Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Guest Books & Vacuums - Invasion Imminent

KATIE:  The guest book is out. You know what that means.

WAFFLES:  And Glogirly's doing a LOT of vacuuming. She almost vacuumed me right off my chair. 

KATIE:  Your chair?

WAFFLES:  Well, my blanket ON my chair. 

KATIE:  Perhaps if I hide the pen, no one can write it the guest book. And if no one can write in the guest book, no one can sleep in the guest bed. And if no one can sleep in the guest bed–

WAFFLES:  But I already called firsties on bed making and luggage inspections. 

We're expecting more visitors this week. They're flying in all the way from Nashville. Waffles might have to put on his Elvis vest to welcome them.

We're not sure if they're cat people, but not to worry...they will be by the time they leave. That is, they'll have plenty of cat hair in their luggage to bring home with them.


  1. Waffles definitely needs to wear his Elvis best. Can't wait to see pics of the visit.

  2. How fun! I had a visitor today! But it was only for about 20 minutes.

  3. Just make sure they don't have Waffles in their luggage!

  4. Katie - will you be hiding in the closet? I would too.

  5. Have a fun visit! We’re looking forward to pictures. Waffles definitely needs to wear the Elvis vest!

  6. Waffles will win them over for sure!

  7. Guests usually mean more pets and treats!

  8. Am sure they will be converted by the time Waffles is through with your guests!

  9. Thanks for the share. Don't hide the pen. Guests will come and have their hands out to give you head rubs. But your idea of having the bed all too yourself is a better one. Just have to share it together. Hopefully that works out. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  10. Waffles and Katie, you are probably getting used to the vacuum by now! Have a good time. Shouldn't Katie have a vest too, though?


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