Monday, November 21, 2016

What Do You Mean the Kitchen is Closed?

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! What are you having?

KATIE:  I'm having a hard time waiting for breakfast is what I'm having.

WAFFLES:  So where is everybody? The kitchen's supposed to be open, right?

KATIE:  It's already 8:01am. It's practically lunchtime.

WAFFLES:  Lunch? You get lunch? But I only get breakfast and dinner. LUNCH???

KATIE:  Well don't come crying to me. You need to take it up with management. 

About Today's Photos
The rumors are true. Katie gets lunch and Waffles doesn't.

As we've been managing some of Katie's health concerns and touchy digestive system, we've realized she does so much better with smaller and more frequent meals. Of course even though she's hasn't been getting any more food than Waffles, he wasn't buying it.

During the first few weeks of Katie's new food routine, Waffles stood vigil just outside the powder room door while she enjoyed her lunch on the other side. Oh, there was some yowling, an outstretched paw under the door and plenty of pacing back and forth. Glogirly even made sure he got a treat every time Katie got her lunch, but the protests continued. Until now. Apparently Waffles has come to the realization that he's either not getting any, he's not hungry, or his warm bed is just too comfy to get out of.  No matter the reason, life is much more peaceful at the noon hour for Katie and for Glogirly.

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  1. The pictures of Katie and Waffles on the bar stools get me every time ... they are just too funny (namely because I understand the impatient wait for breakfast).

  2. Could it be? Is it possible? Is Waffles....maturing?

  3. No lunch Waffles??

    Now I'm kinda hungry for lunch waffles. MOL!

  4. Binga gets lunch too! That's because she has a hard time keeping weight on.

  5. We can't remind Waffles doesn't get lunch!

  6. I won't tell Lexy that Katie gets lunch. She'll start a revolution.

  7. we understand Waffles....the kittens here get fed WAY more often than we do

  8. I think Katie lied to him and told him she wasn't really eating--she was getting poked by Dr. Stabby...

  9. that has to be extra rough when one gets a meal that the other doesn't get, even harder when it is two cats! My heart goes out to you! catchatwithcarenandcody

  10. We're glad that Waffles is learning the routine. With Wally's illness, he's been getting fed whenever he wants...but usually behind a closed some cats aren't aware of the special treatment. ;)

  11. I really like reading your posts every time!!! You are so beautiful and funny together.

  12. It's very interesting to hear that Katie and Waffles have different feeding schedules. We're glad to see that Waffles has understood that new routine. Purrs

  13. We are glad Katie can eat in peace and that Glogirly isn't exhausted from having to play waitress on one side of the powder room door and bouncer on the other! Ha!

  14. Good for Waffles for learning he's not getting any lunch and backing off. We are doing something similar with an extra meal before bedtime for Pierre, and Ashton is convinced that she is being deprived of the last meal ever to be served to a cat in the house, every night. The Waff needs to have a word with her about food manners.

  15. Waffles is smart, I think. Mario has a sensitive digestive system too, so we're about to try a probiotic. We may have to go to more smaller meals too - good idea there. he he - at least M doesn't have to worry about another kitty stealing my foods.

  16. Here the kitch-hen is always open.

  17. Such a cute argument over food by these two lovely cats! Definitely refreshing and relaxing, the reason why write me an essay please adore cats everywhere.

  18. I won't tell Lexy that Katie gets lunch. She'll start a revolution.

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