Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fashion Week Day 4

Hi everyone, Katie here.

My blogging friends have touched my little cat heart. After yesterday's post, many of you remarked at my beauty. That last photo montage of beauty shots must have really done it for you. So I'm thinking of becoming a supermodel. I'm a cat, so I've definitely got the ego thing covered.

First up, I'm going to need a headshot.

Next, I'll need an agent.
All the good ones wear huge glasses.

Representation will be critical when all the magazine cover offers start pouring in. I'll need to assemble my "people." You know...make up artists, hair stylists, nail technicians, massage therapists, fitness trainers, my personal chef... When I mew, I want salmon, STAT.

Get ready for Cosmo Cat.

Glogirly can carry me around in my Louis Vuitton on one arm
and fend off the pawparazzi with the other.

Note to self: Check on the availability the Louis Vuitton traveler's litter box. I'd hate to be seen with some horrible Rubbermaid thing.


  1. You do have this thought out! And yes, you look great!

  2. Um Katie - could I be your agent. I can put big glasses on if dat is what it takes. I'm cheap help too - just a few treats a day and a smooch.

  3. Great idea! Can we have your pawtograph before you become a supermodel?

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  4. Louis Vuitton had BETTER have a traveler's litter box! Just sayin'.

  5. I have it on good authority that Louis Vuitton does a nice line in litter trays!

  6. Rubbermaid?! Oh the horror! Check with Gucci if Louis Vuitton doesn't pan out ;)

    Waggin at ya,

  7. Louis would be proud to have you hanging out in his carrier..
    Benny & Lily

  8. Whoa! What a great pot. I could see myself typing the same things. You rock Katie

  9. I'm glad to see you appreciate your good looks. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



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