Hi Everybuddy, Ellie here.
Today I get to have our blog ALL to myself on account of it's been a whole YEAR since I came home to the mountain house to live with Glogirly, Gloman, and Mr. Waffles. Glogirly said I could pick out elebenty hundred of my favorite pictures. I'm not really sure how many that is, and even Mr. Waffles can't count, so I'll do my best. Maybe my favorites will be yours too.
This one on top is from my first weekend in my new home. I was hanging out with Glogirly in the kitten room until she said I was ready to graduate to the rest of the house. She even SLEPT in my room with me.
This is my very first feather. I was still in the kitten room and just learning how to play and stuff.
It didn't take long before the doors to the kitten room opened and I got to explore everything and everyone. This is me and Gloman. He's my bestest friend ever, next to Mr. Waffles. I'm his purrsonal office assistant and when we take breaks I sometimes get to play with him.
Glogirly is my girl. She loves me to pieces and tells me what a sweet girl I am. Sometimes we snuggle. Especially if she's wearing her fluffy red robe or has a soft blanket on her lap.
I had my first Christmas! This is me in my Christmas collar playing with my Christmas feather. Santa brought lots of fun toys for me and Mr. Waffles to play with.
Mr. Waffles taught me how to play and share. He was super nice about letting me catch the feather. Now that I'm a big girl, he's kind of competitive and stuff. But I'm FASTER!

Mr. Waffles LOVES boxes and I love sneaking up on him when he's got his head in a box and isn't looking.
Mr. Waffles also taught me how to climb the cat tree. I only had to watch him climb it once. Glogirly says I'm a super great climber. Mr. Waffles says I'm a copycat.
This is me and Mr. Waffles getting ready for a ride in the Waffle Wagon. I was glad there wasn't a lot of traffic between the kitchen and the bedroom.

I also learned how to use the scratching post from watching Mr. Waffles. Did you know he can jump all the way to the top in a single leap??? I'm still working on that.
My most favorite spot in the whole world is up on the window sill. We have a BUNCH of windows and there's always something to see and smell. Gloman calls me Window-Kitty.
This is my most favorite chair in the whole world. It's the next best spot to the windows. I can see the whole house from here, even my windows.
This is just me, looking cute. I do this pretty much everyday.
Thanks everybuddy for coming to visit me and Mr. Waffles each week. One of the coolest parts of becoming part of the family here was finding out how many wonderful friends we have all over the interwebs and the world! Ok, so before I got here I didn't even know what a interweb was!