Hi everyone, Katie here.
So I'm told that today is Thanksgiving. In honor of this holiday, I'd like to draw your attention to what I consider to be the must-have of etiquette bibles, 'Miss Manners Guide To Excruciatingly Correct Cat Behavior.' Judith Martin and I go way back. At her request, I consulted with her on this very special edition of her now famous etiquette guide for modern cats in a modern world.
Judy has a cheeky sense of humor and likes to throw in little stories and pictures. In the Thanksgiving chapter there is talk of things like roasted turkey, pumpkin pie and which fork Aunt Candy mistakenly used for pickles. She has a great how-to section on making sparkling dinner conversation and chewing with your mouth closed. There's even a full page spread devoted to carving the turkey and how to know when it's time to put down the carving knife and pull out the claws. She describes an unfortunate accident when Uncle Casey, a clumsy Main Coon, catapulted the cooked bird out the sliding glass door while trying to carve it with his unusually large and misshapen claws.
There is even a very special chapter devoted to being kind to your neighbors, even if they are dogs wearing headdresses.
Unbeknownst to me, Judy decided to throw in a couple of costume ideas. This is HER idea of cheeky. Mind you I did NOT pose for these photographs. I wouldn't be caught DEAD in a pilgrim outfit. Even though it IS a true fashion classic in black & white. Come on... an apron and A BONNET for crying out loud!? I don't think so.
But there was nothing in the guide about why this holiday is called "Thanks" giving. Glogirly says it's a time for us to reflect on the people and things in our life we are grateful for. She says though that "things" aren't supposed to be "stuff." You know, like a fast car or a 24 count case of catnip mice. Instead, "things" are like a place to call home, a healthy mind and body, enough food to never be hungry and plenty of love and friendship. This may be HER idea of "things" but I'm telling you, I've never seen any of them at Target or on Ebay. She also says that it would be really nice if I thought about what I'm thankful for. She says I have to list three things. Since when does Thanksgiving require homework?
So I guess this "Thanks" giving list thing is going to require a little out-of-the-box (not litter) thinking on my part. So here goes.
I am thankful for:
My super nice and good looking (can I say that?) blogging friends for leaving me comments of love, laughs and support.
My girl, Glogirly, for attending to my food and poop needs and loving me unconditionally.
And of course, Gloman. For not picking me up when I don't want to be picked up, for our conversations about life and love, and for choosing me and bringing me home to my girl.
with love, from Katie
(... stupid pilgrim costume)