Monday, January 23, 2017

Does Size Matter? National Measure Your Feet Day

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! Did you know it's National Measure Your Feet Day?

KATIE:  Seriously? Is that really the best they could come up with for today?

WAFFLES:  It's cool, Boss! You know what they say about big feet –

KATIE:  No, Waffles. Tell me, what DO they say about big feet?

WAFFLES:  I don't know.  But they say something, so it must be good!  And I have REALLY BIG feet. What kind of feet do you have?

KATIE:  What do you mean, what kind of feet do I have? 

WAFFLES:  Are they small? medium? large? 

KATIE:  They're just right. 

WAFFLES:  Uh, Boss.... just right isn't a size. Only small, medium, large–

KATIE:  Well that depends.

WAFFLES:  Depends on what?

KATIE:  Depends on what (or who) I'm getting ready to whap.


  1. Binga happened to be sitting behind my human so she measured her feet... and they are 1-1/2". I wonder what that is in cat shoe sizes.

  2. Uh-oh! I'd stay a paw's length away if I were you Waffles

  3. Waffles, I think you need a teddy bear ... or an imaginary friend ... I mean that wouldn't be NEARLY as entertaining for us, but I'm thinking you might want to give Katie a break occasionally? I'm thinking you don't want to find out the size of her feet when they make contact with your face. Just saying.

  4. Great comeback, Katie! Mommy is squeeing over all those feet....

  5. Aww, Waffles, that was just an innocent question and you don't deserve to be smacked for that. But the thing is, a lady cats paws are the size they are meant to be, neither too big or too small, and whilst she may from time to time put them on a diet or muse over being a size smaller it is not for a man cat to comment but be supportive and be happy for them as they are. purrs ERin PS I love your paws they suit you, sir, just fine.

  6. very appropriately whapping sized feet :)

  7. Why do you have jelly bellies stuck on the bottom of your feets?
    Lily & Edward

  8. My feet are dainty like a ladycat's feet should be.

  9. Your feet are the perfect size then, Katie. ;D

  10. We never noticed you had such big paws, Katie, MOL ! Purrs

  11. MOL! Katie, we bet you stopped Waffles in his tracks with that one.

  12. inquiring minds want to know if Waffles received a whapping

  13. Mum just says my rear claws need trimming.

  14. Big feet=big tail and we know you have a long tail Waffles. :)

  15. he he - good answer Katie. I must say you both have pawsome paws, but Waffles paws are extra kissable!

  16. And what about feet that whap without provocations? *glares at Allie* Inquiring felines wanna know! ~Faraday


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