WAFFLES: Boss! What day is it? I can't remember what day it is.
KATIE: It's Friday. Why?
WAFFLES: I just want to make sure I don't sleep through Caturday.
KATIE: Caturday? What about DINNER? You know Waffles, for a cat who's as food-obsessed as you are, you sure do sleep through dinnertime a lot. In fact, if I didn't send you out on your daily reconnaissance tour to remind Glogirly it's 4:59pm, we'd starve to death.
And speaking of 4:59pm–
WAFFLES: GLOGIRLY!!!! The Boss says it's dinnertime!
KATIE: Waffles! A little subtlety goes a long way. Now go into the living room and stare at Glogirly. Don't blink, don't look away and don't make a move until she does.
About Today's Photos
We've shared the
pre-mealtime dance routine that takes place nearly everyday here. What you probably
don't know is what goes on right before the dance begins.
Katie is the resident time keeper. She keeps a very close eye on her internal clock. She starts anticipating dinner long before the clock strikes 5pm. Glogirly tends to be a little lackadaisical when it comes keeping a consistent schedule.
Every day, starting at about 4pm, Katie & Waffles meet up in the kitchen. After what appears to be a close conversation, with instructions given by Katie, Waffles makes his first trek through the living room where Glogirly is usually working on her computer. The goal of course, is to gently remind her that it's dinner time and she's got two cats at risk of starvation.
Sometimes it takes a couple of pass throughs. Other times Waffles has to stare her down.
Worst case scenario, Katie has to make a final pass through. ...that's when Glogirly knows she means business.
And dinner is served.