Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday Photohunt: Really?



Today's photohunt theme is no stranger to MY vocabulary. In fact I probably say *really* as much or more than *get your sticky pink nose out of my __________.*  Take your pick on how you'd like to fill in the blank. Really.

♥ ♥ ♥

Glogirly would like to say thank you so very much for all of your wonderful birthday wishes. She said we have the best friends and readers in the whole world and she hearts you BIG. I think you really took the edge off of the whole 50-thing.

In case you're late to the party, check out our Happy Birthday Giveaway. There's still time to enter!

Vote for GLOGIRLY & Support Minnesota's Feline Rescue, Inc.

We need your daily votes to help win $1000 for the very special kitties of our small hometown rescue shelter, Feline Rescue, Inc of St. Paul, Minnesota. With just a click, you can help make a difference for this amazing all-volunteer, no-kill shelter organization. 

Let's help one of the little guys making a BIG difference in the lives of homeless cats.

Please vote GLOGIRLY for Funniest Blog. And while you're at it, we've got a number of friends and fellow bloggers that are finalists in other categories. Each of them has selected an equally deserving shelter for their donations, should they win. 

Vote once daily through July 31. ♥ 


  1. Really Katie? You're gonna let him take over the blue chair?

  2. Really, I just adore both of you!

  3. Oh, REALLY, Waffles! You and your wayward nose. And paws.

  4. We REALLY hope you had an awesome birthday! W is looking more confident than ever. This could prove interesting for you know who.

  5. Really Waffles?!?! Give The Boss a little respect! We hope your mommy is celebrating all weekend!

  6. Love getting your blog posts in my email every morning. Really!

  7. YOu two just make mom's and my day!

  8. We think you're both really cute!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Really Waffles you need to keep your nose to yourself. Really dude. LOL.
    Sue B

  10. Great use of the theme in pictures today. Happy belated birthday to Glogirly!

  11. Really Katie are you just gonna let him lounge there?xx Speedy

  12. Sirriously, W2, that is UR blue chair. for realz.

  13. "Take your nose our of my _________________"
    Mom says she can't fill in the blank..... Something about the word being censured... Where is freedom of speech nowadays, huh?

  14. Mom says no one does "really" better than you Katie!

    We thinks you looks lovely, as always, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  15. hold your ground Katie...keep your paws rooted right where you want to be...give him no room to maneuver...paw pats, Savannah

  16. A belated happy birthday Glogirly! I can't believe I missed it.... i NEVER miss a chance to eat cake!

  17. Really adorable. Happy belated birthday Glogirly

  18. We thought we commented earlier but evidently not (Senile Saturday here. Mom is way older than GG).

    I am telling you, you guys need to campaign for a second blue chair.

  19. Katie, we REALLY think you are slipping Waffles is in your chair.

  20. You two really crack us up....REALLY!

  21. We really love you all. Really! :)

  22. So did GG get REALLY REALLY drunk at her birthday pawty or what? My peeps went to a block pawty tonight and TW overloaded on Pina coladas and both of them ate way too much food. They deserted me for 4 REALLY long hours. Anyway, you REALLY NEED TO GET RID OF W2. Na mean?

  23. MOL! Loved the two pictures of you guys!

    I AM late to the pawty due to having a human playing with cardboard boxes so... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to Glogirly!! And lots of purrs!


Thank you so much for your comment. We LOVE hearing from you!