Sunday, September 11, 2016

In Honor of Those Who Lost So Much

This post appeared on our blog last year on 9/11. We reread it yesterday, hoping to find the right words to share with you today. And then realized the right words were already here. We hope you don't mind us republishing Katie and Waffles' conversation about the day our hearts stood still.

WAFFLES:  What are you thinking about, Boss?

KATIE:  I'm just thinking about how lucky we are, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Did we win a prize or something? 

KATIE: You could say that. 

WAFFLES: Did it come in a nice box? 

KATIE: No Waffles, what we have doesn't come in a box. 

WAFFLES:  No box?

KATIE:  Waffles, the things that really matter don't come in boxes. Things like friends, family, freedom. Most of all love.

WAFFLES:  I love YOU, Boss. And Glogirly and Gloman and chicken. And wand toys. Definitely wand toys.

KATIE:  Waffles, long before you were born, even before I was born, there was a terrible tragedy in our country. Lots of people, animals too, lost their loved ones. Nearly 3.000 people died. And all because of things like intolerance and hatred.

WAFFLES:  I don't know what those words mean, Boss. 

KATIE:  That's ok, Waffles. There are too many people, even cats, that do. 

In honor of those who lost their lives, and those who live with that loss.
We will never forget.


  1. The only one of us three kitties who was alive on 9/11 was Binga. It was just her and the cat before Sparkle then (Sparkle hadn't been born yet). Binga says it was a very hard day for the humans.

  2. Thank you for remembering, and honoring all who lost so much. We, too, will never forget.

  3. This is timeless. I'll definitely never forget. How could I?

  4. Thank you for this post. Mom says it was such a terrible day and period afterwards. The world changed that day. I was born about 4 months later.

  5. What a beautiful tribute. None of us will ever forget.

  6. These words are as applicable today as they were before.

  7. This is beautiful...and worth sharing every day.

  8. Beautiful post. We're glad you shared it again.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. That's a beautiful tribute. None will forget that day. Purrs

  10. It sure doesn't seem like 15 years ago
    Lily & Edward

  11. I was recently talking to my 11-year-old niece about this. She said her teacher talked about the event in school and showed videos. She asked if I were alive when it happened (LOL) so I told her about what I did that night and how I felt, and that I cried. We need to educate the next generation. . .

  12. Mum said it was a sad and scary day.

  13. Yep. Those are the right words. Nicky even lost his window whiffies cos TW said the stench from the pile was reaching their house and making everything smell bad; like death or something. On a lighter note, since you brought up chickens, Waff, are you gonna celebrate National Chicken Month this month?


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