Friday, December 8, 2017

Teenage Waffles and his Pre-Christmas Concert

From the 2015 archives - At only 3 years old, Waffles' singing career was already off to a robust start. Here is a sampling of his favorite chicken Christmas carols.

♫♩  Hark the hairy angels sing   ♫♩

♫♩  Glory to the new born chicken!    ♫♩
Peas on –

What? It's not chicken?  What about the angels? Are they hairy? No? Only some of them?
Ok, how about this one?

Jingle Bells

Katie Smells

The chicken laid an egg

Thanks, everybuddy. I'll be here all week.

Teenage Waffles
Today's photos remind us of how long, lean and scrappy Waffles was at 3 years-old. They say a cat goes through their teenage stage between 6 and 18 months. Well, Waffles pushed the envelope on that one. He's still got plenty of teenager in him. We suspect he always will.
Waffles today, pretending he's not really on the kitchen counter.


  1. Hm. My human says I never went through a teenage stage. Double hm.

  2. Waffles, will you be performing in New York State anytime soon? What's your touring schedule? I'd love to hear you in concert!

  3. We think Waffles will always be a teenager. Maybe Katie will sing us a carol soon.

  4. A great big applause for you Waffles.x

  5. never a dull moment with those permanent teenagers around :)

  6. The mom says we're still going through our terrible twos!

  7. Always love your rendition of songs, Waffles!

  8. Such a gorgeous mancat, Waffles! Keep it real, big boy!

  9. I love Catmas carols! Keep it up Waffles.

  10. Wonderful Christmas carols, Waffles ! Did Katie enjoy the last one ? Purrs

  11. Waffles! The counter top has become an obsession!! Does that put you on Santa's naughty list??? Hope you are singing all season long!! Katie, may you be able to enjoy the peace of the season with your heated floors and beautiful mountain views!!!


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