Friday, December 16, 2016

A Cat Walk Down Memory Lane with Katie #KittenWeek #TidyCats Giveaway

KATIE:  Nearly 12 years ago, a stranger with kind eyes and a warm, deep voice peered into my cage at the shelter. He was with his son and they were whispering about how surprised and excited a certain girl was going to be. 

After a bumpy car ride in a tiny cardboard box with little air holes, we arrived at a place called the Townhouse. It was much bigger than my little cage at the shelter and it smelled nice too. It was a little scary at first, but the nice man whispered to me that everything was going to be ok. He put a little tag on my collar that read, Happy Anniversary, and I started darting up the stairs and exploring this big, new place. 

That's when I met my girl. She was folding towels on a huge bed and caught just a glimpse of me as I raced through the hallway and into the bedroom. Wth tears in her eyes, she scooped me up and held me close. I was home.

As she tells it, she loved me from the moment she saw me. I thought she was pretty ok too. I'm just glad she decided to name me Katie and not Happy Anniversary.

It's Throwback #KittenWeek
In honor of Kitten Week (one of the best weeks of the year!) our friends at Tidy Cats surprised us with a very special gift. The photo you see above was taken on Katie's first night in the Townhouse, her new forever home. In fact, it's one of her first photos ever. Tidy Cats created a beautiful kitten caticature of Katie for us to keep and cherish forever. 

It's all part of Throwback #KittenWeek and a perfect way to celebrate the memories we've shared with our cats from kittenhood to adulthood and everything in-between. Just as cats have been such an important part of our every day here, so too has our litter. And what better way to celebrate than with a great giveaway! 

But first, just a little more #KittenWeek cuteness...

Bedtime Story Katie

Gone Fishing Katie

Hanging Out with her Girl Katie

True Love Katie

Waffles Who???
Waffles, Waffles, Waffles!

This blog began with Katie way back in 2009. It wasn't until Thanksgiving weekend, 2012, that the orange ball of fluffy personality moved in. Waffles turned our world AND our blog upside down and sideways. They couldn't be more different. Waffles is the extrovert whereas Katie is the consummate introvert. 

Waffles has a Pavoratti-esque singing voice. Katie's is soft and sweet. 

When it comes to trouble and mischief, Katie never gets caught. Waffles though, has his paws in and on everything. He can't get away with a thing.

Katie loves to twirl around on the steps, playing with her catnip pickle. Waffles loves to twirl around four feet in the air, chasing his wand toys and red dots. 

Waffles loves chicken. Katie prefers duck. 

And their girl couldn't possibly love them more.

How has YOUR cat matured? (or not!)
#KittenWeek Tidy Cats Giveaway

One lucky winner will receive a free product coupon for Tidy Cats LightWeight litter with TidyLock™ Protection. Just enter via Rafflecopter below and tell us how your cat has matured (or not!) over the years.

This post is sponsored by Tidy Cats® for Purina®. As a TidyInsider, we are being compensated for sharing our #KittenWeek memories, featuring Tidy Cats LightWeight Litter with TidyLock™ Protection and offering a giveaway to our readers. GLOGIRLY only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Tidy Cats is not responsible for the content of this article.


  1. It would take me a month to get into all five farm cats. Thanks for the kitten pictures of Katie and WAffles - they made me smile

  2. We've had two kittens before - Yumeko was found by my youngest daughter outside the dancewear store she worked at. We could never find an owner, so she became part of our family (and I reluctantly let my oldest daughter take her with her when she moved out a couple of years ago - at the time it was the best thing for both my daughter and for Yumeko). Yumeko was approximately four months old when we found her. Flash forward to February 2014, when daughter #2, who still lives at home, decided to adopt a kitten from a rescue just outside of Indianapolis. She named him Arata, and as I'm always saying, he "channels" Waffles. My older cat, Moko, hates every other cat she's met and Arata is no exception. However, Arata has never stopped trying to get her to play with him (even now, nearly three years later). We lost our old boy, Koneko, unexpectedly back in February of this year, and lost two of my beloved rescued Coonhounds (my sweet deaf girl, Ran, from an autoimmune disorder on 4/20/16 and my senior girl, Suki, exactly one year later). Three furbabies in just one year. I was having trouble dealing with it, and then on July 6th of this year, I found a tiny feral kitten in the neighbors' yard. Two other kittens were dead, so I scooped her up and brought her home. We ran out and bought kitten formula and bottles and I set to work bottle feeding her. I've watched her grow and develop. I was lucky enough to find one of her baby fangs (she had four double fangs for a few days - the baby ones hanging in until the adult fang was in far enough). I think you'd adore Kotoha. She's a mixture of gray tabby, ginger tabby, and white. I like to say she's a tabby calico. I can't wait to see how she continues to grow and change.

  3. Awww ... what a beautiful story ... and a gorgeous kitty. Up until he was 5, Bear was a terror ... I kid you not, it was like have a preschooler running around. Now he's calmed down a bit, but he's still the sweetheart he's always been too. He's Mr. Cuddly and Mr. "I have to be close to you." It's incredible how one tiny kitten can change everything :)

  4. Such a sweet story! Vashti (Siamese, almost 12) is the quiet introvert and Jonah (munchkin, 9 1/2) is the extrovert who would go home with anyone nice to him!

  5. Yang is like Waffles, we don't think he will ever grow up. The rest of us have matured very nicely. We don't even bother the Christmas Tree and the presents under it.

  6. I think Petey has matured nicely although he does have his moments.

  7. Tubby doesn't run around all crazy anymore and get into everything. He is still curious but, not so naughty. He loves to play and be looked at. Thanks for the chance.
    Sue B

  8. We adopted a feral that you couldn't get within 10' of ....who has slowly learned the ways of being civil and has transformed into a very socialized member of the household.

  9. I have no regrets about bringing home a cat instead of a kitten 13 years ago but I do wish that my sweet girl had been given a warm, loving home as a youngster instead of growing up on the street , forced to become a mother before her first birthday. Still, her kittens found good homes and she and I have spent 13 years getting to know and love each other. I don't think there could be a better story than ours.

  10. mom says that while Daiquiri has matured "some" she is like a perpetual kid and mom loves her that way....her sense of innate curiousity and wonder keeps mom hopping

  11. What a great story and a beautiful cat! My indoor cat Scooter is a senior we adopted a couple of years ago. I also have some feral kittens I take care of and they have really matured over the last few months and have went from scared and shy to loving and sweet.

  12. Thunder plays a little less and cuddles much, much more. I love to snuggle with him, so that is perfect. He was never a trouble maker like Waffles.

  13. George is so mellow now. He lets the kids poke at him and usually just walks (or runs) away. The only time he moves fast now is when there is a door open to the outside.

  14. And, we couldn't love each of them more either. You were all winners in this adoption/kitten post, and we're so happy it turned out this way.

  15. My cat is about as mature as when I got her, although she is more calm now.

  16. Kitten week in December? what an odd time..

    Love the artwork! that is precious

  17. My cat Jake apparently is never going to mature, he's 7 years old and still wild. EggNog, my 17 year old cat has always been mature, even as a kitten. She's very ladylike.

  18. My cats are the same as they were when they were youngin's. They are still playful and love the nip!

  19. One of my cats still acts like a kitten and while the other only slightly older cat has become less active.

  20. You had it made, Katie, until Thanksgiving a few years ago.

  21. Love the story of how you got your furbabies. I have a Waffles in my home too. My other furbaby is a Daddy's boy. He'll let me pet him when I feed him and only then. Doc is my boy. He will seek out Daddy when he's in trouble with Mom. Doc's 2 1/2 and Zeke is 1 1/2, so they're still sort of young kitties.

  22. Noodle is Noodle, what more can I say?
    Have a super weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  23. We've never had a kitten. My angel kitty brother Scribbles was two years old when Momma found him at the shelter and brought him home. My kitty sister Pigeon was about a year old when Grandma noticed her as a stray outside their house. She brought her to Momma's attention when Momma was visiting, and that was pretty much it!

  24. Katie was absolutely the best anniversary present!!! She's such a darling!

  25. Mom and I just LOVE that anniversary story. Two girls, perfect for each other.

  26. Most of my cats have done some maturing, my one exception is Bear. She's my first bottle-raised baby and she's a complete and utter hooligan, never sits still.

  27. LOL my cat is still a kitten but she's waaaay older than her years and very prissy!

  28. They all have their own personality!

  29. My cat Angel adopted us 11 years ago. She was a little bit of a thing back then with quite the attitude. She is still a little bit of a thing with an even worse attitude. She looks no different and I think that she will live forever. The only thing that has changed is she doesn't go out as much when it is really cold.


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