Thursday, January 28, 2010

My 100th Post

biggify me!

Hi everyone, Katie here.

This is my 100th post today! I can't believe I've had so much to say, so many stories to tell, so many grievances to air.

Glogirly is not surprised. She says I'm a cat with alot of baggage. Hmmm... Baggage. You mean like luggage? Handbags? I'm quite fond of fashion accessories.

I've had a great time sharing my day-to-day observations with you in words (LOTS of them) and photos. Click on the collage at the top to biggify it... there are 100 photos from 100 posts!

I'm most grateful for having made so many wonderful friends out there in the blogosphere. More than I would have ever dreamed of and more than I can count. You've told me your stories, you've laughed with me. You've commiserated with me, you've given me advice on how to handle my Glo-family. As you know, Glogirly & Gloman can be both puzzling and annoying. You always remind me that they are only human. I know... I can't expect much. They just aren't as smart as cats. But deep down behind all that singsong kitty talk, the manicures, the pedicures, the thankfully infrequent V-E-T trips, the rules & regulations, the smelly visitors... deep down in their tiny little hearts, I know they love me.

Who wouldn't.


  1. Katie, it's lovely to meet you and congratulations on your 100th blog post!

  2. Well we've loved yoo from the moment we set eyes on yoo Katie. So congratulashuns on yoor 100th post.

    Have a great day!

  3. I love you my sweet friend Katie!
    wow the collage with 100 pictures is outstanding, congrats Glogirly and Katie!
    And I want to read and see more here because your stories are amazing and very creative.You bring a fashion club world for us!
    I want to be part of this club 'cause you are "chic"!Stay cool sweetie!

  4. How could they not love you? And with all the work that Glogirly put into making your 100th celebration collage -- well, that just proves her love! Right, right!
    Concatulations Katie...

  5. That is one heck of a 100th post celebration! I think mommy forgot about ours. :( We're nearly to 200 by now.

  6. Hip Hip Hooray, we hope you have hundreds more. It has been lovely spending time with you and your family!!

  7. Concatulations Katie! We hope you have much more to sat!

  8. Ahem...I meant "say"!
    ps - Please come and visit me today and help me help Wayside Waifs!

  9. Congratulations on your 100 post.. Isn't the world of blog so brilliant. We got to meet so many wonderful friends.. Glad we met you.. Hugs GJ xx

  10. Congratulations on your 100th post, Katie! I'm glad I met you!

  11. Katie, Congratulations on 100 posts!!!

    Thanks for stopping by our blog and commenting! We are reading your blog now, and enjoying it very much!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

  12. Fantastic! Congratulations on having 100 dazzling posts and thank you for sharing your white tufted ears with us!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  13. That is a great collage! We will raise a glass of niptini to concatulations on 100 posts. We love you too.

  14. Congratulations on your 100th post, Katie! We've enjoyed them (and you!) and look forward to many more!!

  15. You are so right, Katie--who wouldn't love YOU!

    Congrats on your 100th post! Hang in there with your Glo-Family. They do mean well. :)

    Let's pull up the catnip and get read to read the next 100!


  16. Happy 100th Post, Katie and Glogirly! We are so happy to be friends with you!!!

  17. ConCatulations on 100 posts! We love your blog and are super impressed with that collage!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  18. 100 posties. Wowie, that is super great!

    I am so glad to know you. Your bloggie is wonderful


  19. Congratulations on your 100th!! Love your collage, a neat idea. Great pictures.

  20. Concats Katie (and human servant GG)!!! I'm so glad we found each other! You are one cool cat.

    Mom and I are very fond of GG too, although you know I have your back in any human/cat disagreements.

    And of course they love you! Who wouldn't? We're cats!

  21. Happy 100th post Katie! We've loved every single one of them. You're right, who wouldn't love you?

    Purrs from all of us and a woof from Grete!

  22. Congratulations on your 100th post!! I hope that I can get to this point one day!!

    XOXOXO Puddin

  23. Congratulations y'all, time flies when you're having fun and your blog is always fun!!!

  24. Congratulations on your 100th post. That is super. And you have a wonderful blog and should be very proud of it. Love how you put all the post pictures in a collage.

  25. HI Katie!

    Well you know what 100 is?
    IT's a purrfect 10 times 10 !
    And that's what you are a purrfect 10 times 10!
    Concats on your milestone!

    purry purrs

  26. Who wouldn't indeed!

    Congrats, Katie, on your 100th post! We've definitely enjoyed getting to know you and reading your blog. Love your collage! Wow!! Tell Glogirly that she's amazing with the photos!

    Lucy (mama Vicki)

  27. Concats on 100 posts!! Here's too 100 more!

  28. Wow, congrats on your 100th post Katie! We hope there will be lots more!!

  29. CONCATS on your 100th post, Katie! We love coming to visit you as we always know we're in for a good laugh or five! You DO crack us up! Here's lookin' at you, kid...and here's to 100s more from you!!!

  30. Congratulations on 100 posts! We're glad we're friends with you, too! Love the collage!

  31. Concats on your 100th post Katie! The collage is marvelous, although there are not enough pictures of YOU. Here's to hundreds and hundreds of more blog posts from you!


  32. Congratulations on your 100th post, Katie. We cats and dogs always have lots to say. Unfortunately, humans aren't always listening. Good you are making yourself heard.

  33. Concatulations! Wow! It's been good getting to know you better, Katie. We luff your blog.

  34. Happy 100th!
    We are so glad to have met you and your talented momma!

  35. Congratulations on your 100th post, Ms. Katie!

  36. Aw Katie, congrats! I think i see a book in your future...maybe even a MOVIE? Who would play you?? I don't know if anyone can fill YOUR paws!

  37. Wow,Katie~

    Congratulations on #100!

    Love the collage you've made of your first 100 "days!" Thanks for sharing it.

    And, may you and Glogirly and Gloguy have at least 100 more things to say!

  38. Well done Miss Katie!! And we sure love every moment we've spent here :)

  39. Such a doll. We're glad we found you!

  40. Super duper congratulations on your 100th post! I totally love your collage.

  41. ConCATulations with your
    100th post :-)
    And also 100 BEAUTIFUL post
    go on to the next 100 :-)
    Your collage is masterwork ...

    Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

  42. Well congratulations Glogirly and Katie! That's quite a landmark. And look at that retrospective all in one picture -- wow, that must have taken some time to put together!

    That's such a gorgeous shot of you, too, Katie! Your eyes really pop against your gorgeous black furs.

    Here's to 100 more and beyond!

  43. Concats! And we look forward to hundreds more. Thankyou for being my furriend. That's a great portrait of you there. Yes, SS has downloaded for my furriends photo album for private enjoyment and memory. Hope it's OK with you.

  44. Congratulations on your 100th post and a very big thank you for this and the 99 wonderful posts before it.
    We hope this is the first of many many 100th new post celebrations.

  45. We've enjoyed reading your posts! the next 100!

  46. Happy 100th, Katie, from me and your favorite neighbor, Hakeem! Looking forward to the next 100!!

  47. Congratulations Katie. Very cool post
    Benny & Lily

  48. Congratulations on your 100th post, Katie. We love reading about you and Glogirly, so here's to 100 more!

  49. Congrats on your 100th blog! We love to read what you say, and Jack thinks you're pretty hot.

  50. Hi Katie. Lovely to meet you, thanks for popping by to see us on our blog. We were very happy to spot you there. Congratulations on your 100th post - that is something to be proud of! We toast you! Darcy, Bingley and Helen

  51. Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
    your pal,

  52. Wow! 100 posts, well done Katie.
    Here's to many, many more. We love reading them!

  53. Wow, as always Katie, you impress us with your computer skills and way with words! Love the 100 pix and we have so enjoyed following you--and learning from you, too! Isn't the CB great! We are furry furtunate to all be furrends!

  54. Congratulations on your 100th post...I saw your blog on CatLine Crew and stopped by to say hi...Katie, you are adorable and we really like your Stealth Kitty outfit=really cool!!...Have a great weekend...purrs...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  55. Hi Katie,
    Wow you don't look that old...ohhh, 100th post not your birthday...duhhh! Congratulations! I've sure enjoyed reading about you and the Glofamily.
    I look forward to the next 100!
    Luv, Lucy (Woof!)

  56. Concatulations on you hundredth! I just had mine a few days ago.

    *High Five*


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