Monday, March 26, 2012

These Boots Were Made For Something

Hi everyone, Captain Katie here.

I have a new pair of boots.  And a new pair of heros.

So we're a little late to the party here at the townhouse.  That's only because my girl was too cheap to take me to the movie theatre last year when Puss In Boots - The Movie - was first released.  She tells me they'd have never have let me in with my hat and sword.  How ELSE am I supposed to commandeer my popcorn?  Sheesh.

Well we finally watched it on DirectTV this weekend and I must say...I am in AWE.  Puss In Boots and his sweetheart sidekick, Kitty Soft Paws...well, let's just say the three of us must have been separated at birth.

Besides a snappy pair of boots, they have given me a wealth of ideas for the upcoming episode of The Real Housecats Of The Blogosphere.  There was a dance/fight scene at the Glitter Box...oh yeah!  This is going to be good.

Left to Right:  Kitty Soft Paws, Captain Katie, Puss In Boots

Ten-thousand-gajillion paws up for Puss In Boots.  If you haven't seen it, you must.  If you have, you should again. If you don't know what it is...well, there's just no hope for you.


  1. Whoa! You look like a swashbuckling pirate there, Capt Katie. Wanna go for a fencing date? har har har *evil laughs*


  2. The humans here JUST got Direct TV, but my human hasn't watched Puss In Boots yet (it will be just us and her - no way will her boyfriend sit through it!). She's still getting used to having a TV hooked up at all!

  3. Our Mommy has yet to watch the movie. Would you believe that? She isn't much of a movie person, she said.
    We can't wait to see the Puss in Boots inspired episode of the Real Housecats!

  4. We LOVE that movie! Not only is it kitties, it's got Antonio Bandaras!! It has everything!

    Leo would love for you to stop by his gotcha day party, he would be thrilled to have an actual celebrity at his party!

  5. Well we had never heard of it! But ignorance is no excuse! These boots are made for walking ...... xox

  6. Sounds like a great time to sit with the mom and dad, with a bowl of buttered popcorn and have family night!

  7. Katie, you look lovely in your boots!
    You can commandeer my popcorn anytime!


  8. I hope you won't get mad at me that I just looked at the pictures and had a great time laughing!

    Nice one, Katie! Puss in Boots was amazing. And I also love the Fight scene in the Glitter Box! I watched it twice in two different movie houses. LOL

    Huggies and Cheese,


  9. I never get to go to the movies... sigh. My human is so rude.

  10. Katie we love your new look! We think your belt needs some bling, though...

  11. Even though I have only seen the trailers, I AM Kitty Soft Paws. Oh yeah!

  12. We haven't watched it yet...but we will now!

  13. We would rather watch you than that Pussin the boots. Katie try out the Jitter Bug App on your Eye Pad. My Lily lives it even though it's for kitty kats
    Benny & Lily

  14. ha ha - We watched that movie this weekend too. Can't wait for your version to hit the theater.

  15. We also just saw this movie. Sassy's still has stars in her eyes. I think she is in love!

  16. We haven't seen the movie, but my assistant is a big fan of cool boots AND of course, cats!

    Your pal, Pip

  17. ya know what? We definitely know about it but believe it or not had no desire to see it!

    Never cared for the original story...we march to our own drum :) Our motto is "if no one else likes it, we will LOVE IT!"

    Can't wait to see your new video though!

  18. Katie! You need a fancy hat too! With a feather in it!!

  19. Wow you look stunning in those boots Katie! I think you should have been in the movie ;o)

  20. Oh Katie, me thinks yous buts the Swash in Swashbuckler!
    me can't wait to see the movie!

  21. Oh Katie, you look spectacular as "Captain Katie"! We haven't seen it yet but we really want to!

  22. We loved the movie too! Some fairy tale characters will never be the same again!

  23. Oh I've been wanting to see it! You lucky two! Katie, maybe they're remake the 3 muskateers with the 3 of yaz ;) Luv your boots. OMD! Kittehs aren't suppose to make me pant ;P

    Waggin at ya,

  24. We can't wait to see that movie, we are MEOWING very loudly at Mommy to go get it. It is one of her favorite books.

  25. Ooh La La Miss Katie! You look "the bomb" in those boots girl. Glad you got to see that's a hoot isn't it?

    Kitty Hugs

  26. Looking great in your boots Katie !
    Sounds like a great idea with a dance/fight scene in next episode :)


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