Monday, July 18, 2016

Happy Birthday Glogirly Giveaway!

WAFFLES:  Whoa, Boss! That's a LOTTA LOTTA candles! Can you even count that high?

KATIE:  Global warming is alive and well on Glogirly's birthday cake, Waffles.

It's a Birthday GIVEAWAY
Tomorrow is our girl's birthday so we decided to celebrate with our favorite kind of giveaway. What could be more fun and pink than a bunch of cool GLOGIRLY swag???  Each time we've shared photos of our swag on Facebook, SO many of our friends and readers have wanted to know how to get their paws on some of their own. We've been setting aside a few of our faves, waiting for just the right occasion. 

Five Winners & Open Worldwide
Ok, not elebenty-hundred... but 5 lucky winners will receive a prize package worth MILLIONS of... 

...smiles. What? You were thinking millions of dollars?? Our giveaway is open worldwide and each prize will be lovingly packaged right here in the Townhouse. NOTE: Winners may select a small tuft of tuxedo or orange tabby fur. 


WAFFLES:  Cool, Boss! I'll get your fur tufts ready, ok?


1. Genuine GLOGIRLY Swag Bag
Just the right size for lunch, snacks.... or half of Waffles. AND it will come filled with lots of great stuff.

2. Officer Katie & Waffles Greeting Card
Our most popular greeting card from the Glogirly Zazzle Shop featuring our favorite and most shared photo.

3. Limited Edition CatBell & Pen
Many of our fellow bloggers that have attended conferences with us over the years will remember our signature cat bells and pens. Because sometimes you just need more catbell.

4. Waffles & Katie Mini Fan Cards
Bound to be valuable collectors items, these sweet little cards feature Waffles gobbling his chicken legs and Katie looking lovely in her diamond daisy tiara.

KATIE:  But wait, there's more?

5. BONUS! 
Each winner will also receive one dead catnip mouse in their swag bag. RIP.
Note: Mice come in assorted colors of Cotton Candy Pink and Chocolate Mousse Mouse. 

Good luck everyone! 
And thank you SO much for letting us into your inboxes and hearts. 
You mean the world to us. xoxo


  1. Thank you for this cute little giveaway . I love the party hats on the cats. Happy Birthday !!

  2. Happiest of birthdays to you! Oh, does that make you a Leo?? Too cool!

  3. Happy Birthday Glogirly! Have a great day 🎂🍹💥

  4. Happy Birthday Glogirly! Have a great day 🎂🍹💥

  5. Happy Birthday! Will Katie and Waffles be celebrating with special treats?

  6. Have a Happy Birthday, Glogirly!!

  7. Have a Happy Birthday, Glogirly!!

  8. Happiest of bird days to you! Xoxo

  9. Happiest of bird days to you! Xoxo

  10. A dead mouse? That's Harry's favorite kind. As long as the brains are still in it

  11. What an awesome giveaway! My human's birthday is this week too, and I was thinking of also having a giveaway... but I decided to save it for later. She does most of the work on my giveaways anyhow so I figured I'd give her a break.

  12. Happy Happy Birthday, GLorgirly! Hope it's a purrfect day!

  13. Happy Birthday, Glogirly :) Why do we get the feeling that photo of Waffles photobombing you and Katie happens all the time ("Do do do, What's going on?" "WAAAAAAF-FLLLLLES!" "WHAT?!?!" {SIGH}) Hmmm ... I already have half the cool swag ... maybe I'll let someone else enjoy the Katie/Waffles/Glogirly awesomeness since it's always guaranteed to make you smile :) Just like you'd expect from the 2016 Winner of The Best Pet Humor Blog. YAY!
    {AHEM} I can personally attest that the greeting card and the fan cards are totally awesome!!!
    Sorry. That was Bear. Every other word is "TADA!" Sheesh.

  14. Happy Birthday from all of us in our four legged crew!!! We hope you have fun and how exciting that you are sharing the party with us. Blazie Marie wants to know if the tuft of hair is real, she's had a crush on Waffles since he joined your family ;) ( Raine on RC buzzyngabe at yahoo dot com )

  15. Happy Birthday Glogirly !
    I hope you have a PURRFECT DAY =^x^=

  16. Happy Birthday Glogirly!!!! Have a catastic day!!! We luv ya!!!!

  17. Happy Birthday, Glogirly!

  18. Whether we win or not we are glad we have Glogirly and the wonderful Katie and Waffles ready to include those of us who live across the oceans and around the world.

    Happy Birthday to a fine artist and a gifted blogger.

    Harvey, Miranda, Silver, Phoebe and Silver
    as Dash Kitten

  19. Happy 15th birthday to Glogirly tomorrow! We didn't know you were on Instagram! That is where I have my biggest presence these days MOL! Anyway even though we've not been around for yonks we have entered the giveaway the best we can. We don't subscribe as we use Feedly for blogs :)

    Did we hear you won some kind of award recently?? ;) It is well deserved of course!! :-) xxx

  20. Happy early Birthday, Glogirly ! What a nice way to celebrate with us ! We wish you a pawsome day tomorrow ! Purrs

  21. Hippo birdies to you GLOGIRLY! Hope you have an awesome day filled with lots of purrs and headbonks, and may all your birthday wishes come true!

    PS- pick me pick me pick me! I NEED the Waffles card so I can build my shrine!!

  22. Happy Birthday, Glogirly! Have a wonderful day!

  23. Happy birthday, Glogirly! What a generous way to celebrate it!

  24. Happy happy birthday!!! I wish you all the best!!!! :) :)

  25. Have a wonderful birthday. Hope you have a relaxing, fun day.

  26. Happy Birthday Glogirly. Thanks for the chance.
    Sue B

  27. Wowweee! What a pawsome giveaway! Maybe Glogirly should have a birthday every week! Happy Birthday to her!! oxox

  28. Happy Birthday! What a great giveaway!

  29. Happy Birthday! Thank you for being so generous on YOUR day! >^..^<

  30. Happy Birthday Glogirly!Enjoy your special day with Katie and Waffles.
    Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  31. Happy Birthday Glogirly! Have a fantastic day!

  32. Happy Birthday Glogirly! What a great giveaway!

  33. Happy Birthday GG! Oooh, I still want one of those bags and a tuft of Katie's fur!

  34. Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for sharing it with us :)

  35. Happy early Birthday Glogirly!
    I won one of your bags last year and my cats lost their mousie the same day!
    I use the great CatBell to call my kitties to dinner now. Mol

  36. Happy birthday! Love the swag!

  37. Happy Birthday! What a great giveaway! Today is Dragonheart's birthday, and we are celebrating with a comment-a-thon to raise money for Sphynx Open Arms Rescue!

  38. Happy Birthday! Wishing you a beautiful one, Debbie! Give a cuddle to those two furfashionistas for me!

  39. I love katie and Waffles. I think glogirl and gloman do a fantastic job on this blog

  40. I love katie and Waffles. I think glogirl and gloman do a fantastic job on this blog


  42. a most happee birthday two yur mom katie & waffles & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥ { 18 centz anda sack oh friez sayz glogirly iz knot az old az de food servizz gurl... coz food serviss gurl watched de wheel get inn vented... ☺☺

  43. Happy Birthday, Glogirly! Waffles, behave yourself!

  44. Happy birthday, Glogirly! Have a wonderful celebration and be sure to blow out all the candles.

  45. Happy birthday Glogirly!! Have a fantastic fun relaxing wonderful day!!!! ❤️

  46. Happy Birthday Glogirlywe hope you have a special day!

  47. Happy birthday GloGirly. Hope your day is purrfect.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  48. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to youuuuu. Are you like a dinosaur like our mom
    We want all the prizes
    Lily & Edward

  49. Happy Birthday GloGirly!!!!! How sweet to have a giveaway.

  50. Glogirly we hope you have a wonderful birthday. We guessed you are the same age as our Mom, cause you seem to have watched the same TV shows growing up but we (she can't hear us can she) think you look a lot younger. Don't tell her we said that, we would like to be feed.

  51. How fun! Hope Glogirly has a wonderful birthday filled with lots of kitty kisses and hugs.

  52. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! may there be peace among the kitties for your big day

  53. Happy Birthday to Glogirly! Just know you will have a great day tomorrow!

  54. Happy Purrthday Miss Glogirly. Mum says you share the day with the first infant she ever got to baby sit. He was borned the day before they landed on the moon!

  55. Wishing you a happy happy early birthday!! Take comfort in the fact that you are NOT as old as I am!!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  56. Happy birthday, Glogirly! We are so thankful for you, and hope your birthday is super special (just like you)! Hugs!

  57. Happy Birthday Glogirly! We and our mom bean send our wishes for a furry special day.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  58. This is awesome! Glogirly swag is awesomesauce!

  59. Happy birthday! i'd love to win this swag. We have a new family member - Kotoha is a four-week-old kitten. She's been with us for 12 days. She's a feral kitten, and her two siblings were killed by an animal or something, so I grabbed her and have been bottle feeding her. She's a real little stinker, but also sweet as can be. I'd love to win the little mouse toy for her!

  60. Happy Birthday GG!! We hope you have an amazing year ahead of you!!

  61. Sorry I'm late, but a Happy Birthday to you, Glogirly! Did your prize include long life cream perchance? purrs ERin

  62. Happy Birthday! Definitely getting better (not older)

  63. Happy (belated) Birthday!! I hope you had a great day.

  64. Happy Birthday a day late but just as meaningful.

  65. Hope you had a wonderful bday. Here's to many more! I'm sure you did, what with Kati and Waffles to share in all the fun. Agin Happy Birthday!!!

  66. Happy Birthday...Love the hats :)

  67. Happy Birthday! So cute I love the trading cards can't wait for the collector plates.

  68. Happy Birthday! So cute I love the trading cards can't wait for the collector plates.


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