Friday, April 28, 2017

Window Seat, Party of One

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, I'm laying in the window spot. 

KATIE:  And you're broadcasting that because...

WAFFLES:  Just thought you'd want to know.

KATIE:  You do realize that window right behind you is 24 floors up in the air. That means it's 261 feet down to the ground. 

WAFFLES:  *Gulp* That's a LOT of feet. What does that convert to in paws?

About Today's Photos
We may be the equivalent of nearly a whole football field up in the air in our downtown apartment, but it doesn't seem to phase Waffles or Katie. They're each fascinated with the constant movement and buzz of the city. Whether it's people walking on the sidewalks, traffic zipping through the streets or even sirens blasting in the distance...they take it all in stride. 

The coveted window seat is considered prime real estate here. Waffles spends a good chunk of the daytime hours there but Katie's got a standing reservation for the evening hours. 

Can you spot Waffles?


  1. The Farm cats would agree with you Waffles. They love to sit in the windows here too

  2. What a fabulous view! You are lucky kitties.

  3. I continue to be amazed at how easily Katie and Waffles adapt to changes!

  4. I was able to spot Waffles in the last picture before I saw the "Where's Waffles?" question.

  5. Isn't he sitting right by the window on the sill? (Unless I am blind! lol) love when he said "what does that convert to in paws" MOL!! What a pawtastic view! catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. Back BC (Before Casey), Momma lived on the 11th floor in Chicago. Her kitty Scribbles LOVED looking out the window from way high up!

  7. that would be a pretty amazing view....and we bet Bird TV is pretty good up there too

  8. Of course the woman found Waffles... like she wouldn't find him wherever you tried to hide him. She'd probably pick him out from a pile of orange cats or a line up of them...

  9. That all sounds fascinating to watch. We never realized your apartment was on such a high floor. It's nice that these two can split their time in the coveted spot. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  10. Katie should have the window seat reserved for nighttime. I love my window seat that I call a perch. It's in a sunny location too. The pictures of Waffles and Katie are always adorable, and today's is mo exception.

  11. How could we miss Waffles. Plus I see he has a big screen to watch.

  12. Wow, you have quite the view, Waffles! Do squirrels make it up that high??

  13. Wow!! You are movin' on up Waffles and Katie! You guys are such great interior designers.

  14. Now that's what we call a deluxe apartment in the sky!

  15. That's some great place you got there!
    Urban kitties!
    Have a great Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  16. I agree with Ingrid..I am amazed at how often you go different places and Katie and Waffles do not make a fuss about it..mine make a fuss if I move their food


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