Friday, January 22, 2016

Nurse Katie & Waffles Reporting for Duty

KATIE:  Glogirly is having oral surgery today so I'm getting ready to take care of her when she gets home.

WAFFLES:  What's oral surgery, Boss? Is it a new game we can play on our iPad?

KATIE:  Not exactly, Waffles. It's like going to the vet and instead of just getting a shot with a little needle, they use a big drill. 

WAFFLES:  A big drill? Like on HGTV???

Glogirly's Date with the Oral Surgeon
Just when Glogirly has started to recover from her extended work trip, she's got a not-so-fun date with the oral surgeon Friday morning. For those of you in-the-know about such things, the procedure she's having is called an Apicoectomy and it's performed by an Endodontist. Something Waffles will never be able to pronounce and if you don't already know what it is, it's probably best to not even ask. There's a dentist, a big drill, they go in sideways through the jaw... say no more.

She's getting valium, gas (not the Mexican bean kind) and plenty of pain killers to help her through it all. Gloman is her driver and we're serving as her primary home care team. She's got a prescription for lots and lots of kitty cuddles, catnaps and Vicodin. 

Recovery takes a few days, so we're expecting she'll be pretty loopy for awhile. Good thing Gloman is familiar with our meal service regimen. Surely we'll be needing extra nourishment with all the caregiving we'll be administering.


  1. Sending lots of purrs for Glogirly. Good thing she's got an ace team like you two!

  2. Sending prayers for surgery to go well. You two will give her the best medicine!

  3. Bleagh! What a thing to come home to! I hope you two kitties are on top of the nursing duties - Glogirly will need lots of that!

  4. Yikes....because I'm nosy I googled... Poor Glogirly! Get ready to comfort Nurse Katie and Nurse Waffles!

  5. Sending good thoughts for fast healing, Glogirly

  6. Gah. I'm not sure I needed to know that. I hope your recovery is quick and as painless as it can possibly be. We send you hugs from the Farm

  7. Mom says yikes. She is one of those people terrified of the dentist. I know you will handle your nursing duties with great skill.

  8. Sending healing energies and gentle hugs to GLOGIRLY. Sending chin scritches to the most handsome nurse mancat also know as Waffles ❤️

  9. Our mom is absolutely horrified at such a thing! Take good care of yours, kittehs.

  10. You guys take good care of your human while she's laid up. Lots of extra purrs and pats!!!

  11. Oh dear!!!! God bless you,Glogirly!!! Our mommy knows a little about oral surgery..... Waffles looks scary with that drill.... At least it's pink!!!

  12. Our Mum was wincing just reading what Glogirly is going to be put through. We hope it isn't as dreadful as it sounds and good luck to her.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. Ouch! Sorry you have to go through that, Glogirly.
    At least the Gloteam is ready to care for you!

  14. Sending lots of purrs and prayers Glogirly's way! Of course, with you two as her care team, Katie and Waffles, I'm sure she'll be purrfectly well in no time.

  15. sending purrss. when you get a break come on ofur to our house for some french toast

  16. Sending purrs and hugs.
    Sue B

  17. Of course we had to google that and our mom almost passed out! Purring real hard for Glogirly and know you both will take the best care of her. Sending lots of healing purrs.

  18. o..m..c!! that sounds....awful. take good care of her and we will send along extra purrs

  19. Oh no! Poor Glogirly! We sure hope all goes well for her. We're on nurse duty here too. No drills involved, but there's this big metal thing called a walker. What a strange contraption!

  20. We hope everything goes well! Thank Cod you clarified the gas part too! Take great care of her so she feels better soon!

  21. That doesn't sound like fun at the best of times. I bet she'll be glad when she's back on her feet at home, where she belongs!

  22. I don't react well to dentists, but the
    Lil beasts still keep me company until om seriously on the mend. Between Gloman and the kitties you'll be right as rain in no time!! Sending love and Glogirly hugs.


  23. Big hugs for Glogirly. Mom says that she's never heard of this surgery before. It sounds dreadful. You kitties behave yourselves and take good care of her. We're all sending lots of purrs. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  24. Oh Glogirly! We sure hope that once you are recovered you, Gloman and the kitties can either have a beautiful stay-cation or take a little trip together, like last year, to relax, reflect and recharge! Hoping that it all goes smoothly and that the kitty cuddles and Vicodin keep you as comfortable as possible. Z-Girl and the Squeedunk Gang

  25. Take very good care of her and give her lots of cuddles!

  26. Take very good care of her and give her lots of cuddles!

  27. Ooooh! That's not a word I want to look up!! Sending lots of healing purrs for Glogirly! You two will make stupendous nurses xxx

  28. I wish I could post the vid of the cat sing "NONONONONONO". ugh. Take care love.

  29. I wish I could post the vid of the cat sing "NONONONONONO". ugh. Take care love.

  30. OMC - That surgery sounds horrible. Tell Glogirly to take care of herself - we'll be here and look forward to your posts whenever they can happen.

  31. I am purring for Glogirly that the surgery goes well. I know you both will be very good nurses.

  32. Oh, poor Glogirly. We think she needed more time to recover from all those work hours away from home, but since it isn't happening, we're glad she has you two and Gloman and lots of painkillers to nurse her through.

  33. No, no! One doesn't go to the oral surgeon after a trip away from home and so much work!
    We're sending lots of hugs and purrs...not that you'll need it with the drugs ;-)

  34. Ugh, oral surgery! Good thing you have top notch nurses like Katie and Waffles to give you purrsonal attention while you're healing and recovering. I lovelovelove the picture of Waffles with the drill.

  35. Ooh, Nasty! I thought I'd suffered all that the dentist has to offer, but I don't think I've had this one. My dentist is a cat guy, and he says to never, ever, let your cats play with your drills, especially not if they are orange fellows. I think that means you, Waffles.

  36. I'm sending good thoughts and all the kitties are purring!

  37. We cross our paws that everything goes well, and we send tons of purrs to Glogirly for a quick recovery (and as painless as possible !) Purrs

  38. Purrs and prayers for Glogirly. We hope the procedure goes well and that her recovery is quick.

    The Florida Furkids

  39. We know you two will do a purrfect job nursing Glogirly through the pain. Purrs and pawsitive thoughts that everything goes well.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  40. I've been thinking about Glogirly today and hope everything went well! She certainly has two of cutest nurses around :)

  41. Mommy is take THE BEST CARE EVAR with your girl!

  42. oh my that sounds AWFUL!!!!! Praying all went well and that it is a speedy recovery! catchatwithcarenandcody

  43. Ouch! I hope Glogirly has a speedy recovery. She is lucky to have you 2 great nurses.

  44. That drill.. seriously? I'm still chuckling over it.

  45. TW’s cousin had that and I hope your Girl’s surgery goes lots better than Jill’s did. Sending healing purrz. I’m not even gonna mention that first she deserts you for a hunnert weeks and now you’re expected to be her nurses.

  46. It sounds awful Glogirly. I wouldn't be too happy about it either. My dad has had root canals done before. Big drill, then a fine, very fine flexible file is inserted to get all the root bits out. Then they clean it up and put a temporary crown or patch on it. It still gives my dad the shudders.

  47. Glogirly's North Carolina buddies (Sniper, Harper, Georgie and Saturn) hope she has a speedy recovery!

  48. Weez sendin' purrayers fur a speedy recovery. Have a gweat weekend of cuddles.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  49. Hope everything is coming along okay and the cuddles are working their healing bestest! Need any help? Sending hugs!

  50. Get well soon Glogirly, bless your heart. Thank goodness you have so many great nurses to care for you. Purrs

  51. Well, hope Glogirly is doing OK. Mum looked up the common name of Apicoectomy, it is root canal. She said she had this done a couple of times and never got any fun drugs, she even drove herself to and from the place. So your thing must be furry bad!

  52. I hope you heal quickly. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  53. We are purring for a speedy recovery.
    Big Noodle hugs...

    Noodle and crew

  54. We heard on FB that Glogirly survived her ordeal with the oral surgeon. We bet you two are being great and helpful nurses for her. Purring and praying for a fast and relatively quick recovery. Hugs!

  55. OK now I realize I need to postpone my oral surgery. It's high season for me and my nurse team (mom). Second, on a fashion note--Katie and Waffles look like cat genies with those pink masks rather than nurses. I love it!


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