Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sweater This

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Petsmart. I have a love-hate relationship with Petsmart. You see, Petsmart works with the St. Francis Animal Shelter. This is the shelter that is responsible for matching me up with Gloman so he could give me to Glogirly as an anniversary present. And Petsmart has cool stuff for cats like fishing rods, nip-filled mice, yummy crunchy food. And litter. They have lots of litter. I like litter.

But Petsmart has a few items that just don't belong. They don't belong in Petsmart or anywhere else for that matter. Glogirly went to Petsmart today and brought one of these said items home.

Even a fresh bag of my crunchy gingivitis food is not going to make up for this.

Friends, I give you my new sweater.

I didn't even know what a sweater was until about an hour ago. Frankly I'm not impressed.

Maybe you freeze-baby chihuahuas or prissy little poodles think this kind of thing is practical or even cute. Well I don't care if it is cable knit. I don't care about the updated V-neck styling. I don't care that it "matches" my eyes. It may match the color of my eyes, but not the fury in them. My body temperature is a toasty 102.5 degrees fahrenheit... and rising. I don't need no stinkin' sweater.

And Glogirly, you don't need no stinkin' camera strap either.


  1. Hi everyone, Katie here.

    Don't worry... Glogirly took off my sweater after just a few minutes. It's sitting on the floor by the laundry room right now. As soon as she falls asleep, I'm hiding it.

  2. Hiding it might not be good enough. Try biting through a few threads and see if it starts to ravel. Grin.

  3. OMC! We can't believe she made yoo waer that sweater (that's a pretty stink thing to do) ... but actually ... yoo look quite cute in it!

    Milo and Alfie xx

  4. I'm not sure brown is your color? But what do I know, pink seems even worse. Glad your sweater moments are over!
    Hey, I've presented your girl with an award. Tell her to stop by and read about it.
    ~Lisa Co9T

  5. Katie, our mom better not be getting any ideas...we don't need no stinkin' sweaters either!

  6. We don't wear sweaters but we think Mom would try it if she could!! We have to say that you did look cute in yours.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  7. Hi Katie,
    A sweater? Hello! Didn't she notice you were wearing fur? I must say though you looked adorable.
    Luv, Lucy (Woof!)

  8. know what's in my laundry room?...out litter boxes. Um...when Glogirly isn't looking, take the sweater, drag it off to the litter box and bury it!

  9. Katie
    One time Momma put some tall pink cat ears on Boo (my sisfur) and she had a catnipshun, that was the first, the only and the last time Momma ever tried putting anything on any of us. She thinks I wouldn't do anything if she tried and not care but I give her THAT look and she knows she better never try. Time to take drastic measures with that sweater so it doesn't happen again.


  10. WOW! Pet~Smart is really getting out of hand. And to think, our StepGrandmaBean works there (even though she doesn't have too)! It is a cute sweater, even though you hate it! Did it paralyze you? Effurytime mom "tries" to put stuff on us, we become paralyzed. Hopefully gloGirly will come to her senses and realize you are purrfect in your OWN furs!

  11. How could she make you use that silly sweater?
    Though you do look awesome in it.

  12. Noooo! My mama is going to PetSmart today after work. Yes, you look cute, but still. I don't need no stinkin' sweater either! I love your paws in the top pic. :)

    Thank your Glogirly for her comment on our post yesterday. That's really amazing about her dad.


  13. Well dear, I think you look lovely in your new sweater. The "V" neck is very slimming and it does match your eyes well. It would match my eyes too, since mine are also gold.


  14. But you look so stylish!

    ps: I usually only wear my outfits for a few minutes, too.

  15. The sweater does match your eyes.....

  16. But Katie, that second last photo of you is SO adorable!

  17. Katie you are so photogenic. I had no idea Petsmart sold CAT sweaters. I'd only seen them for dogs up until today!
    What kind of camera does your Mom use to take your pictures? Must be a professional one? Also your being so pretty helps of course!

  18. Katie, I am so sorry that they love you too much. It is a good look for you but I can see the attitude. In order to keep the good things to eat, I would go with it once in a while.
    Hang in there.

  19. sweaters....but we have lovely soft fur coats!

  20. You need to take a page out of Daisy's book and accessorize your sweater. Perhaps a lovely scarf or jaunty hat? Maybe a sparkly necklace or saucy feather boa?

  21. Oh noes, I think it you chew on a little bit you might get to unravel it. You think Glogirly could have chosen a nicer colour for you!! Tan is a bit 1970s.

  22. Resist the sweater, Katie! She may put a hat on your next!

  23. OMC! You hads on a sweater! Did you tries to put da bitey on it? I fink I would has eventually, momma says she founds kitty sweaters from one of her vendors maybe she will get em MOL hehehe

  24. Ohmigod, this sweater is so chic!
    It's really cool and I loved all pictures!
    I'm envious now, I want a sweater as well!
    You are fashion dear friend, congrats !
    Thanks so much for your kind words in Luna's blog.I'm friend of Lucy!
    You are really kind!
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE love Luna
    and mommy Léia


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