Friday, December 18, 2015

Three More Sleeps for Santa Waffles & Santa Katie

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, Glogirly's coming home before Christmas isn't she? 

KATIE:  Just three more sleeps, Waffles. Plenty of time before I give you your Christmas gift.

WAFFLES:  Awww, Boss. You shouldn't have!

Where's Glogirly???
Katie and Waffles are missing their girl, but probably not nearly as much as their girl is missing them. She's been working in Atlanta, setting up Christmas displays for over a week now. One of the displays she's been creating has over 144 Santas featured in it. But none nearly as adorable as Santas Waffles and Katie. 


  1. I'm sure she can't wait to get home to her kitties and her Gloman

  2. Waffles, I'm not so sure I'd be excited about your gift from Katie! A little frightened, maybe.

  3. We wish Glogirly safe and uneventful travels.

  4. We bet she can't wait to get back home ! Purrs

  5. Well no one is as cute as Waffles, according to the woman.

  6. All that display with all those Santas really needs is Waffles and Katie in it.

  7. Come home soon Glogirly...we all miss you!

  8. we are certain your Mom is making everything beautiful in Atlanta!! I like how you said "three more sleeps" I always tell Dakota and Cody that catchatwithcarenandcody

  9. We wonder if Glogirly is Santa?
    Lily & Edward

  10. Be careful Waffles! I'll save you- I volunteer even, and I don't even know what you need saving from yet.

  11. I love these photos! Katie looking in the bag of's close everyone! Glogirly will be home soon! Can't wait to read about the reunion...

  12. Y'all do look cute in yous Santa suits. Have a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  13. Only three more sleeps? Hurry home Glogirly!

  14. We know you will be very happy when Glogirly comes home.

  15. You make an adorable Santa.
    Only 3 more sleeps...hang in there.

    Noodle and crew

  16. I hope we get to see the display she is working on, but I agree no Santa is as cute as you both.

  17. So Katie, based on how many times my cats sleep per day shouldn't Glogirly have been home a long time already? I'm not sure "sleeps" is the right unit of time measurement for a cat. Safe journeys, Glogirly. <3

  18. P..s You two are adorable in your Santa costumes. Merry Christmas to you!

  19. Did that bag say 'coal'????????

    Oh my goodness!

  20. Whoa! 144 Santas? Pop loves the fat guy in red. I love Katie and Waffles.

  21. Glogirly will be home before you can say "Ho, ho, ho" Waffles. We hate to admit it, but you both look adorable in your Santa outfits. It takes very special kittys to wear costumes. We really hope that when our Human sees the photos of Waffles & Katie dressed like Santa that she doesn't get any ideas for doing the same thing to us. If she tries dressing us up, we may have to put the bitey on her as a gentle reminder that we don't do clothes - no matter how "cute" Humans think it looks.

  22. I'm so grateful that our local Petco never has clothes for cats. They barely have harnesses. Mom has to go into the "big city" for any other kind of pet stores. Katie and Waffles always rock their clothes!

  23. You are such cuties in your little Christmas outfit! A safe return home for Glogirly. She will be your best Christmas gift!


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