Tuesday, April 30, 2013

You're Bringing WHAT Home???

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Apparently Glogirly's brain has turned to jelly, or rather *jellies* on this crazy vacation of hers. She just sent me a video of some new housemates she wants to bring home with her.

I'm not sure where these guys are going to sleep. All I can tell you is I'm NEVER going in the bathtub again.

It's been 12 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Monday, April 29, 2013

Taking Matters Into My Own Paws

Dear Glogirly,

Are you EVER coming home?

Seriously...I'm going to need a VACATION after your vacation. Waffles and the Cat Sitter are bad enough...

photo by Cat Sitter
 But Waffles and the Cat Sitter's boyfriend???

photo by Cat Sitter
And now Waffles and the Cat Sitter's dad???

photo by Cat Sitter
That's it. I'm taking matters (and Waffles) into my own paws.

It's been 11 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Cat Take It Anymore!

Dear Glogirly,

When oh WHEN are you coming home???  Waffles Too is making a fool of himself, flirting with the Cat Sitter and her camera. I don't know how much more I can take.

photo by Cat Sitter

He's pretending to miss you, but I assure you it's all a sham. He's clearly just posing.

photo by Cat Sitter

It's been TEN days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday Photohunt *ZOOM*

Dear Glogirly,

It's Saturday and you're STILL not back from vacation. Today's photohunt theme is *zoom* and as you can probably guess, I need a helmet around here what with Waffles Too and his EXTREME case of the Zoomies.

Even the cat sitter is running for cover.

It's been 9 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Friday, April 26, 2013

Postcard From The SeaCats

Dear Glogirly,

Thanks for the postcard and all, but if you think you're bringing one of these blubbery beasts with the whiskers home, I'm outa here.

I mean, LOOK at them! All they do is lay around and sleep. What good is that?

It's been 8 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Not What I Meant By *You Need A Bath*

Dear Glogirly,

I have no idea when you're coming home from this vacation-thing you're on.

The Townhouse smells of Waffles and Cat Sitter. I have reason to believe they even took a BATH together.

Surely there must be some sort of law against this.

If the Cat Sitter figures out where you keep the maple syrup, it's all over.

It's been 7 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Waffles Wednesday From Da Hood

Dear Glogirly,

I fear the Cat Sitter may be corrupting Waffles Too.  She's a bad influence.
In fact, I think she's recruited Waffles into a gang.

He's been wearing specific colors on his head.

He's been making unusual paw gestures. 

He says he wants a tattoo.

I think you should come home NOW.

It's been 6 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Postcard From Glogirly

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Well it's about time. I FINALLY heard from Glogirly. Unfortunately her postcard has done nothing to reassure me that my current living situation will be improving anytime soon.

Oh, she says she loves me. She says she misses me. She even has the audacity to tell me to have fun with the Cat Sitter. Yeah, I'll show her some fun alright.

I just hope Glogirly doesn't plan on bringing any new *friends* home with her.

It's been 5 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Monday, April 22, 2013

Sending Out An SOS With My Frog

Dear Glogirly,

I pray this message gets to you. I've been tapping out distress signals on the hardwood floor with my paw.
Yet, I've heard nothing from you.

I've posted status updates on Facebook, Twitter...even Google+, despite the fact that you don't know how to use it.
Still, no word from you.

I have no other choice than to display the international sign of distress:

The Cat Sitter sees my green frog but is oblivious to my plight.
SOS . . . – – – . . . 

It's been 4 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Easy Schmeasy – Why'd You Leave Me?

photo taken by Cat Sitter

Dear Glogirly,

I hope you and Gloman are having fun on this so-called vacation thing you're doing. It's Easy-Sunday and I've got no Easy-Sunday blog post. I hope you're happy.

At least the Cat Sitter has the decency to photograph me and Waffles Too from outside the front door.

photo by Cat Sitter
I just wish she could figure out how to cat sit us from outside the front door.

It's been 3 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday Photohunt *WITHER*

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Today's most appropriate photohunt theme is *wither.*

I'm afraid that's exactly what I'll be doing under the care of a total stranger for what I'm certain will seem like eleventy years. How will this so-called Cat Sitter know that I need my dinner at precisely 5:30 pm? How will she know that I need my food carefully and evenly spread in my dish?  Presentation is everything. How will she even know where my food IS???

I'm a goner.

Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman while I sit here with the Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. While she's gone, I will continue to post daily status updates of my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the townhouse. Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them.


Friday, April 19, 2013

The Cat Sitter Has Luggage

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I can't believe that Glogirly left me. Left me with that orange teenager. Vacation she says. She claims she's going to miss me way more than I'm going to miss her. And that's supposed to make me feel better?

She told me not to worry. That the Cat Sitter would come over to serve me my dinner.

What she didn't tell me is that the Cat Sitter is bringing a suitcase. And a TOOTHBRUSH.

Waffles is already sucking up to her.

If you need me, I'll be under the bed.
Uh oh.  The Cat Sitter might be SLEEPING in that bed.
*heavy heavy sigh*

Thursday, April 18, 2013

...And In Walked The Cat Sitter

Hi everyone, Katie here.

There are some concerning developments here at the Townhouse.  While conducting my daily rounds I've noticed a preponderance of suitcases strewn about.

One could be harmless. Gloman often travels for business. A quick gone today – back tomorrow kind of thing.

Two indicates a potentially longer trip.

But three? four?

This does not bode well for Casa de Glogirly.
This does NOT bode well for me & Waffles.

And if that's not bad enough...
We had a *visitor* tonight.

The doorbell rang, and suddenly Glogirly was showing this INTRUDER all of my most precious, secret places. Where I eat, sleep...they touched my favorite toys...you know the rest.

Waffles Too and I are in for a wild ride. There's no telling where this is going. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Waffles Wednesday - King Of The Townhouse

Um, hi everybuddy. Waffles Too here.

Glogirly says if I don't stop growing I won't fit into the private dining section of my cat tower anymore.

I keep telling her to move me to the rooftop dining area, but she keeps mumbling something about a stupid ladder and how she's not gonna feed me up in the nose-bleed section.  But I like this view. I've got birds to my left and a nice clear shot of Katie, um I mean the Boss, and her food dish to the right.

Up here, I can see the world. In fact...

I'm King of the Wo– Townhouse!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Katie & Waffles *Share* Their Leibster Award

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Our kitty friend Crepes from There's A Cat In The Fridge gave us this cool Liebster Award! Crepes wanted to get to know us...well ME...better so I'm going to answer her questions and then share the award with you!

I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing else. I swear to Cod.

WAFFLES TOO:  Um Boss?  Can I play too? Please?

KATIE:  Well, ok. I suppose you can answer a question or two. Just don't mess up.


What's your favorite treat?
KATIE:  Freeze-dried salmon.
WAFFLES TOO: Katie's freeze-dried sammin.

Your favorite toy?
KATIE:  It used to be my Da'Bird until someone wrecked it.
WAFFLES TOO: Um. But I got you a new one, Boss.

Favorite TV show to watch with Glogirly & Gloman?
KATIE:  The polar bears on Nat Geo.
WAFFLES TOO: I like touching, I mean watching Katie.

What was your naughtiest naughty?
KATIE:  I'm not naughty. 
WAFFLES TOO: Um. I think it involved toilet paper, Katie and the kitchen sink. 

How did you meet your humans?
KATIE:  Gloman adopted me and brought me home to his girl for their anniversary.
WAFFLES TOO: Um. Glogirly found me on Petfinder.com!

What do you like most about being a cat?
KATIE:  My finely tuned napping schedule.
WAFFLES TOO: Um, I like following the Boss around and touching her.

What shelter or rescue to you give paws up to?
KATIE:  I love the people and cats of PAWS. 
WAFFLES TOO:  Me too. I hope they find as fun of a home as I found. With another cat to follow around and touch.

What is your favorite cat holiday?
KATIE:  Wait...there's a cat holiday???
WAFFLES TOO: Um. I like Catmas with all the boxes and wrapping paper.

What is the one think you do that makes your humans smile the most?
KATIE:  Glogirly loves it when I talk to her.
WAFFLES TOO: Um, Glogirly giggles when I push my forehead into her cheek. 
WAFFLES TOO: Not that cheek, Boss.

We know that many of you have received this award at one time or another. And we LOVE learning new things about our friends. So please, if you'd like to take this award and share some of your innermost secrets, we're all ears.

Thanks again to Crepes for sharing this cool award with us!

Please vote for our friend Sparkle in the next round of AmazeCats Next Top Cat!
Voting closes at 2pm EST TODAY....so HURRY!
Thank you!