Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wanna See My Tee?

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I'm trying to win my girl a free pass to BlogPaws.  So out of the goodness of my crusty, little, kitty heart, I entered the BlogPaws tee shirt design contest.  Here's the design I submitted.

Yes, I know.  Those are DOGS.  A sad but true requirement.  Dogs are always begging for attention and praise. They're needy that way.  So I put THREE of them on the tee shirt, just to keep them from yapping.

I rather prefer my ORIGINAL design.  You know, something with a touch of Katie.  Not in-your-face-Katie, but subtle and discreet.  A souvenir of ME for all the BlogPawers.  Glogirly did not agree.


  1. Oh...Katie...make up a few of those shirts with your visage, sans the BlogPaws logo and raffle 'em off!

  2. We like Glogirly's tee shirt design...but we LOVE yours!! It's a winner!!

  3. Katie - that is a fabulous design. Good job. I certainly do hope they choose that one.

  4. They are both great! Of course, your's is a lot better but we don't want Glogirly to feel bad.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. I think there are too many dogs! Replace two of 'em with a horse and a ferret or cockatiel something.

  6. Dear Katie
    me thinks the one with yous is the bestest!
    But me has to agree with Sparkle, where is the birdies or Horsies? Me has some blog pals (thank Cod they is on the other side of he monitor) who are birdies and {gasp} gerbils! And a couple of donkey and some horsies.
    PS ME wants your Mommy to win! Me wishes we could goes, but alas, our Mommy can't take the time off work.

  7. We love Glogirly's design, but we LOVE yours, Katie. We mean, who wouldn't??? :)

  8. Hello, no Frenchies kitty Kay Katie
    Benny & Lily

  9. I like the one with you best too. Maybe the BlogPaws people will too! Can you submit more than one? I think you could last year!

  10. Katie, I like your design better! My mommy didn't realize BlogPaws was going to be so close. We're about 20 miles north of Salt Lake City. She probably won't go though. I hope you win anyways!

  11. Katie,
    Who could resist you, especially when you're immortalised on a tee.... I'll definitely vote for you. purrr.....meow!

  12. We luf both of your designs! So chic!

  13. wow The T-shirt is awesome, very creative idea, conCATulations!
    purrs and a nice weekend!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  14. We have to say we prefer your original design too, Katie. :)

  15. Katie, I think the submitted design should have been fairly 50/50 cats and dogs. But otherwise we like it. However the one with YOUR viasge on it is superb.

  16. BOL! Both superb designs. I must say the first is more appealing to me for obvious reasons ;)

    Waggin at ya,

  17. Brilliant designs - I agree with Teri you should run a raffle.

  18. We has to say your original design would have been our choice. But perhaps Glogirly thought something more generic was better. Adding 3 doggies was a nice touch, they do seem to crave attention.

  19. I love the tee shirt design. Katie, your crusty little heart is becoming a bit uncrsty to my mind!!

    PeeEss Am a bit worried about the June 21-13 date though???

  20. @Carolyn..."great minds" I just emailed Deb directly about it...wasn't going to mention that here but since you already did....that is the first thing I noticed.

    Great design though!

  21. I think youre Tee design is GREAT although there is woofies in it :)
    Good Luck in the contest !
    I´m sure you are going to win !

  22. How did I miss this post?? Glad you were able to fix it. Bet THEY wouldn't have noticed. I do like Katie's design better though and think you should submit it. Who wouldn't want to wear Katie on their shirt?

  23. Allie: *sigh* oh Katie, I do indeed prefer your design. And it's PINK! *squee~*!

  24. 3 dogs!!!! Ugh! We much prefer the Katie design.


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