Sunday, February 26, 2023

Couch Cats

ELLIE:  Hey, Mr. Waffles. This blogging stuff is hard work, isn't it?

WAFFLES:  Zzzz. Hard. Very Hard. Zzzz.

ELLIE:  So what do you think we should blog about today? 

WAFFLES:  I don't know, Ellie. I'm kind of busy.

ELLIE:  We should come up with a funny story, Mr. Waffles. Will you tell me a story? Mr. Waffles???

WAFFLES:  Zzzz...

ELLIE:  Mr. Waffles, you keep saying the same thing over and over.

WAFFLES:  Zzzz???

ELLIE:  This coming up with funny stories is hard work, Mr. Waffles. And you're not really helping. You're just SLEEPING. Why do you keep sleeping so much?

WAFFLES:  Because I'm a cat? You really should try it.

ELLIE:  Try being a cat???

WAFFLES:  No, try sleeping. 

ELLIE:  Well....ok. I'll try.

ELLIE & WAFFLES:  Zzzzzzzz....

About Today's Photos

Glogirly was trapped over the weekend. Trapped on the sofa with her laptop and two cuddling cats. In other words, a PURRfect day. 


  1. Best thing Ellie join Waffles purrfect dreams.xxπŸ˜πŸ’—πŸˆ‍⬛🐾

  2. Good day to sleep here too. Rain, not snow and a few rumbles of thunder.

  3. Gawd, when they put their wee noggins together like that, I have to learn to whisper my SQUEE, instead of yelling it out loud!

  4. Ellie has such a 'loving you' look in that first picture!!
    Being 'trapped' like that is a good thing...

  5. That is a puuuurrrrfect day!πŸ’žπŸ’ž

  6. My thanks to The Glocats for giving me such a precious picture


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