ELLIE: So Mr. Waffles?
ELLIE: So what's all this thanks and giving stuff everyone was celebrating last week? And turkey? The WHOLE house smelled like my very favorite food.
WAFFLES: Ellie, EVERY food is your very favorite food.
ELLIE: Yeah, but what does the thanks and giving thing mean?
WAFFLES: It's Thanksgiving, Ellie. It's a holiday that we all celebrate with turkey and pumpkin pie and stuff. It's a day that we think about what we're thankful for too.
ELLIE: I'm thankful for turkey. I LOVE turkey. Everyday should be thanks and giving day!
WAFFLES: You're right about that, Ellie. Someone once explained to me how Thanksgiving is so much more than turkey and yummy food smells though.
ELLIE: What do you mean, Mr. Waffles?

WAFFLES: Well, she told me that it's hard to put into words, but it's about being thankful for the little things. Just last year, this is how she explained it to me:
"Like the sunshine in the morning that warms us and the blue jays that fly by our window."
"Like how every time I roll over on the rug, Glogirly will pet me in just the right place."
"Like how Glogirly talks to us in her sing-song voice. And how she sometimes even sings to us."
"Like how Gloman picked me out of all the shelter kitties and adopted me for his girl."
ELLIE: She's a cat??? That Gloman adopted?? She sounds really smart. What's her name?
WAFFLES: I called her the Boss. But her real name was Katie.
ELLIE: That's a pretty name! It almost sounds like my name. I want to meet her!
WAFFLES: I'm sorry Ellie, but you can't meet her. Katie passed away before you joined our family.
ELLIE: That's sad, Mr. Waffles. Do you miss her?
WAFFLES: I do, Ellie. And so do Glogirly and Gloman. And lots of other people miss her too. Katie is the whole reason Glogirly started our blog over 11 years ago. And if it weren't for Katie, I might not be here either.
ELLIE: I'm really thankful for Katie, Mr. Waffles. Because I really love you. And Glogirly. And Gloman.
WAFFLES: Katie would tell you that you're definitely starting to understand the real meaning of what's important, Ellie.
Read Katie's Thanksgiving post from last year
About Today's Photos
Glogirly gets a little sentimental and misty when it comes to Thanksgiving. Especially this year. She still misses Katie so very much, but is filled with gratitude for the love that surrounds her and our family. Gloman, Waffles, and Ellie fill her heart with love and laughter every single day.
We've been waiting for just the right time to share this beautiful windchime with you. It was a gift from a very dear friend of Glogirly's and a special remembrance in honor of Katie. It's from the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah where hundreds of these windchimes hang at Angels Rest, the animal cemetery, singing the songs of beloved animals as the wind blows through them.
This one was designed for Katie and hangs from a beautiful old ponderosa pine tree just outside our windows. We can hear her when the mountain breeze rushes through the canyon.