Monday, January 16, 2017

5-Star Lap Accommodations

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, I think Gloman needs a bigger lap. 

KATIE:  I think his lap is just fine, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Gloman, you need a bigger lap. Can we just get you one on Amazon? We have Prime. 

KATIE:  Gloman says you need to wait your turn, Waffles. And put Glogirly's credit card away. You're not an authorized user anyway.

WAFFLES:  Authorized, schmotherized. How's Mister Amazon going to know?

About Today's Photos
It was a regular love and nap fest here over the weekend. Katie and Waffles were taking turns on Gloman's lap all weekend long. Although Glogirly's lap had plenty of vacancies, it's just not as 5-star as Gloman's. Think Motel 6 versus the Ritz. 

Katie and Waffles have very discriminating taste in lap accommodations.


  1. I know who GloGirly feels. No one sits in Moms lap here!

  2. Nobody sits in laps here at all! We just want to share the chair.

  3. Waffles, you'll have a better chance of sharing Gloman's lap if you don't let Katie know you're there.

    With Mercy (the old tortie) sitting next to me, Ranger (the middle-aged tabby) came from the other side and sat on my lap. Mercy was fine until she looked around and saw Ranger was too close.

  4. Poor Glogirly. You two kitties should be ashamed.

  5. I'm guessing it has less to do with the product (no offense to Gloman) ... and more to do with Waffles just wanting whatever Katie has ... Flattery? Jealousy? Just being Waffles?

  6. Around here Dad's lap is the coveted spot too!!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. mom had the same thing....lots of lap space and no accommodating kitties

  8. Come to our house. Our male is not deserving of lap time...

  9. Glo Girly has a furry nice lap... can me get in your lap instead? -Bootsie Woo, Katie Kitty Too and Chiquita who like girl laps.

  10. Are Glogirly's laps less comfy than Gloman's ? Purrs

  11. At our house, mom's lap rules (unless mom is out of town)!

  12. We's hard to share one lap.

  13. Better not get an Amazon Alexa - who knows what Waffles will order!
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

  14. Laps are the best!
    Have a super week...

    Noodle and crew

  15. I am glad I don't have to share mum's lap. Even when Derby was here, I was OK, he wasn't a lap kittie.

  16. M wants to know why Katie, Waffles and me don't like girly girl laps? I always sit on D's lap too, if it's available, and almost always ignore M's, unless I'm desperate.D's lap is just so much roomier!!!

  17. It's not that it is better, it is probably that it is less available..

  18. Sounds like Giulietta. Mostly only her dad's lap will suffice. Love Katie's facial expressions. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  19. I don't like ANY laps, except for occasionally standing on Mom's

  20. Waffles & Katie, being 2 competitive sisters we totally understand this dilemna. We recommend our nighttime system: I, Peaches on left, Paprika on right (human in middle). Of course only half of us fits onto the human, but it works. Sometimes I look over human's lap and see Paprika, but I close my eyes, & pretend I'm the only one there. - signed, Peaches the Cat


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