Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Hi everyone, Katie here.

The wait is over. My hero is finally returning to television. The two-night season premiere event for FOX's 24 begins tonight! Thankfully, Glogirly is not having her usual 24 premiere party, so I can enjoy the show uninterrupted and without smelly, loud intruders.
It's just Jack, Chloe and me.

Just Jack,


and Me.

Now many of you girls out there are all about Jack Bauer. Jack this, Jack that. Jack, Jack, Jack. Don't get me wrong, I like Jack. Jack can kick some major... Butt MY personal role model is none other than the infamous Chloe O'Brien.

Chloe is my home girl. I'm thinking of changing my name to Chloe O'Brien. You see, we have so very much in common. She is me, personified. I am her feline alter ego.

Chloe is the brains behind the operation fighting terrorists in the hit TV show 24. She's a computer genius and is widely known for her ability to triangulate coordinates, recover secret codes from corrupt hard drives and sneer effortlessly at her coworkers. She is surly and proud of it. She's not afraid to roll her eyes, sigh loudly, even throw out a well-timed sarcastic insult. She is, in a word... AWESOME.

So don't miss the big event tonight and tomorrow.
8-10pm CST on FOX. The clock is ticking.

Fine. There I said it.


  1. We don't watch "24" but we know the actress who plays Chloe from a couple movies that we love, "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Sunshine Cleaners". We like her a lot.

    Have fun tonight Katie, we're glad Glogirly is not having a party tonight so you can enjoy your show without smelly visitors.

  2. Whoa...she can triangulate coordinates?

  3. Hi Katie (or is that Chloe-Cat?) ~ we think Chloe O'Brien sound pawsome! An' we can understand why she is yoor super-hero!

    We don't get to watch it here in England ~ so we're gonna hafta rely on yoo for updates! OK?

  4. Oh I know 24. We had that here too in TV. Fortunately translated in German. That would be strange for you, I think!

    Happy TV watching!

  5. We're glad you have something special to be excited about, Katie!

  6. Ya know, the only "24" in our house is the clock on the wall. I think I would like this show--while Tommy thinks her life revolves around the Desperate Housewives on Wisteria Lane! Will need to check out this Chloe! Happy Viewing!


  7. We love 24 too!!! Chloe is way cool! Can't wait for the season to start too...we're gonna have 24 treats to celebrate!

  8. Thanks for the reminder! Must set the DVR.

  9. Chloe sounds pretty awesome but we, um, don't watch TV (except for DVDs) so we're pretty clueless about TV shows. Sooooo, are you going to become a computer genius like her? If so....I got a job for you.

  10. We don't know much about 24, but Chloe does sound a lot like you. Are you sure she is not modeled after you, and should really be named Katie?

  11. Since it's Monday morning here, I think we missed the big premiere. Oh well.

  12. We don't get it here but Chloe sounds like a great role model.

  13. That 24 show sounds great, Katie aka Chloe...but our mom said something about watching the Golden Globes...she likes to see what all the celebs are we care....

  14. How bout Katie O'Brien, the chnage is minimal?
    benny & Lily

  15. Yes, Mama & Papa love 24. They're still on their vacation, but they have DVR ready to tape it! I've heard Mama say that she likes Chloe, but I've never watched the show. I love a smart, surly female character though. I hope you have a great time watchin' it!


  16. We don't watch 24 but it sounds like we should!

  17. Sounds like fun, watching your favorite TV personality who is so much like you. Hope you enjoy this season's shows!

  18. Did you make that video Katie? I very much like your picture with the 24 next to it! :)

  19. I am so glad to hear that you are a huge fan of a 24. I don't watch it, but I feel that way about the show Lost. I have finally had a bit of time to visit some of my favorite blogs tonight and just had to drop in to say hi and ask how you are doing? I surely hope I haven't interupted your show!
    You are darling as ever!
    Linda :)

  20. I don't know that at all, maybe it hasn't arrived in Belgium or it wasn't translated into french or maybe the title changed.
    anyway I prefer your little face because you looks so very much like Rosie.

  21. We don't watch 24, but back when "The X-files" was on mama had a kitty who thought she was Dana Scully. So did mama, sometimes! Have fun with the premier!

  22. We don't watch this one either, but we might give it a look because of your recommendation.

  23. Hmmmm...we don't know if it's good to be this Chloe person, Katie. She looks very crabillated and we know you're not that way.

  24. wow I think she is brave and smart,just like you dear Katie!
    Please...forgive my absence, mommy , dad and brothers were out during this weekend, and today I beg mommy to blog but she said she need to study French because her tests started, so...but I'm happy because I'm here with you!
    purrs and always love
    Luna - We love Luna

  25. We've never seen that show. Maybe we should put season one on our Netflix list thingy.

  26. Thanks so much for coming by and praying for hansel with us. We are going through a lot and have some big decisions to make with him. It means a lot to us.

  27. My Gma watches that show because Jack is smoking hot ;) P.S. Noll has given you an award Katie. (He's finishing up the post this evening....please stop by)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hi Katie,
    I've never seen that show, I never can get the remote away from my Dad!
    I do like to watch TV though, especially anything with dogs or cats, but my favorite is the California cow commercials!
    Have fun!
    Luv, Lucy (Woof!)

  30. We hate to admit it but the PM has never seen one episode of 24. Really. We haven't had any channels out here for about a year now and it doesn't look like we'll be getting the satellite on again. She has bought some DVD's of TV shows, maybe this would be a good one for her to start with from Season 1.

  31. Oooppsss "24"
    but I don't look TV
    i ask my Mommy !!

    Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

  32. That sounds like a great evening, Katie! We like the 24 banner with your picture. You should have your very own show. We'd watch it for sure!


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