Sunday, May 19, 2013

BlogPaws Day 3: You Can Ring My ♪Catbell ♫♩

Hi everyone, Katie-On-A-Stick here.

It's been a whirlwind few days here at BlogPaws. Waffles-On-A-Stick and I spent ALL day helping Glogirly meet, greet and hand out swag to fellow pet bloggers and friends. Even a few DOGS. That's us up there in the postcard riding along in Glogirly's rolling swag-mobile.

This year we really wanted to make some noise.  So we handed out official GLOGIRLY DESIGN CATbells! Ok, so they were actually COWbells...but we wanted the CATS to be heard at BlogPaws, and we knew no ordinary jingle-bells would do.

The front of the bells were printed with our cat-ears logo and the back read: WHEN YOUR STUFF NEEDS MORE CATBELL. Then we asked everyone to bring their catbells to the Nose-to-Nose Awards Presentation so they could cheer on Glogirly and ALL the other cat bloggers.

After we walked the red carpet, it was time for the awards. We were very honored to be named finalists in multiple categories. And each time emcee David Frei, of Westminster Dog Show fame, read "Glogirly" or any other cat blogger's name, the crowd went WILD! I bet he's already worried the cats might overtake Westninster.

Clanking catbells could be heard from DC to LA. I bet even Austin could hear them across the pond!

And the BIG news of the night – drum roll.....................

We're still trying to figure out how to break the news to Katie.  First Waffles steals her food. Then her toys. He steals her litter box, her blanket, her chair. And NOW... 

This could get ugly.

Stay tuned...
for more news from BlogPaws. We'll be sharing fun stories all week! This is Katie-On-A-Stick, over and out. 


  1. Pawsome catbells. So thats the ringing sound we heard in nj!

  2. Yay Waffles!!! I am so happy for you!!! Your mom is so gosh darn creative :)

  3. Congratulations Waffles! Maybe you can give Katie some of the swag you got this weekend as a peace offering >^..^< Piper!

  4. Congrats!!!! Katie shouldn't be too upset. After all, she's far too dignified to be named after a breakfast food, the very food pictured on the Waffles Too Twitter page!

  5. We love the catbells! Is Waffles going to get a big head now?!? Congratulations!!!

  6. Oh dear. Will Waffles have to go into protective custody?

    The Paw Relations

  7. Congrats to Waffles Too! Wow! We're not sure how Katie will take this.....

  8. Concatulations and hmmmm not sure how you will tell Katie? Yikes we smell trouble. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Oh those bells are SO cool!

    Congratulations Waffles & Glogirly! But ... yeah I really don't envy your job breaking this to Katie ... Maybe I should send her some primo 'nippers ...

    Glad you had so much fun! And we SHOULD take Westminster over! Can't you just SEE it now?!


  10. Congratulations again! I can't wait to hear how Katie takes this...

  11. Congrats! Oh Katie might be thrilled. W2 can play with his award and leave her stuff alone!

  12. We heard you, we heard you!!! Cat bells and cheering … it woke me up!!!! Anyway, I couldn't be more happy ConCatulations :D However, Katie will no doubt be planning here revenge! It will be an interesting week, but we are taking cover just to be safe ya know!!

    ciao, Austin xx

  13. Congratulations to Waffles 2!!!xx Speedy and mum

  14. Concatulations! Maybe Waffles can touch the award instead of insisting on touching Katie now.

  15. My furry ears are still ringing--it was a PAW-some night with some fantastic blogs in the finals...and all the pets are winners. ConCATS to you!

  16. Concats! Of course we think you should have gotten even more of the awards, but this is fantastic. Katie, life's tough.

  17. Con-cat-ulations, Waffles Too. Well done. -- Sheriff Rosco P. Catrane Of Catmerica & Miss Tina Marie Maine Coon

    Katie, what are you going to do for revenge? -- Lilith Kitten Mahoney, Nurse Cat & Diabeticat, Chief Tabby In Residence

  18. How awesome. Bet it sure is exhausting
    Benny & Lily

  19. I am kind of scared to congratulate Waffles, actually! I don't want Katie coming to my house and raising hell. I've got Binga for that.

    P.S. My human wishes we cat bloggers had had those catbells for whoever was putting together the swag for the conference - to remind them to get CAT things for the goodie bags! Those bags were lame.

  20. Congrats to Waffles! Those catbells are pawesome

  21. Concats to Waffles Too! I heard those bells all the way across the pond.

  22. Yay for Waffles!
    I am sure Katie will be a very supportive boss, right? RIGHT?

  23. Waffles! CONCATULATIONS!!!

    And you're welcome here if things get a little"warm" at home.

  24. Ichiro here: Concatulations Waffles! But watch out, I think Chey is helping Katie bounce mean ideas about what to do with you around... You gotta watch those older girl cats you know.

  25. So THAT'S what I heard, last night. I was wonderin' who was ringin' those bells. Peep thought it was the neighbour's car alarm or somethin'. Silly peep.


    CONGRATULATIONS Waffles... you super-duper deserve it. purrs

  26. Concatulations on your big award Waffles. We know that Katie is going to be beside herself with jealousy. Maybe you should stay clear of her for a few days; though, we know you are going to want to rub her nose in it. MOL! Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  27. MORE catbell!!!!! Mom says it was great to meet GloGirly and both of you on a stick!!

  28. Oh concatulations! I hope Katie doesn't get TOO upset ;)

  29. More catbell! LOL. Concats on the win!!

  30. I Need More CATBELL!!!! Hooray WafflesTooKitty!!!!

    Lots of love from the Squeedunk Gang!

  31. Concatulations Waffles, them catbells are cool it sounds like you had a great time.


  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Concats *koff* to *koff* Waffles Too *koff koff*

  34. Wow well done you, if I head a bell I would be ringing it!! But obviously Katie oversaw all the work done on the Waffles too twitter account so really the award is for her - at least that would be how I would break the news!

  35. First of all concatulations to Waffles and Glogirly Designs! WOWZERS MEOWZERS! Second of all - I'm seeing a major bloodbath in your house when Katie finds out.....scary......

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy (and his Mom)

  36. Con-cat-ulations again! We think Katie is probably pretty hissed, but being mature about it, and we should all be glad she is holding her comments until they are something you can print. So glad to meet you finally, but I left my catbell behind, and I loved that thing! I had even kept the wrapper!

  37. Congrats Waffles!! Love the cow bells too.
    Sue B

  38. Cool Cat bells !
    I could really have use for one over here , when my mom sleep for example *mol*

  39. We have had so much fun reading all your BlogPaws posts! And since we somehow missed getting a CatBell, GloGirly is mailing us one and we will bring it with us to Las Vegas! See you there!


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