Monday, September 10, 2018

Sleepypod Superpowers

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WAFFLES:  *shhh!* Be very, very quiet. 

WAFFLES:  *whispers* I'm practicing my invisible superpowers. 

WAFFLES:  *whispers* The Boss has NO idea that I'm–

KATIE:  Waffles, you DO know the white Sleepypod is mine, right?

WAFFLES: *whispers* Boss! I'm not really here on account of I'm invisible. 

KATIE:  Seriously Waffles, I can totally see you.

WAFFLES:  You just THINK you see me, Boss.

KATIE:  No, I totally see you.

WAFFLES:  SEE! It works! It works! My invisible superpowers work. I can make you THINK you see me. 

KATIE:  That's a great trick, Waffles. How about you use those super powers to make me NOT see you?

About Today's Photos
Katie and Waffles may have checked ' √⃞ It's Complicated' for their Facebook relationship status, but we have photographic proof that may not be 100% accurate.

Every morning after breakfast service and drinks at the fountain, Katie and Waffles meet up at the white Sleepypod on the big blue ottoman.

Whoever gets there first has dibs. Whoever gets there late, assumes the position just outside the pod.

Although skirmishes break out regularly during the morning meal service, it's all sunshine and rainbows at the pod.

Sorry, Waffles. We think the Sleepypod is the one with secret supers powers.


This post contains Amazon Associate Links which means we receive a small commission if you click from our site and make a purchase. 

This post was originally published August 24, 2015 and has been edited.


  1. Classic. We live the look of them and a cute idea to have something so stylish that can be used to go in the car as well.

  2. Sighs. Mom wishes we could have one of these!

  3. We are not sure about our sleepypod. Sometimes it gets used to take us to the vet...

  4. We never knew our Sleepypod has secret powers. We're gonna check it out!

  5. that must be a special feature we didn't get with ours :)

  6. The way things are going with the weather around here, I want a HUMAN-SIZED Sleepypod, kitties!

  7. That's so cute ! We wish we get a Sleepypod one day... Purrs

  8. The Sleepypod looks wonderful. Waffles we couldn't even see you in the photos. That's why we were wondering why Katie was sleeping on the outside. You really fooled us. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

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