Monday, February 17, 2020

Waffles and his Mancat Cave - Plus a Katie Girl Dental Surgery Update

WAFFLES:  Welcome to my mancat cave, everybuddy. I've been hanging out in here on account of the Boss smells really bad. She smells like the vet on account of she had a bunch of dental surgery stuff last week. And Glogirly says I need to leave her alone until she feels better and doesn't stink. 

WAFFLES:  So here's my mancat cave. I've got windows for whiffies and bird TV and food dishes and my litter box and toys and stuff. I have my Sleepypod AND the Boss' Sleepypod too. 

WAFFLES:  But her pod still stinks like the vet.  

WAFFLES:  My mancat cave used to be Glogirly's office. And this used to be where she keeps her papers and stuff. 

WAFFLES:  But now it's my stage for when I sing my favorite songs.

WAFFLES:  And here's where I take my baths. Gotta make myself handsome for the ladies.

WAFFLES:  If I can figure out how to turn on the big computer, I can Facebook my girlfriends.

WAFFLES:  Someone's coming! Whoever it is doesn't smell like the vet. Maybe it's Glogirly coming to visit and get some of my Waffley handsomeness. 

Waffles and his girl during one of her visitations.

Katie-Girl Update
If you're friends with us on Facebook, you probably saw our post last Wednesday about Katie's dental surgery. Katie began showing signs of dental issues a couple of months ago when she was diagnosed with pancreatitis. We wanted to get that under control with the appropriate medications and monitor her progress through bloodwork in order to make sure she could be cleared for the dental procedure. It requires general anesthetic, and we needed to make sure she was heading into that with the least amount of risk possible. Katie will be turning 15 this May and any procedure of this magnitude calls for caution and care.

We're very happy to report everything went well and Katie is recovering nicely. It was pretty extensive though and she's still getting used to what probably feels like a completely different mouth. About a year ago, Katie had a few extractions, including three of her four canines. (her front fangs) Sadly she lost her only remaining fang, as well a number of other teeth.

Fortunately, cats are incredibly resilient and can easily adapt to even having no teeth. The only teeth that Katie has left now are her little corn teeth on top front, the ones that look like tiny baby teeth, and her lower back molars and premolars.

Waffles' Displacement Aggression
One of the most challenging aspects of Katie's surgery is the aftermath at home with Waffles. Waffles has always had a very hard time when either he or Katie come home from a vet visit. He'll hiss and growl at Katie, and in very extreme circumstances can even lash out at her. The stronger the vet smell, the more extreme his behavior is.

Katie still isn't feeling quite well enough to be thoroughly grooming herself, so she still smells like the hospital and all the medications. While she's recovering, Glogirly has sequestered Waffles into the office.

In an effort to help the situation, though much to Katie's disapproval, Glogirly gave her a bath yesterday. She's such a good girl and even though the last thing she probably wants EVER is a bath in our kitchen sink, Katie was very cooperative.

A Bath???!
Sweet Katie right after her bath. 

Once she was dry enough, Glogirly helped get her furs all sleek and beautiful again by brushing her. It must have felt good, because Katie couldn't get enough of the brushies.

Waffles will still likely spend a couple more nights in the office mancat cave, but we're very hopeful with some careful reintroduction time, life for the mountain cats and their girl will return to normal very soon.


  1. My dear Waffles, soon Katie will be back to her usual self. In the meantime enjoy your mancat cave.

  2. We're glad everything went well for Katie ! Enjoy your time in your mancat cave, Waffles, and enjoy your "quiet" time to recover, Katie. Glogirly is taking very good care of both of you, and we hope life will soon be back to normal in the mountains. Purrs

  3. Sparkle used to get like Waffles whenever Binga or Boodie went to the vet - which was kind of funny in a way, because she was half their size and they didn't seem to consider her much of a threat. My human still took all necessary precautions to instill peace as soon as possible.

    I'm glad Katie is doing well after her surgery! And that she was so good about the bath - not all cats can do baths cooperatively!

  4. Glad everything went well for Katie.

  5. I'm so glad everything went well with Katie's dental surgery. Even with the best vet, which I know you have, it's still worrisome, especially at Katie's age. And the additional layer of stress added by Waffles' non-recognition aggression makes an already stressful situation even harder, especially for you. We're sending purrs and healing energy for a quick return to normal for everyone!

  6. Waffles you have it all going on in your man cave! Katie, you continue to amaze us with how resilient you are—even getting a bath in the sink! Hoping you are feeling better each day and that Waffles can join you and Glogirly soon.

  7. Katie, I hope you have a quick recovery. I know that bath wasn't fun but you handled it like a lady.

    Waff...!! Ladies never stink. They just ... have a fragrant odor.

  8. That dude Waffles. And a bath?? Oh the indignity. Glad Katie is feeling better and hope peace is restored soon

  9. What a good girl Katie adjusting to a BATH! Can't imagine Peaches would ever put up with such an adventure. You did great and congrats on coming out of your dental surgery successfully. You will still have a lovely smile. As for you Waffles, it was very thoughtful of your human to provide you with a man cave whose blue color makes such a perfect background for your ornateness. Kudos ro your human for keeping you happy and fashionable. And for the good care she's taking of Katie!

  10. Best wishes for Katie and her recovery. Our Tucker used to have issues with the same thing, and we'd have to shut him away after any other cat went to the vet.

  11. I sure am glad that dear Katie did fine with here dental, it's always a stressful time for everyone.

  12. Sad to hear Katie had to have dental but glad to know she's recovering well. Waffles has a stinker streak like my younger cat! Great picture of you and Waffles.

  13. That's a pretty nice mancave you have there Waffles! Recover quickly Katie!

  14. Poor Katie. Please email me your address at and I will send her some Tooth Fairy gifts.

  15. Good news on Katie's surgery, sending purrs and prayers for continued recovery and hugs to everyone.

  16. Sending healing thoughts for Katie.

  17. oh poor sweet Katie!! Sending love and TONS of healing purrs! So hard to believe she is almost 15. Where has the time gone????

  18. Katie, your furs are all clean and fluffy...a dental and a spa day!
    Waffles, you are so much like our Angel; she would never let Chuck forget that he'd recently been to the vet's office.

  19. That's a pretty cool mancave, Waffles. You be nice to Katie. She's been through a lot with that dental surgery. We're glad Katie is doing well.

  20. Love you cat-cave Waff. Wish I had one of my own. Please try to be nice to Katie since she went through all that with her teeth.

    Katie, I hope your mouth heals soonest and sorry about the real water bath.

  21. I donna ignore the orange cat, Katie. You weren't feeling bad enough without having a bath. Could things get any worse? Oh yeah, he's in the next room. MOL! BTW, that man cave is bigger than my entire condo.

  22. I am glad she is alright. My kitty I just adopted had 4 fractured teeth removed by the humane society vet before I got him. He is still recovering too.

  23. Waffles looks like he is doing well in his ManCat Cave so no worries there. He does have a fine cat voice Hee Hee
    Purrs to Katie and we hope she and Waffles are back together and feeling good in no time


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