Monday, April 29, 2013

Taking Matters Into My Own Paws

Dear Glogirly,

Are you EVER coming home?

Seriously...I'm going to need a VACATION after your vacation. Waffles and the Cat Sitter are bad enough...

photo by Cat Sitter
 But Waffles and the Cat Sitter's boyfriend???

photo by Cat Sitter
And now Waffles and the Cat Sitter's dad???

photo by Cat Sitter
That's it. I'm taking matters (and Waffles) into my own paws.

It's been 11 days since Glogirly left me.

Dear Friends,
While Glogirly is galavanting across the country with Gloman, I will continue to post daily updates on my mental state, physical condition and the goings-on here at the Townhouse with Orange Crush and the smelly Cat Sitter. 

Sadly, I won't be able to visit many of my furiends. Please know that I appreciate your visits and comments so very much and read every single one of them. 

What else am I supposed to do while Glogirly's gone?



  1. I don't know Katie dearest. It seems hopeless! It's been waaaay too long!!!!! Waffles is all over the place and all over everybody!!! He doesn't ssem to care about your paw either!!! Oh Katie dearest!!!! You need to come over here! I'll comfort you myself!

    ♥ Pasha,

  2. Oh poor poor Katie... looks like you're going to need a vacation after this.

  3. Dearest Katie, Waffles has just gone too far this time. Please teleport over at your convenience and rest your weary head. Don't worry, we'll teleport Precious over to take your place. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The cat-sitter won't know what hit her!

  4. Allie: *sigh* oh Katie.You are SO screwed. FaRADaY: yeahhhh, isn't it PAWEsome!?!

  5. Katie, I sure am enjoying your hilarious posts while your parents are away! I'm sure they'll be home soon. They must be so grateful to have good people taking care of you and Waffles Too. Peace of mind. Hang in there!!

  6. Oo, socked him right on the jaw! Boy do I hope your people come home soon, or they will come back to an orange stain on the carpet..

  7. You get hit, Katie. Brofurs are the worst! Can you believe that Mom brought yet another smelly mancat into the house? Argh!


  8. Katie, you are not showing your best side. Just sayin'.

  9. LOL Waffles has made a load of new friends. Katie what are you going to do about it? Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. Awwwwwwwwwww!!! Oh noes, sweet Katie!!! Waffles Too is winning the cat-sitter's family with his ginger gorgeousness!! You must put him in his place asap!!! Oh you have! Yay! LOL! Take care

  11. Wow that is shocking behaviour!

  12. Waffles' behavior is over-the-top outrageous!!!! And look how HUGE he's gotten!!! We're VERY worried about you!!! You may need to plan your escape, if your peeps don't return. We can make our mommy go pick you up if you need her ...

  13. Miss Katie was pointing the claw
    At Waffle's most obvious flaw
    The cat sitter was there
    But she did despair
    And showed young Waffles the door!

  14. Waffles is just throwing himself at anybody who comes through the door, isn't he? You have more dignity than that, Katie. We hope Glogirly comes home to you soon!

  15. That Waffles is what we call here in the UK, a tart.

    The Paw Relations

  16. oh dear, Miz looks like teh condo is INFESTED wif interlopers. not sure what you can do 'bout that. have you tried running away? Interlopers tend to be quite sloppy about leaving doors open. Look for your opportunity and then head due east-south-east-y, more or less. I'll be waiting for you under teh big tree. I'll have a nice mole waiting for you, to calm your nerves. see you soon-ish.

  17. Wow, the cat sitter and her family have taken over with Waffles Too's help! We think you might need counseling by the time Glogirly gets back!

    The Florida Furkids

  18. What the heck is going on there, Katie? It's like the cay sitter has totally moved in and is waaaaay too comfortable.

  19. OMC! They're ganging up on you, Katie! Maybe you should pack your bags and leave too!

  20. I don't know Katie it looks like W2 is getting bigger than you so I'd be careful! Love Dolly

  21. Horrors! We can't believe the condo has been overrun with all those extra humans! You poor dear...I'd suggest the bum of disrespect when the pawrents return. Whap that orange monster every chance you get, too :(

  22. Has the Cat Sitter totally moved in with her family? That picture of Waffles with the boyfriend- was that a meow for help?
    Come back Glowpeoples!

  23. Oh no your being invaded. Poor Katie.
    Sue B

  24. He's gatering recruits. Katie... whap away!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  25. She's still gone?! Katie! That's horrible! Mine left AFTER she did and she is already back!

  26. Eleven days now…that's unimaginable and unforgivable. How could they do that? What is with human's? Ours have done that kind of thing and are planning to again in the fall. We don't understand how they can leave their beloved babies for so long. We hope you're plotting your revenge for their return. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  27. Oh, gosh, Katie! This is just too, too much. Glogirly is going to have to do something very extraordinary to make all this up to you.

  28. Quick Katie...hop into my teleport tunnel and high tail it outta that cat hell hole!!

  29. OMC! I can't believe Glogirly left you for this long! That's cruel and unusual punishment. She better be bringing home some pawsome prezzies for you after this abuse.

  30. Poor baby girl,here are some more Super Sized Speedy Snuggles to comfort you,xx Speedy

  31. OMC! did the entire family move in? They're making W2 feral or at least wild. GG needs to come home so the evil hex will be lifted offa TW and she'll get her health back.

  32. Katie you are some trooper coping with all of this. SOme major sulking will be required when Glogirly gets home.

  33. Waffles Too looks like he is throwing one HELL of a PAWTY!!! What???!! He invited the ENTIRE FAMILY OVER????
    Look at that first photo of him just having a good 'ol time!!
    The NERVE!!!
    Katie, I think you MUST take matters into your own paws....this is OUT OF CONTROL!

  34. Now THAT is going way too far!
    BTW he is furry cute...

  35. Katie, it's been so long...will you even recognize Glogirly when she finally agrees to come home? Is Waffles preparing himself in case Glogirly decides to be on vacation forever? His behavior is shocking...of course my mom says it's adorable.

    What does she know?

  36. BOL! Oh Katie I think you're just pullin my fur. Somethin tells me you and Waffles are havin a blast tearin up the place while your peeps are away :P

    Waggin at ya,

    PeeS: There's a logo design contest at the Mall - 5/1 through 5/31. Thought you might want to know about it ;) Hope Gloman and Glogirly are havin a grand ol time on their vacation! Yours, Glodoggy ;P

  37. Oh, my, Waffles has gone rogue!!...Katie, you are welcome here anytime, sweetie=we have lots of extra beds, toys and nip!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  38. Oh my cats, you are really up to your cute little ears in people aren't you Katie? And looks like Waffles has made sure to cozy up to all of them. Oh well, your humans will be home soon......maybe.

    Ditto on what Roo said about the design contest, we would love to see an entry from your mom!

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew


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