Sunday, July 9, 2023

Waffle Wagon Takeover


WAFFLES:  Do you ever get that feeling that someone's watching you?

ELLIE:  I can't even see you, Mr. Waffles. How can I be watching you?

WAFFLES:  I can see YOU, Ellie. And I know you're watching me. I wouldn't be surprised if you try and hijack my Waffle Wagon.

ELLIE:  Hijack?

ELLIE:  What's a hijack? I like sitting up here really high and stuff. But my name's not Jack. It's Ellie.

WAFFLES:  Hijack is you trying to steal my Waffle Wagon. I've got your number, Ellie. 

ELLIE:  What's my number, Mr. Waffles? I kind of like seven. Or maybe two. Yeah, two. Like you and–

WAFFLES:  Not that kind of number, Ellie. 

About Today's Photos

One of Ellie's favorite toys. or rather playground, is the Waffle Wagon. It's especially fun when Waffles is IN it. Sometimes she'll just sit in it, waiting for Waffles to join her. Other times, when Waffles is already inside, she'll attempt to negotiate a joint partnership.

Her favorite spot is up on top of the bonnet. It's anything but stable and takes a lot of balance and kitty-agility. And the best part about it is the mesh screen that she can peer at Waffles through and the opening on the sides where she can reach down to taunt him and as Gloman calls it, "tweak his beak." 

The tray table and cup holder attached to the handle is pretty fun too. That's where Ellie keeps her plastic bottle caps, a.k.a., her other favorite toys.


  1. Ellie, we love that you bother your brofur for fun!

  2. You are sch a sweet little pest of a sisfur, Ellie!! MOL!

  3. It's very obvious what a big, solid mancat Waffles is when he's in a picture with Ellie. Hunka hunka ginger lovin'!


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