Monday, September 5, 2016

Cats on Labor Day

WAFFLES:  Today's Labor Day so I'm working extra hard at laboring. The Boss told me it's important I look professional and stuff when I go to work. 

WAFFLES:  Working requires a lot of paperwork. A LOT.

WAFFLES:  And working means spending a lot of time on the computer too... watching cat videos and messaging the ladies on Facebook.

WAFFLES:  What??? I'm not supposed to be watching cat videos and Facebooking when I'm working?  But isn't that what everyone does at work?

Happy Labor Day to our US Friends & Readers!
... and Happy Labour Day to our Canadian friends! Celebrated on the first Monday in September, Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to to the strength, prosperity and well-being of their country.

It's also a great day to go shopping for mattresses, toilet paper and TVs.

And for many, it's a day to catch up on some of these –

KATIE:  Labor Day? I got this.


  1. Waffles, you are very handsome in your tie. I think Katie has the right idea though...zzzzzz

  2. Given what Katie has to put up with, with Waffles ... I'm thinking that nap is well deserved. He is certainly handsome though ... which probably gets him out of MOST trouble.

  3. I'm with you, Waffles - it looks to me like you are working hard!

  4. Waffles, you're doing a great job! Love the paperwork! Katie needs the rest with Waffles around....

  5. Happy Labor Day to all of you. We like Katie's approach to the holiday.

  6. Love your tie Waffles. So cute. Happy Labor Day.
    Sue B

  7. The most laboring we'll be doing today is trying to find the purrfect napping spot. Happy Labor Day!

  8. It appears as if that shopping for toilet paper is a good idea. MOL! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  9. Waffles, you are the Cat's Pajamas! he he It's good you are taking Labor Day seriously too! Love the tie!

  10. You look great in your tie. Happy Labor Day!

  11. We like your idea of work, Waffles. And nice tie, BTW.

  12. Thank you for spelling Labour correctly one time! I think it's time to send Waffles on the hunt for the missing "u"'s! Happy Labour Day from Canada!

  13. You look very stylish and very serious with your tie, Waffles (except the part with the paper roll...). Happy Labor Day ! Purrs

  14. You only watch cat videos when your boss isn't around, Waffles. When the boss is nearby, you have important-looking graphs and charts up on the computer screen so it looks like you're working hard, instead of hardly working. ;D

  15. Waffles you should be following Katie's example on this day. You are not supposed to be working today! No paper shredding today or goofing off on your computer! Happy Labor Day to my American friends! Finally a day off that matches with us Canadians.

  16. Waff, it's also National Cheese Pizza Day so I hope you ordered one with extra chicken.

  17. Waffles, you're a very good worker. As far as we can tell, anyway!

    Happy Labor Day, Katie, Waffles and Glogirly!

  18. Hi Waffles and Katie, my dad took me out for another long walk. I guess we missed on the sales but had more "quality time" together. Feed me more treats dad.


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