Monday, October 21, 2013

Special Report From Waffles: Orange Crush Update

Hi everybuddy, Waffles here.

The Boss and Glogirly read me all your really nice comments from yesterday's blog post, both here and on the Faces Book. I had no ideas that I had so many friends that cared about me!

I just want you to know that I'm all back to normal. So normal that I even got in trouble today when I knocked over the kitchen stool. It's not like I did it on purpose. I was only trying to practice my long jump from there to the windowsill on the other side of the room.

The Boss got caught in the camera crossfire too, so everybuddy thinks SHE did it!

Later on the Boss asked to see my eye. Just to make super sure it looks like it's supposed to.

Yup, the Boss says it looks like it's supposed to, alright.

Contests, Contests, We're In More Contests
Orange Crush and I are entered in a couple of great Halloween contests that just might win us an opportunity to help kitties in need. If you have a moment, would you mind clicking a few votes for us?

PetSmart's Monster Cute Photo Contest (only on Facebook)
We have TWO entries:
VOTE HERE: "Witchy Waffles"
VOTE HERE: "Dinosaur Kitty Kisses"

Pet360 Tricks For Treats Video Contest (we're finalists!)
VOTE HERE: "Waffles and the Red Dot"


  1. OK we never met you guys, but we are relieved and happy that everything is OK

    Marjorie, Silver, Miranda, and Harvey

  2. Waffles? I hope you can see good enough out of that eye to get a good look at the Boss's earsies.

    Just sayin'.

    Nite nite, all.

  3. I am glad you are doing well enough to make things go boom! Yeah Waffles. I think even Katie might have been a little worried.

  4. Miss Katie's face in photo three says it all.

    We are laffing our furrs off.

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  5. We are all glad you are A-OK Waffles.
    We voted for you and Katie

  6. We did all that voting! Whew, we're gonna need extra treats for this. MOL!

    Did that barstool just fall over by itself? That happens at our house, too. Strange coincidence!

  7. Glad you're doing just fine, Waffles.

  8. OMC, Katie's face in the last photo!!! It's... it's... like MY face when I'm dealing with Binga!

    Seriously, I'm glad your eye bounced back so quickly, Waffles, and you're feeling well enough to practice your flying leaps. That is a great sign!

  9. We're soooo glad you're better! You really bounced back! We're not surprised so many peeps love you! Have a great week!

  10. Back into trouble already? O Waffles should have milked the poorly sick thing for a little while longer! Glad your are back to your old(ish) self!

  11. What happened, Waffles? Are you OK? Please continue the Storm of Destruction! that way we know you're feeling OK.

  12. Awwwwwww sweet and adorable Waffles!! Just caught up with all your adventures! Awwwww we are so glad your eye is ok!! We are also glad that Glogirly is ok too - what a scare for her!

    We just know sweet Katie will nurse you both to happiness again! :-) Take care

  13. Oh, we're soooo glad you're ok!!! Phew! We're also glad that Katie is keeping such a close eye on your eye. It's so sweet when siblings show they really do care, even when a lot of time they squabble!

  14. If you're into that much naughtiness already, you must be feeling better, Waffles. We're so glad to hear it!

  15. Oh Waffles you were suppose to milk the eye thing for treats and stuff. You should have laid around looking pitiful and making Glogirly feel guilty you could have gotten like a gazillon treats. Obviously Katie has fallen down on her job as mentor.

    Glad you are doing OK Waffles.

  16. Waffles we are THRILLED that you are ok and I think "The Boss" is taking awfully good care of you (in spite of herself! lol)

  17. Waffles we are glad you are okay! Katie, don't fall off your game :-)

  18. Waffles we are glad you are okay! Katie, don't fall off your game :-)

  19. We're really happy that things turned out okay. We're not so sure that Katie is happy in that last photo.

    The Florida Furkids

  20. Waffles, we're glad you're okay. And we bet you even didn't get yelled at when you knocked the stool over.

  21. We didn't see any post from you on the cat blogosphere site and we thought that was kind of odd. I guess we should have come to visit anyway...

    We is very glad you is better. We'd be very upset if something happened to you, our friend Waffles!

  22. I am so glad your eye is good Waffles. Did you make sure you tipped over that chair when everyone was sleeping? That's what my Tubby does. LOL.
    Sue B

  23. Goodness! We've just been and read that post. We're thankful that there was some quick thinking going on and very glad that Waffles is okay xxx

    The Paw Relations

  24. We are so relieved your eye is better. Was that last picture before the whapping started?

  25. HURRAH!!!!!!

    Now Mommy is humming a song by REM. Weird.

  26. Even though our kitchen stools are so heavy our mom can't lift them, we've knocked them over a couple of times.The fridge has two dents in the front, which gets Mom riled up every time she walks past it. We think you just had a little misjudgment because of your eye for which you should be forgiven. But if you blamed it on Katie all the better. Be careful, Waffles. You wouldn't want another trip in the PTU. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  27. I'm sure your little oopsident was a latent affect of your eye injury, and not at all your fault!

  28. Of course it was Katie that knocked over that kitchen chair :)

  29. yippee waffels is A O.K!now back to kitty fun....hehehe,xx Speedy

  30. Glad to hear you are a good healer. That Glogirly, she takes such good care of you!

  31. You have the best mom and dad in the whole world. Good to hear you are okay, sweet Waffles! Purrs...

  32. I sure am glad your eye is okay pal, you need to keep those goggles within paws reach. Thanks for all the purrs, I am trying to use them wisely.

  33. Waffles we are so glad your eye is okie dokie and now you might wanna check out Katies flat ears...

  34. The Boss looks thrilled to bits … so much so, she's got airplane ears!! ;)

  35. Poor, poor Katie. I'm glad from the looks of your ears that things are back to normal in the townhouse.

  36. Hooray! We is so happy to know you is back to your pawsome self. Even if Katie is not too happy, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  37. Yikes pal, I don't know what happened on the day I missed, but I sure am happy your eye is okay. We has to be careful with those things cuz M says we don't get another pair!

  38. We are happy to know your eye is OK. Orinch eyes are best!

  39. Hi Waffles, Katie's flat ears are not a good thing. Better to slide back on that ottoman buddy.

  40. Cutie Little Orange Crush, I'm so glad you are doing well. Now stop getting yourself in trouble! You haven't learned, have you?!

  41. FaRADaY: BOOSH! Shock and AWE, Katie! Shock and AWE. Waff's eye SKEERED you, dint it! We see those airplane ears, we DO!


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