Wednesday, November 2, 2016

He Must Work Out #WafflesWednesday

Today's blog post is dedicated to our friend, confidante and Glogirly's personal trainer, Joe. He's been trying to whip Glogirly into shape every Wednesday morning for the past seven years. He's also a big fan of #WafflesWednesday. So Joe, we know you're watching... Happy Birthday! Glogirly promises not to wimp out or call in sick today. See you soon!

WAFFLES:  So Boss, Joe says I need to work out on account of the ladies like a buff mancat.

KATIE:  Hmmm, when you moved in Waffles, I didn't think you'd EVER work out. Yet, here you are. Four years later.

WAFFLES:  Joe says I need to do curls and flys with these dumbells. I don't think he knows what he's talking about. These things are WAY too heavy to fly. 

KATIE:  Giving up awfully quickly aren't you, Waffles? Surely there must be some other exercises you can do besides curls and flys. You're always running up and down the stairs, chasing that ridiculous red dot. There's push-ups and bench presses. 

WAFFLES:  Ok, I'm pressing really hard. Does this count? Can you see my muscles?

KATIE:  I don't think that's what Joe means by bench press. How about lunges?

WAFFLES:  Now you're talking. And I can practice on you. 


  1. MOL! My human works out almost every day. She says it keeps her sane. I have my doubts about that.

  2. Waffles you are just perfect exactly as you are.

  3. Waffles, you already look great to the ladies!

  4. A buff mancat...LOL Spitfire does those lunges too...right after his sisters ;)

  5. Priceless! Looking at you guys antics is a great way to start our day! I must talk to Peaches about working out...she's gaining girth. Waffles you're an inspiration!

  6. we think Joe has his work cut out for him with Waffles

  7. wow! a personal trainer for seven years!! Amazing! Looks like GG is getting fitter than fit! Katie I also thought TKS would not work out, but as you say, here I am two and a half years later and she is still here

  8. Concatulations to Glogirly for investing in herself and staying fit ! Purrs

  9. Wow let me feel those muscles
    Lily & Edward

  10. You go Waffles, I can see those muscles puffing right up into mancat sized muscles.

  11. Paws up to Glogirly for working out. Mommy is way too lazy for that. But don't tell her I said that.

  12. I bet you get those luges perfected in no time, waffles.

  13. Waff! Keep on keeping on buddy! You are doing great with all your exercises! And kudos to Glogirly...Z-girl needs to get back to the gym or the barre or the mat classes at some point...

  14. Waffles, we bet you did practice on Katie. You look pretty buff already. Nice "fro! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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