Monday, January 6, 2020

Welcome to Mountain Cat Monday!

WAFFLES:  Hey, Boss! Santa Bob is KISSING me! I think he tastes a little like chicken. You should totally kiss him too.

KATIE:  Yeah, that would go against my no-kiss rule, Waffles. And about a million other rules. 

WAFFLES:  Fine. We're just going to talk about mountain man stuff. 

KATIE:  Mountain man stuff???

WAFFLES:  You know...flannel shirts, four-wheeling, and girls and stuff.

KATIE:  I predict a buffalo plaid shirt in your future. 

Christmas with Our Mountain Cat Neighbors!
The day after Christmas, we had a super fun surprise visit from our dear friends and neighbors, Bob and Jodie. They delivered some homemade treats for everyone to enjoy. And they delivered them in STYLE!

You may remember Bob from our mountain escapades we've shared in past blog posts. From four-wheeling to light fixture installation to snowy driveway rescues, and even cat sitting, Bob is the kind of guy who is always here for us when we need a hand or paw. He and Jodie are just a couple of reasons we love living here.

TOP:  Santa Bob and Elf Jodie
SECOND DOWN LEFT:  Bob, Jodie, & Francis the Mule
SECOND DOWN RIGHT:  Waffles and Santa Bob share a moment.
THIRD DOWN:  Francis the Mule and his bell.
BOTTOM:  Merry Mountain Christmas to all!
Special thanks to Gloman for his awesome photos of Santa Bob, Elf Jodie, and Waffles!

Mountain Cat Mondays - New Blogging Schedule 
Last week we announced we'll be changing our blogging schedule from three times a week to just one. Now, now...there'll be no crying into your egg nog. We'll be here every single Monday to get your week off to a fun and furry start. We'll also be here on special holidays too!

If you haven't already subscribed to our blog and don't want to miss a single meow, please feel free to sign up below. We don't share emails, never spam, and you'll only hear from us when we publish a new blog post.

We'll continue to share our blog posts on Facebook as well. 


  1. Santa Bob tastes like CHICKEN? Oh, Katie, Ashton doesn't know how you could pass that up!

  2. i'm always here to see you Waffles and Katie. I love seeing your neighbor Bob and that sweet kissy you shared.

  3. Your neighbors seem really nice (especially if they taste like CHICKEN!)

    The Florida Furkids

  4. We think a plaid shirt would look great on Waffles!

  5. Sounds like you have great neighbors! Waff might have to settle for a blue plaid shirt. Red clashes with his furz.

  6. That big red bell hanging off the back of his vehicle? I have the same one!

  7. Waffles, you don't care who you kiss do you?

  8. I'm glad you're comfortable with your Manhood Waffles! 😅
    At least I'll have you guys once a week!! I didn't lose you. Phew!

  9. Such wonderful photos for the holiday season. Waffles, we would love you in a buffalo plaid shirt. Good one, Katie. We hope you had a joyous holiday season. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  10. He looks like the right fellow to befriend Waffles. He can make it through the snow to deliver treats and noms

  11. Waffles, is there a human whom you DON'T love?!?
    What a delight, to have made friends like this; Bob and Jodie seem like really cool folks!


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