Monday, April 6, 2020

Waffles IS Bubble Boy

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! Can you see me? How do I look?

KATIE:  Like Bubble Boy. Is that part of your new social distancing and quarantine strategy, Waffles? Because if it is...I like it. 

WAFFLES:  I know! I look handsome, don't I? 

KATIE:  Actually, I'm liking the fact that you're stuck inside that bubble. And I'm out here.

WAFFLES:  Ha, ha. Very funny, Boss. I'm not stuck inside a bubble.

KATIE:  Oh yeah?

WAFFLES:  OMG!!! I'm stuck inside a BUBBLE!!!

The Secret of Bubble Boy
While passing the time as we shelter at home, Gloman showed us his latest photography gadget, the Lensball. It's a baseball-sized sphere of crystal clear glass. It's made to be used with any camera. All you do is hold it in front of the lens, position it so you can see your subject inside the ball, and shoot. The image you see and the image your camera captures is actually upside down, so all of today's Lens Ball photos are flipped 180 degrees so they appear right side up.

It's super fun to play with!

WAFFLES:  I'm out! I'm out!

KATIE:  Yeah well, I liked you better when you were stuck inside the Lensball.

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  1. Now my human's all intrigued by this doohickey! (Her word, not mine.)

  2. That looks like a fun gadget for taking interesting photos!

  3. Mum says she has seen that before, but won't buy one. Stay healthy gang.

  4. Waffles, you remind me of something from "The Wizard of Oz"...

  5. Waffles, you are bubble kitty. You just are protecting yourself but Katie can always get her own bubble. Thanks for sharing this great post and photos. Have a fantastic day.
    World of Animals

  6. The mom wants to know if they make that bubble human size! ;)

  7. I SO want a Lensball. They looked so much fun when I saw them before * jealous * Waffles is looking super cool in his (although I bet Katie is a little bit disappointed..... ;-)

    I also had to go back and listen to Graceland......


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