Friday, May 17, 2013

BlogPaws Day 1: Some Furry Attendees

Hi everyone, Katie On-A-Stick here.

Today was the first official day of BlogPaws! Flat Waffles and I were making the rounds with Glogirly and you'll never BELIEVE who we caught her chumming around with.

I sure hope there's no more room left in her suitcase, or the REAL Katie and Waffles are in for a BIG surprise.

Meet Triscuit the Kitten from Tails From The Foster Kittens:

Go ahead and squee. You know you want to.

Here's Triscuit with Catladyland's Angie Bailey.

And here's Triscuit with I Have Cat's Tamar. They were passing him around like a box of...well, Triscuits.

Next up is sweet Odilia. This too-cute-for-words blind kitten is just a wee little girl and full of love.

Uh...what kind of cat is THIS??? I have no idea how this photo of @PepperPom made it into the blog.

Here we go, this is more like it. Katie & Waffles On-A-Stick with the infamous Plush Cathy Keisha

We're having a BLAST and can't wait to share more! See you tomorrow. 


  1. Mom is sooo jealous! We can't wait to read more about BlogPaws.

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Oh wow! I think there's a plush Ichiro around. the Woman says she should go find him because she doesn't know what happened to him (it). I wish she'd lose the real Ichiro!

  3. It looks like your Mom is havin a great time! Hope you're holdin down the townhouse. MOL!

  4. Yay you guys are having fun!xx Speedy

  5. We've already checked out Odilia and Triscuit. Can you even imagine…two of the most adorable kittens in the universe sharing a room together? If we were them, we'd keep a look-out (well, we know Odilia can't) for some cat burglar sneaking in in the middle of the night and making off with them. Glad your having fun. We look forward to more posts. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  6. So glad you are having a blast. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. We think that Triscuit is from Random Felines and Odilia is from Tails from the Foster Kitties!! Just meowing! mol No doubt Flat Katie and Flat Waffles are a bit over excited! ;) xx

  8. Mommy's squeeing & she's jealous! Have a fun Friday & weekend!

  9. So there are actually pets there but only stick versions of you two - I would look at hiring a plane and getting yourself over there!!

  10. I cannot express my jealousy adequately over everyone getting to meet Triscuit and Odilia.

    You are sooooo lucky! :-)

    -the human

  11. Loving hearing about blogpaws and cant belive your mum has popped you two on a STICK! Great she's got you with her tho'. Just make sure she doesn't try to sneak Triscuit or Odilia home with her.

  12. Oh boy! I would be squeeeeeeing all over the place if I were there!

  13. My human wishes she got there a day earlier - she has a lot of catching up to do!

  14. Momma is so jealous. She wanted so much to go there too, but couldn't. Those two kittehs are soooooper cute!!!

  15. OMC! MomKatt just fainted from Triscuit's cuteness! Well, all of them, really. Odilia is just ADORABLE! Good thing MomKatt isn't there ...

    You three look pawsome! Have FUN!


  16. Oh Triscuit is a doll! And we're so glad to see Odilia--we've been following her at TFTFK.

  17. Oh, wish I could be there to meet you and everyone. Such cute kittens (the fosters)!

  18. Looks like your having a fab time.

    The Paw Relations

  19. Awww those kittens are sooooooooooooo cute. M is going nuts over here cuz she wants to hold one. Pepper Pom is looking smart as usual - she's such a cutie and a good pal too.

  20. katie N waffles...glad ta see ya stickin two gether ...with de crowd ther... it wood be eazee ta get losted....enjoy de rest oh de confer antz....say hi ta CK for uz.....her looks littler than we imagined ..N hope yur mom haza safe trip home....enjoy de week oh end !

  21. Umm that sure is a strange looking cat. LOL. Really cute though. All the babies are adorable.
    Sue B

  22. Hi Tamar!!! What great pictures...wish I could be there with the BlogPaws gang!! Have a fantastic time!

  23. The mom is there and she says she saw you two! And is cheating on us with Triscuit and Odilia! How dare she!!

  24. What fun to gets to meet your blogging furreinds! We hopes you has lots of fun.

    Mom says those babies are sooooo cute!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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