there bee noe ants at de pick a nik table; it iz in deed bliss

    ask de bears...they will confirm this theory


  32. Katie, you are being tested a little too much lately. If you want to sneak over here, Wart and Scooter will immediately recognize your royal self and leave you alone completely. Just sayin'.

  33. That is just plain Wrong, Katie! Be careful, there could be some kind of conspiracy in the works...

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  34. OMC !
    Now is Waffles Too out in deep deep water *mol*

  35. Awwww Katie!!! Such goings on with Waffles!! But he is so adorable...! Awwww! Take care

  36. Holy cat treats! What the fish is going on
    Benny & Lily

  37. Oh Katie! This is too much. You have to get out of there for your sanity. Sure you look cute on Gloman's lap but I can tell that you're suffering inside. It's not any better over here as you'll find out tomorrow.

  38. Oh Katie - there are just no words for this debacle... I am so, so, sorry that you had to go through this painful and undignified ordeal. This Waffles Too is just unbearable...

    We had an uninvited human come to our house too - they call him "Chris" and somehow he is special to the female human - she calls him her son. Whatever. He is loud, messy, and uncivilized. He also fawns all over Kizmet... blah.. blah... cute kitten... adorable... blah... blah...

    Stay strong, Katie...

    Signed, your understanding friend, Zoey

  39. Oh, my, Katie, Waffles Too is totally out of control. We think it's time to put that boy in his wittle place and quick. Ateret wants you to know that she thinks all the cute business will wear off soon, and Waffles Too will get himself in some horrible trouble that you can remind him about for quite some time.

  40. Oh, the indignity of it! Made to cuddle and on camera, too! You poor thing. Who does W2 think he is, inviting humans to your house? Commiserating Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.

  41. Oy, yoy, yoy...I think he may be one of those social butterfly types, poor Katie.

  42. Oh Katie,
    You're still the Queen, despite a little spotlight on the new Prince. You will Survive!

  43. ahem...just a sec..lemme clear my Katie, sweetie...dearest..GIVE HIM A WHACK HE WON'T FORGET!...what???, no..Mom!!! Don't hit 'publish'...not yet...Noooooooooooooooooooooooo


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