Monday, June 30, 2014

Park It, Waffles... Park It

WAFFLES:   Hey Boss! Do you want to come outside and play?

KATIE:  You mean with you?

WAFFLES:  Um, no.  With the leaves and grass and stuff.

KATIE:  But you really mean with you, right?

WAFFLES:  I'll let you ride in my Waffle Wagon!

KATIE:  Thanks but no thanks, Waffles. I don't like how you drive. You know, one of these days you're going to get yourself pulled over.  You really ought to just park it. 

WAFFLES:  You mean like with my new Park It Mat???

KATIE:  Not exactly what I was thinking, but if it means you're going to leave the Townhouse for a few hours, don't let the door hit you and your wagon on the way out.

WAFFLES:  Ok, Boss! Thanks for the warning about the door. 

Park It!
Recently our friends at Peach Industries, you know... the people that make those cool kitty loungers, sent Waffles his very own Park It Mat. It's a pet-friendly travel mat that's great for picnics, playing and summertime lounging. The matching companion bag has a handy shoulder strap and a sweet little pocket for your treats, toys or other valuables.

We think it's a purr-fect compliment to the Waffle Wagon and a must-have for any of Waffles' summer outings.

The Specs
Comes in two sizes: 36" x 24" and 42" x 2  6 1/2" 
• The top side is soft and comfy and the underside is water resistant.
• Machine washable.
• Made with 100% USA grown and woven cotton.
• Contain non-toxic, CFC- & HCFC-free Volara foam padding that's made in the USA

Our mat is the smaller of the two, at 36" x 24", and is a purr-fect size for deck lounging and general neighborhood surveillance. 

What we love most about the Park It Mat is that it provides another way of allowing us kitties to enjoy the great outdoors safely and comfortably. 

The Details
The Park It mat is beautifully constructed with the same great attention to detail of their kitty loungers. Lots of great fabric choices to add color to your fun, sleek, stylish and functional.

Waffles, meet the Park It Mat...
Park It Mat, meet Waffles
Glogirly first introduced Waffles to his Park It Mat inside the Townhouse. It was an immediate hit since he loves to play and crawl under, well, everything. It gave a chance for Waffles to figure out that  the mat was something fun and that it was "his." 

That way when they brought the mat outside, Waffles was very comfortable with it and it became his "safe place."

WAFFLES:  Ok, Boss. How about YOU park it on my Park It Mat!?!

FTC Disclosure: We received our Park It Mat no charge from Peach Industries. We also received a small fee to cover the time it takes to take photos and write the blog post. Receiving the free product and the fee did not influence our article or anything we say.  All sponsored posts on GLOGIRLY will always reflect our honest and unbiased opinions.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Born to be a Cat Daddy - The Tale of Katie's Doppleganger

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Yesterday was the big wedding! Glogirly's stepson, Gabe, and his sweet girl, Justina, said "I do."  While Gloman was pouring over old photos, I made a most interesting discovery.

Meet Max, Gabe's First Cat & My Doppleganger
Is it any surprise that Gabe helped Gloman choose ME out of all the shelter kitties to bring home to my girl?
I think not.

Max was a very handsome and friendly Persian. It's as if the same tailor designed our tuxedos. He just used a little longer fur for Max's. 

Max had a very special relationship with Gabe, who at the time was just a toddler. Gabe was a gamer and loved to play. Max loved playing too and was incredibly patient with such a small human. Gloman said Max purred like a diesel engine ...and he never ran out of gas.

Though I'm very selective when it comes to the humans I allow into my heart, and within petting reach, Gabe has always been at the top of my list. Looks like Max the cat and I have more in common than just our wardrobes.

And it looks like father and son have a lot in common too.

Like Gloman, Gabe was born to be a Cat Daddy. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

TV Trip: Love Americat Style

WAFFLES:  It's a WEDDING! It's a WEDDING! We're getting MARRIED! We're getting MARRIED!

KATIE:  Whoa, Waffles, slow down!!!  WE aren't getting married... GABE & JUSTINA are.

WAFFLES:  But Boss, we're all dressed up and everything. Let's do it!

KATIE:  Do what?

WAFFLES:  Get MARRIED! Then we can go to the moon and eat some honey... and maybe some chicken.

KATIE:  You go on without me, Waffles. I'll even loan you my GPS. 

Congratulations, Gabe & Justina! 
Champagne & Catnip for EVERYONE! 

Join us each Saturday for another episode of TV Trips!
Just tuning in? Catch up on all of our latest TV show spoofs. We've DVR'd them for you.

GLOGIRLY is proud to participate in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with our TV Trip Series. 
Visit HERE for more creative & clever cats.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Katie Talks to Waffles About the Birds & the Bees & Ticks & the Fleas #Seresto

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! So are we going to have the talk?

KATIE:  What talk, Waffles?

WAFFLES:  You, know...the one about the birds and the bees and stuff.

KATIE:  Whoa, Waffles. I don't think you're ready for that talk.

WAFFLES:  But me and Glogirly are going outside, you know, to the park with my Waffle Wagon. She says I need to be ready for the birds and the bees.

KATIE:  Not the BIRDS and the BEES, Waffles. The TICKS and the FLEAS.

WAFFLES:  So what do I have to do to get ready for them? Do I bring them a present? Should I invite them over for dinner?

KATIE:  Waffles, ticks and fleas are NOT your friend. In fact, they can cause a whole host of problems and some very nasty diseases. So no, inviting them back here for dinner is NOT something I'd recommend.

WAFFLES:  You don't think there's any of them already living inside my Waffle Wagon, do you Boss?

KATIE:  Except for chicken crumbs, your wagon looks clean. But with ticks and fleas it's all about prevention. 

WAFFLES:  You mean like a 'No Fleas Allowed' sign?  

KATIE:  No Waffles. Fleas can't read signs.

WAFFLES:  That's ok. Neither can I.

KATIE:  Waffles is going to be testing out Seresto's Flea & Tick Collar for cats. He and Glogirly are planning regular outings to the park where they can work together on his harness training and see the sights. With the Seresto collar, she doesn't have to remember to apply that gooky stuff to his scruff so often.

What's So Cool About Seresto?
 •  Kills fleas and repels ticks for 8 months
 •  Odorless
 •  Non greasy
 •  Super easy to use
 •  The breakaway cat collar is very small and lightweight

Next Up
We'll be posting one more time about the Seresto collar in just a couple of weeks, sharing everything you always wanted to know about fleas and ticks but were afraid to ask. AND...You'll be invited to join Glogirly & Waffles on one of their outings to their favorite park for a little on-location fun.

Now, if only Seresto could make a collar *I* could wear that would repel Waffles.

This blog post is sponsored by Bayer/Seresto and the BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network. We are being compensated for helping spread the word about the Seresto product, but GLOGIRLY only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Bayer/Seresto is not responsible for the content of this article.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Katie & Waffles' Official Wedding Countdown

KATIE:  WAFFLES! Are you ready? It's time for the final wedding countdown!

WAFFLES:  Ok, um 1, 2, 4, elebenty hundred, chicken –

KATIE:  Waffles, this isn't working. Just tell me you've got the music covered.

WAFFLES: Here comes the pies! ♩♪ ♫

KATIE:  Really, Waffles? PIES???

WAFFLES:  Isn't there any pie at the wedding? I was told there'd be pie.

KATIE:  At least Waffles LOOKS smart in his coat and tails.

Wedding Bells @ the Townhouse!
Our stepbrother, Gabe, and his lovely fiancé, Justina, are tying the knot this Saturday.
In case you've missed the pre-wedding festivities, you can catch up here:
♥︎ Will You Marry Me?  An Indecent Proposal
♥︎ Cashing in on Catnaps for a Wild Week Ahead
♥︎ Rules of Engagement

Anti-Aging Giveaway!
Katie's turning back her feline clock with Revitamal's Anti-Aging Pet Supplement.
Enter to win your own feline fountain of youth!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Waffles Wednesday: Things Are Getting Deep Around Here

Look DEEP into my eye.

The one on the right. No, the left. No, definitely the right.

Are you looking? Looking deep? Are you?


I know you can do it on account of the Boss is always telling me stuff is getting deep around here.

Voting for the next mike's® HARDER can design contest starts in just a few weeks. So far my fire-breathing Dragon Kitty Cocktail can is a BIG hit! Lots of people have seen it and there's bunches of cool comments from all of you!

Well EYE had an idea! Ok, maybe it was Glogirly. But EYE helped...

It's a 2-FER!
Since mike's® is giving a paws-up to multiple designs or even making a series, I decided that TWO Dragonfruit Waffles would be way cooler than just one! Right?

Our newest entry has it's own page on the contest site and we'd love it if you have time take a peek and let mike's® know what you think! Glogirly says I look fierce peeking through the giant dragonfruit. Don't be scared though... I may LOOK like a real live dragon, but I'm just pretending.

We'll keep you posted and let you know when voting starts.

Thank you from the bottom of
my DRAGON KITTY heart!

Commenting on the contest site is easy-peasy, but just in case you need a little help - 
(The contest is being hosted by a company called Zooppa.)

1.  Just click either of the links above and login with Facebook or your email.
2.  Once you're logged in, click the back button twice to return to my Dragon Kitty Cocktail page.
3.  Then all you have to do is leave a comment!

If, after you've logged in, you have any trouble getting back to my Dragon Kitty Cocktail page, just pop back here and click the link again. Since you're logged in, it will take you right there.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Will You Marry Me? An Indecent Proposal

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! Wanna get married? I got you a crown and everything on account of you don't really like to wear rings and stuff. 

KATIE:  Waffles, I'm not exactly the marrying type. Besides, Gabe and Justina (Glogirly's stepson & fiancé) are the only ones getting married this week. 

WAFFLES:  Well what about next week?

KATIE:  Waffles, you don't know the first thing about marriage. 

WAFFLES:  Um, yeah I do. I know that girls like diamonds and stuff. And chicken. 

KATIE:  *heavy sigh*

WAFFLES:  So aren't you going to look at my crown?

KATIE:  I thought you said it was MY crown.

WAFFLES:  So do you like it? It's genuine diamonds. I got it with my allowance.

KATIE:  Waffles, you don't get an allowance. 

KATIE:  And these aren't diamonds. 

WAFFLES:  Wow, what a rip-off!  I paid a whole quarter for it. 

KATIE:  I TOLD you you don't know anything about marriage.

Anti-Aging Giveaway!
Katie's turning back her feline clock with Revitamal's Anti-Aging Pet Supplement.
Enter to win your own feline fountain of youth!

Monday, June 23, 2014

National Pink Day: The Forgotten Holiday

KATIE:  Though you may not realize it, today is a very special day. Proof that the world DOESN'T revolve around orange. 

WAFFLES:  But Boss! I thought the world revolved around–

KATIE:  No, Waffles. As a matter of fact, the world DOESN'T revolve around you. 

WAFFLES:  Are you sure? Because I heard–

KATIE:  Waffles, you may own the color orange–

WAFFLES:  Uh, Boss? Should you really be wearing those sideways stripes?

KATIE:  But when it comes to pink, you can't touch me.

WAFFLES:  But I can touch your feather, right??? 

Anti-Aging Giveaway!
Katie's turning back her feline clock with Revitamal's Anti-Aging Pet Supplement.
Enter to win your own feline fountain of youth!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Cashing in on Catnaps for a Wild Week Ahead

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I'm soaking up the sun today and cashing in on catnaps. It's going to be a crazy week here at the Townhouse. Glogirly broke the news to me that we have HOUSEGUESTS en route.

I guess the writing was on the wall...what with the carpet cleaning, the electrician, and all the wild and frenzied cleaning.

I know you may find this hard to believe, but they're not actually coming to see ME. Or even Waffles. My stepbrother Gabe, who you may have met here before, is getting married on Saturday.

Word is there'll be an upcoming photoshoot with me and Waffles. He'll be dressed in his herringbone harness with tails. I'll be wearing a new pearl and rhinestone necklace. Thank COD, I don't have to wear some silly dress. Or worse yet, a veil.

But if Waffles gets any wild ideas about exchanging vows...  I.  Am.  OUT OF HERE.

Anti-Aging Giveaway!
Katie's turning back her feline clock with Revitamal's Anti-Aging Pet Supplement.
Enter to win your own feline fountain of youth!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

TV Trip: My Three Waffles

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! Check it out! There's THREE of me!

KATIE:  *stunned & silent*


KATIE:  I heard you the first time.

WAFFLES:  One to eat your food, one to touch your toys and one to sniff your –

KATIE:  PLEASE tell me this show's been cancelled.

Join us each Saturday for another episode of TV Trips!
Just tuning in? Catch up on all of our latest TV show spoofs. We've DVR'd them for you.

GLOGIRLY is proud to participate in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with our TV Trip Series. 
Visit HERE for more creative & clever cats.

Anti-Aging Giveaway!
Katie's turning back her feline clock with Revitamal's Anti-Aging Pet Supplement.
Enter to win your own feline fountain of youth!

Congrats to the Cat Ball Giveaway Winners!
Woot Woot!  Congrats to Miss Claire from The Swiss Cat Blog! She and her kitties are the lucky winners of their very own Cat Ball! AND... Claire has chosen the shelter kitties of Minnesota's Feline Rescue to receive their own Cat Ball too!  Thank you so much to everyone who entered and special thanks to our friends at The Cat Ball!