WAFFLES: Hey Boss, so what do you think of the new Cat Lady? Did you smell her yet?
KATIE: Smell her? Are you kidding? She'll be lucky if I let her in the same room as me.
*24 hours later*
Wait, What???
Our dear friend Z-Girl from Squeedunk Cats is visiting us here in the mountains. It's a little R&R, hiking, sightseeing, wine and of course... cats.
Waffles isn't the only one who's been warming up to our latest houseguest. Many have tried but few have succeeded in making contact (amicable contact, that is) with Katie. We call that Cat Lady Magic.
I have slept with Waffles but only gotten to photograph Katie. Lucky lady
ReplyDeleteWait, you slept with Waffles??? I feel faint.....THUD
DeletePatty, Waffles slept on my lap, and has come to visit me in the morning to be sure I'm awake. Does that count?
DeleteMy human is proud to say that she got to feed treats to Katie at a BlogPaws conference! In fact, when she met her, she found time with Katie more gratifying than time with Waffles (because he's easy). Katie, according to my human, has good taste in humans. But of course she would say that.
ReplyDeleteShe DID OMG * jealous*
DeleteKatie looks like she's warming up. Hope y'all have a great time.
ReplyDeleteOh Katie...maybe you're getting easy as you get older. ;) Have fun with the Z-girl.
ReplyDeleteWe are having fun!
DeleteAnother visit ? Have fun ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post...so fun! A neighbor of ours swears his cat Sneakers doesn't like people, but I crouch down and call, "SNEAKYS SNEAKYS!" with my hand out...Sneakers comes a'running! We all have our special appeal; glad that Katie may be warming up to your visitor!
ReplyDeleteDid you like her after all Katie?!
ReplyDeletelooks like someone has the touch :)
ReplyDeleteThat's some powerful cat lady magic if it's won over Katie.
ReplyDeleteYou can do it.. just totally pretend you don't want to.
ReplyDeleteWoah Go Katie, cat of discernment and taste!!!
ReplyDeleteAwww love it! So happy EVERYONE is having a great time!! catchatwithcarenandcody
ReplyDeleteKatie doesn't look like she's warmed up. She's keeping her distance.
ReplyDeleteGlogirly DID NOT have the camera ready today when Katie touched her nose to my hand! But I swear it happened!