WAFFLES: So Boss, now that Glogirly's got our new workout room set up, don't you think you should be working out?
WAFFLES: I'm just saying, you might want to think about working out. Bees??? What bees?
KATIE: Things are working out just fine, Waffles. That is, as long as you stay on that side of the weight bench.
WAFFLES: Why, are the bees on this side of the weight bench?
KATIE: For crying out loud, Waffles. There are no bees. You've got to learn to relax.
WAFFLES: How am I supposed to relax if there's bees?
About Today's Photos
Little by little, Glogirly is finally getting our new home set up. Now that the workout room is up and running, (or rather the workout corner of a very small room) she's got no more excuses.
And speaking of working out...Katie continues to surprise all of us with how comfortable she is in her new space. Like some of you mentioned in your comments the other day, it's as if she hit a reset button. Things that used to make her uncomfortable or nervous have completely melted away. She's relaxed, enjoying playtime and basking in the sunshine on the workout room rug.
We've had painters here this week too, so lots of unusual activity and new people. Today, Katie made history. When Richie the painter bent down to say hello, she trotted over to him to sniff his hand, let him touch her and gave him a few of her soft meow-chirps. She's never, EVER done this for anyone other than immediate family. In fact, if Glogirly hadn't seen it with her own two eyes she'd never have believed it.
Things really are working out.
I think Katie has the right idea about exercise ... that's EXACTLY how I do it too!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't relax wif bees around either.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like Katie especially is happy in her new home!
ReplyDeleteGlad Katie is so relaxed. Waffles, do you see or hear any bees?!?
ReplyDeleteMaybe Katie is descended from Colorado cats. So she is finally "home".
ReplyDeleteWay to go, Katie! It sounds like she's really liking the new place.
ReplyDeleteYay Katie !!!
ReplyDeletemust be something in the air out there :) good job Katie
ReplyDeleteWow Katie! I guess Colorado suits you!
ReplyDeleteKatie you are coming out of your shell. Angel surprised us when she came in the family room to meet strangers!
ReplyDeleteGreat news!
ReplyDeleteWe're glad to hear that!
ReplyDeleteKatie - you sure have those moves perfected. Good job! It's nice to see you and Waffles doing so well in your new home. Sometimes it's hard for us "amost senior" pets to get comfortable in a new setting. It took me about a week before I got used to this new apartment - now I like it fine.
ReplyDeleteKatie, you look like you've already put in a full day of exercise already!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you're very happy to be in Colorado, Katie ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteUmmm, are you sure you moved the correct tuxie cat? Maybe she is in her Colorado high, mellowed out and enjoying life.
ReplyDeleteWaffles, dude, bees are for chasing and having fun. Fear not the bee and learn to embrace your inner...... YIKES! a bee just flew in the window, I'm out of here!
ReplyDeletePurrs, Erin
PS Do you work out, Waffles? A friend of mine would like to know...
It's so nice to see Katie relaxed! Maybe there's hope for my Mickey Mouser... we just need to move?
Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red
The workout room is for you silly
ReplyDeleteLily & Edward
That's so wonderful! A big move can be so stressful for cats, I'm so happy your babies have settled in so nicely.
ReplyDeleteA gym is a great place to de-stress after moving.
ReplyDeleteHappy new home!
Noodle and crew
I feel better at elevation so maybe that's what Katie needed
ReplyDeleteKatie, that looks like a very, um, relaxing workout! :)
ReplyDeleteI love the way Katie is lounging right next to the workout bench! I wish I could do that at the gym sometimes.