Monday, December 27, 2021
Christmas in Black & White
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Six Sleeps Until Christmas!
WAFFLES: Ok, Elie. This is it. Our last blog post before the big day!
ELLIE: Big day? You mean like Monday?
WAFFLES: Like Christmas, Ellie. You know, Santa Paws, Rain Deer, tissue paper and presents?
ELLIE: PRESENTS???!!! I love presents. Remember that cool Christmas feather toy that Santa Paws gave me last year?
WAFFLES: I remember a cool Christmas feather toy that Santa Paws gave ME.
ELLIE: Wow! I didn't know that you got one too!
WAFFLES: Ellie stole my Christmas feather toy again.
ELLIE: Christmas feather toy? I haven't seen any Christmas feather toy.
Meowy Christmas from the Mountain Cats!
By the time we see you next week, Christmas will be so, yesterday. Literally!
Most importantly, we want to take this moment to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Thank you for letting us into your inboxes and hearts all these years. (12 years to be exact!!!) You're like family to us. And that's what today is all about. Family and friends and sharing love. We also want to share our wishes with those that are alone today, missing someone they love, struggling, or sad. Please know that you are in our hearts and never alone. We love you so very much.
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Santa Splaining
ELLIE: So, Mr. Waffles?
WAFFLES: So, Ellie?
ELLIE: So, when are we going to work on our letters to Santa?
WAFFLES: Well, first you have to make sure you're going to be on his nice list, not his naughty list.
ELLIE: But Mr. Waffles, I don't even know how to be naughty. Except maybe for that one time I got stuck in the kitchen cupboard. But that's because you opened the door and showed me how to go inside. Oh, and then there was that time I got locked in the shower. But that's because you closed the door with me inside. Oh, and then–
WAFFLES: What are you saying, Ellie? That I'M the one getting you in trouble?
ELLIE: No, I'm just saying you're the one that's opening and shutting all the doors and stuff.
About Today's Photos
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Getting Ready for the Big Man (or CAT!) in the Red Suit
We're Getting Ready!
Monday, November 29, 2021
Remembering a Special Thanksgiving Conversation With Waffles & Katie
WAFFLES: You mean like chasing bugs and fetch toys and stuff? And my girlfriends? I'm definitely thankful for the ladies.
What about you, Boss?
KATIE: It's hard to put into words, Waffles. It isn't any one thing. It's lots of little things. Lots of little, wonderful things.
WAFFLES: How little, Boss? Like the bug?
KATIE: Not exactly, Waffles.
Like the sunshine in the morning that warms us and the blue jays that fly by our window.
Like how every time I roll over on the rug, Glogirly will pet me in just the right place.
Like how Glogirly talks to us in her sing-song voice. And how she sometimes even sings to us.
Like how Gloman picked me out of all the shelter kitties and adopted me for his girl.
WAFFLES: And like how Glogirly picked me! You know, when she adopted me!
KATIE: Now you're getting the hang of it, Waffles. Though as Glogirly tells it, you picked her.
We have a warm house to live in with comfy beds, plenty of toys, healthy food, and lots of windows to watch the world through. We live in a home that's filled with laughter and joy. And we have a forever family who loves us with all their hearts.
WAFFLES: I love YOU with all my heart, Boss.
We get a little misty-eyed here during the holiday season. Sometimes we get busy and lose sight of how fortunate we are. Thanksgiving is a beautiful reminder of how important it is to never take our blessings for granted.We especially want to thank YOU for welcoming us into your hearts and inboxes. For laughing with us, singing along with Waffles' silly songs, and sometimes, even getting all teary with us. Thank you for welcoming sweet Ellie into your hearts. Our friends and readers bring us so much joy throughout the year. We just want you to know how thankful we are for you.
We love you with all our hearts. 💕
Monday, November 22, 2021
Waffle Wagon Hijack
ELLIE: What's a hijack? I like sitting up here really high and stuff. But my name's not Jack. It's Ellie.
WAFFLES: Hijack is you trying to steal my Waffle Wagon. I've got your number, Ellie.
ELLIE: What's my number, Mr. Waffles? I kind of like four. Or maybe two. Yeah, two. Like you and–
WAFFLES: Not that kind of number, Ellie.
About Today's Photos
Ellie has a new favorite toy. Or rather, playground. She's discovered just how much fun the Waffle Wagon can be. But only when Waffles is IN it. She spends HOURS in and on it every single day. Sometimes she'll just sit in it, waiting for Waffles to join her. Other times, when Waffles is already inside, she'll attempt to negotiate a joint partnership.
Her favorite spot is up on top of the bonnet. It's anything but stable and takes a lot of balance and kitty-agility. And the best part about it is the mesh screen that she can peer at Waffles through and the opening on the sides where she can reach down to taunt him and as Gloman calls it, "tweak his beak."
The tray table and cup holder attached to the handle is pretty fun too. That's where Ellie keeps her plastic bottle caps, a.k.a., her other favorite toys.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Nap Help
ELLIE: Hey, Mr. Waffles! You look kind of lonely over on that chair all by yourself. Maybe you need some company.
WAFFLES: Busy, Ellie. Very, very busy.
ELLIE: Busy doing what, Mr. Waffles??
WAFFLES: Oh, you between my toes, getting ready for an epic nap.
ELLIE: Nap?? What a coincidence! I'm getting ready for a nap too. Maybe we should nap together.
About Today's Photos
Sunday, November 7, 2021
It's Getting Sparkly Here!
ELLIE: Mr. Waffles!!! You're all sparkly and stuff!
WAFFLES: I'm feeling a little bit sparkly, Ellie. But these are just Glogirly's Christmas lights.
ELLIE: Christmas??? You mean like Santa and stuff? Isn't it kind of early?
WAFFLES: You know Glogirly. She loves Christmas and thinks we should be sparkly all year long.
ELLIE: Isn't that kind of confusing for Santa though? I mean if we're always sparkly, how will he know when to come visit us? And bring presents?
WAFFLES: Don't worry, Ellie. Santa knows. It's kind of a long wait though. It's a whole 47 days until Christmas. Plenty of time for a nap.
About today's Photos
Hi everyone, Katie here. I'm so glad you're here're in for a treat! Some of our regular readers may be fami...
Hi everyone, Katie here. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better this week, we've got something REALLY special that ...
Hi everybuddy, Waffles here. The Boss asked me to fill in for her today while she takes care of Glogirly. I'm super excited becau...
Hi everyone Katie here. Only yesterday you were leaving condolences for my dearly departed feather. Well the stars have aligned and I...
Hi everyone, Katie here. We've got a special surprise for you today! Recently we became acquainted with the adorable felt catnip to...