Monday, June 15, 2020

Knock-Knock! Who's There???

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! Your 2:00 is here. 

KATIE:  My what???

WAFFLES:  Your 2:00. He's right here waiting outside the office door. Don't you have a meeting?

KATIE:  Uh, NO. Just like everyone else, we're working from home. So if some guy is showing up here for a meeting, he better go home and zoom us, or skype us, or something. 

MR. TWO O'CLOCK:  Zoom??? Skype??? What the heck does that mean? I'm here for snacks, not some zoomy-skypey thing.

KATIE:  Don't feed the interlopers, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  I think he likes me, Boss. Did you see his shoes?! 

MR. TWO O'CLOCK:  Shoes??? Who ARE these clowns?

WAFFLES:  Yup, he totally likes me.

We were all hanging out in the office today when all of a sudden, a young deer just walked right up to the door. He was super curious and was completely fascinated with us. He especially had eyes for Waffles. He must have stayed by the door for 30 minutes. If we had opened it, (which we NEVER would) he'd have walked right in.

Hopefully, Mr. Two O'Clock hasn't been given food by any humans, but we're afraid he maybe has considering how brave and tame he seemed to be. We have a very strict do-not-feed-the-wildlife rule here. Except for the hummingbirds. The sweet, sugar-water bar is always open for them.


  1. Wow, that was pretty amazing! It's a pity that people feed these critters, adorable as they are. It's not good for them to trust humans.

  2. it is ok to feed them during difficult time when food is hard to come by and to leave water for them when that is more difficult to come by,but you need to do it as a hands off way so the at means leaving it away from the house so they aren't encouraged to come close to the house.I feed the hedgehogs that come to my garden,Hedgehogs are in decline because of habitats destroyed and pesticides killing the bugs off that are their food.the only time I intervene with them physically is when they are sick,injured or if they are too small to survive hibernation in the winter.Last winter I had 2 juveniles one was sick and as weel as being too small and needed treatment and the other was to small and needed to be kept awake and feed all winter....pleased to say both were released back to the wild to carry on the next generation.and they both still come back every so often for a drink of water and a snack. xx Rachel Speedy's Mum

  3. Wow....he was very close. Waffles had quite the flirt

  4. Wow! That's amazing! A new Waffles admirer, he's pretty cute too. Purrs

  5. Wow! That deer came right up to your door! I have seen them in my backyard but never close up! Waffles, it looks like you have a new friend!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  6. Wow, he came right by!! How cool to see him so close.

  7. Wow, right up to the door. The ones that come through our yard sometimes are certainly not that fearless!

  8. Whoa! He's a cute guy. Waffles should have invited him in for afternoon tea! Believe it or not, we have seen deer here in da hood too right up the block from us!

  9. dood !!! nice hi paw two rudolph de 3rd !!!

    werd on de streetz iz... bee coz oh de vy ruzz, N peepulz stayin IN....wildlife iz startin ta show it self mor... we hada fox in de bak yard a few dayz ago !!! ☺☺♥♥

    we hope thiz dood finded hiz way home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  10. Mr. Two O'Clock just fell under Waffles's spell...just like the rest of us!

  11. Waffles what on earth did you say to that Vishus Deer to make him want to get your Pawtograph. We have some visit in the morning and they like Rumpy Bump best. Katie you look nonplussed

  12. Amazing ! It looks like you have a new friend, Waffles ! Purrs

  13. What gorgeous neighbors you have! I don't blame him for falling for Waffles, who doesn't?

  14. Wow! Waffles knows how to make friends.

  15. That is the coolest thing ever. :)

  16. He is a young deer, he is just checking things out!

  17. MR. TWO O'CLOCK sure did walk up to the right house. LOL!! Waffles knows how to make friends ever so quickly. Thanks for sharing. We always have a great laugh visiting your blog. Have fun.
    World of Animals

  18. That is some cool visitor! Thank you for your kind words about our sweet Zoe, we appreciate it.


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