WAFFLES: Better hang on, Mr. Mouse! This bucking mancat's got your number!
ELLIE: I don't think you bucked him very hard, Mr. Waffles. He's still there.
WAFFLES: What the heck, is this guy velcroed onto me or something?
ELLIE: Maybe he's glued onto you?
WAFFLES: That would totally be cheating. Ellie! Come over here and help me out.
ELLIE: You're right Mr. Waffles. Mr. Mouse has velcro pants.
WAFFLES: Velcro pants???!
ELLIE: Velcro pants, Mr. Waffles. Should we report him to the rodeo officials?
WAFFLES: I think velcro pants are punishment enough.
About Today's Photos
Halloween is coming up and Glogirly has officially broken out Waffles' Meowleen wardrobe! She's a sucker for a mancat cowboy with a mouse saddled up on his back. (!)
Not to worry... no mancats or mice were harmed in the making of these photos. Waffles (and Ellie by default) got plenty of treats after their quick photo session.
ELLIE: Sorry about the velcro pants, Mr. Mouse.
Velcro pants, LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun costume! Ellie didn't wear it??
Have a happy week!
Super costume you certainly did your best to buck him off Waffles 😻...a mouse with Velcro pants!😺
ReplyDeleteThe velcro pants are punishment enough ... MOL!
ReplyDeleteWaffles is so handsome!
ReplyDeleteThis is so cute.