Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Woof Week Day 2

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I know. You're still scratching your heads over my decision to devote an entire week to the dogs.

Well, not ALL dogs are, um...dogs. Some are WAY more fun. And some are WAY more yummy.

Some dogs you can drive.

Just last week, Glogirly saw the REAL DEAL
driving through downtown Minneapolis.
Unfortunately I wasn't driving.

Some dogs you can wear.

My pal Daisy knows what to do with HER dog.
All that's missing is her bag of chips.

But best of all...

Some dogs you can EAT!!!

Well, I've never actually tried one.
But I once batted one around that escaped Gloman's bun.


  1. I love it when I can eat things! You go!

  2. Hmmmm....I live with a dog...but I can't drive her, I can't wear her and I can't eat her.


    She does let me lick her.

  3. Mama likes her dogs with kraut! Humans are strange!

  4. ha ha - you are so funny sweetie. You are making M hungry tho with dat delicious hotdog picture.

  5. BOL...mom said we taste like chicken
    Benny & Lily

  6. My mom saw the Weinermobile once right before Monday Night Football in Cleveland! She even got a button saying she saw it! MOL!

  7. And you never know when a Harley Quinn will send a photo of his wiener on his cell phone....

  8. I'm not really fond of those test tubes the peeps eat at ballgames and stuff. They look like test tubes and taste like chemicals, or so I've heard.


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